Super Soldier Chapter 1452: Chasing

Xiao Bing clenched his fists, and Hidetoshi Tsukada on the side was trembling with anger, and said loudly: “This is an extermination of humanity. They are really cruel. Such cruel people shouldn’t From being in this world.”

“No, General Hidetoshi Tsukada, you should see that these two people are not normal humans at all, but Su Nian Wuzun has a pair of big wings.”

“Yes, they are not humans.” Hidetoshi Tsukada frowned and said to himself: “Why do I think this person’s image is so familiar? It’s a pity that I can’t see what he looks like.”

Xiao Bing secretly said in his heart, isn’t he the Su Niao Wu Zun, one of the three gods of your country R? In fact, the name Su Niao Wu Zun is not so common. There is a more famous Su Niao Wu Zun. The name, this name is Susano!

He himself is one of the three major gods of the R country, but unfortunately because of indiscriminate killing of innocents, he finally has the title of devil, and he is even intolerable by other gods.

In country R, ​​his image is a bit complicated. On the one hand, he is a protoss. In mythology, he is close to the creation god. He is the son of the creation **** Izanaki, but he kills innocent people indiscriminately. , The appearance is ugly, and it is called a demon, so whether it is a demon or a **** lies in the idea of ​​the people of R country, and it is between the people of R country.

But according to his level of bloodthirsty, even if he is a god, he is a demon by nature, so there is nothing wrong with calling him a demon.

And at this moment, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, but a ninja wearing a ninja suit from the country R and an officer wearing a special uniform from the country R came in. Hidetoshi Tsukada saw this The two hurriedly greeted them.

One of the two men is the leader of the ninja army, called Zhongban Masayama, and the other is the leader of the R country’s special forces, called Hemu Qinglang, both of which have reached the realm of Gang Jin peak.

After the two of them came in, they asked about the situation. Although Hidetoshi Tsukada had the rank of major general, he was still inferior in front of the two men and hurriedly explained the situation.

He Mu Qinglang glanced at Xiao Bing and Gao Fei, and Tsukada Xiujun hurriedly said: “Oh, these two are Xiao Bingjun, and this one is…”

Goofy said coldly: “Goofy.”

“Oh, Gao Feijun.”

“Hmm.” Hemu Qinglang said, “You two are the ones above who asked us to cooperate?”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: “Probably so.”

Hemu Qinglang said: “Of course we will work hard to complete the higher-level instructions, but I have to make it clear here first. After all, you are a foreigner. If there are any excessive instructions, I forgive us. It’s hard to live.”

Xiao Bing laughed and said: “I will not be subject to military orders. We have had this in China. Don’t worry. Actually, I can’t use you. The most important thing is to help me find those two. The whereabouts of the individual, leave the rest to me.”

“Give it to you?” Hemu Qinglang frowned and said: “Your strength is indeed very strong. I have heard that you have fought against Tokugawa Honnishi, and you have not lost the wind, but you should know What opponent are you facing this time?”

Tsukata Hidetoshi hurriedly asked on the side: “What opponent? Who is that winged monster? I don’t know yet!”

Hemu Qinglang said: “This matter must be highly confidential, but it is not a secret, but try not to publicize it on a large scale. There are two people who did it twice, and many times before. They probably did the destruction of the village as well. One of the two people was Toyotomi Ieyasu, the former lord of the Martial God Hall of Country R.”

Xiujun Tsukada became impatient when he saw that what Hemu Qinglang said was what he knew, and asked, “Where is the other person?”

“Another person, he is really scary. You must have heard of Suzuowuzun in the mythical period, right?”

Xiujun Tsukada was stunned for a moment: “Suzuki Uzun?”

“Yes, it’s Susano!”

How wonderful is the expression of Hidetoshi Tsukada’s expression: “Susano? Isn’t that the main **** in the myth? It is the existence of the slaying Yaki Orochi. What does it have to do with him?”

Hemu Qinglang sighed and said: “The other person is Susano! It is also Suzuo Wuzun. These two names are originally the same person.”

Xiujun Tsukada was about to vomit blood, and shook his head vigorously, “No, it’s impossible. It’s a myth, and it’s not a real thing. What’s more, even if this **** has really appeared, it has been so many years. Thousands of years have passed, how could he still live in this world? This is completely impossible!”

Hemu Qinglang said: “More than you think it’s impossible, even I can’t believe it, but according to judgment, the weapon he used is the magical weapon used by Su Nian Wuzun, “Heaven Congyun Sword”, according to the rumors. The sword was obtained after he killed the Yaqi Orochi, and it was even more powerful than the ten-fist sword he had used.”

Tsukata Hidetoshi’s face became dumbfounded: “Impossible, I still think it is impossible.”

Xiao Bing intervened beside him: “Didn’t you just see the pair of wings on his back?”

Thinking of the pair of wings, Hidetoshi Tsukada was a little bit convinced, yes, how could a normal human being have wings behind? This is totally unrealistic!

It’s just that this incident simply shattered his three views, making him almost collapsed, which was beyond his imagination.

Hemu Qinglang sighed and said: “Now you know what opponent we are facing, right?”

Hemu Qinglang ignored Tsukada Hidetoshi, who was still in shock, turned his head to look at Xiao Bing, and said: “I admit that your strength is very strong, far surpassing me, even the entire R It is difficult to surpass you in the theory of nationalism and single-handed combat. The level of breaking the void can definitely be regarded as a strong person who is rare in the world, but this time you have to face the existence of such a myth. , No matter how strong you are, can it be better than the lord **** in the myth? So I think you should not act rashly this time. It is best to have some tacit cooperation with us, and it is possible to give him to him with our multi-faceted cooperation. Take it down.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said, “Don’t worry, but this time I will definitely be the main force. Just remember to cooperate with me.”

Seeing that I have already spoken to this point, Xiao Bing is still so proud and stubborn. He Mu Qinglang has a little dissatisfaction in his heart, and he secretly said in his heart that you should go arrogant, even if it is broken. Void-level powerhouse, but the legendary main **** is breaking the void. According to the rumors, I am afraid that he has reached the heavenly sovereign or even the saint. Wouldn’t you be pinched to death in a few seconds?

At this time, Hidetoshi Tsukada finally came over, and said with a wry smile: “It turns out that it is such an existence. Now I finally know why the above asked you to come and help. But, can people fight with the gods…”

Xiao Bing said: “Gods are nothing more than stronger human beings. Their strength is also exhausted. For example, every time they commit a crime, they choose to escape. If they are really that powerful If they can completely ignore human beings, why should they escape?”

Originally, Hidetoshi Tsukada collapsed when he learned about the person he was going to face this time, but when he heard Xiao Bing say this, he immediately gained a little more confidence. Yes, if I really can’t face it, why did the other party run away?

Hemu Qinglang said next to him: “My people have already started to search for carpets, so be sure to find those two people!”

Country R dispatched troops, special forces, ninjas, and helicopters. In addition, some masters from other countries who have coveted artifacts also entered the forest, while Xiao Bing was in the command center. , Be sure to know the specific location of Su Miao Wu Zun for the first time.

After a few hours, it was getting late, and news suddenly came from the command center, and a horrified cry came from there: “I saw, I saw him…”

In addition to this person’s shout, there are many screams over there. The command center director Hidetoshi Tsukada immediately shouted: “Hurry up and find his specific location!”

The person in the command center immediately began to locate the person speaking and found the specific location of the person speaking. The specific location began to appear on the screen, and at this moment, the person in the microphone also made a scream, and then The voice over there began to stop.

Xiao Bing dashed out of the door and shouted: “Let’s go!”

Goofy followed closely The two people swept wildly in the direction of positioning.

The speed of the two people soared to the extreme, Xiao Bing said loudly: “You will carry out a sneak attack for a while, and I will attack him head-on.”

Goofy said calmly: “I can only kill people.”

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly and said: “Sneak attack and then kill him, right?”

Goofy was silent, but there was a fiery light burning in his pupils.

The two people quickly reached the place where those people were just now, but they saw that the ground was full of dead bodies, blood everywhere, and all the dead on the ground were soldiers. Besides, there were two Xiao Bings who hadn’t seen it. Westerners who have ever died here too, it is estimated that they have just played against each other.

Xiao Bing’s pupils contracted slightly, and his eyes followed the two **** footprints. Xiao Bing and Gao Fei chased in the same direction.

The more the two chased forward, the more they were frightened, but they saw dead bodies everywhere along the way. Apparently, many people were chasing Suzuo and Toyotomi Ieyasu just now, but they basically chased them all the way. They died all the way, most of them were from the R country, and a few were from foreign countries. When Xiao Bing and Gao Fei reached the end, the two couldn’t help but look at each other, and they couldn’t help but rise in each other’s hearts. A bit upset, but seeing that at this moment the two people are standing on a high slope, and below is a turbulent river. No one knows where the river flows, and the cliff in front is far from Xiao Bing. There was a distance of more than a hundred meters where I was standing, and it was impossible for humans to leap over.

Gao Fei said coldly: “Did they jump into the river?”

“No.” Xiao Bing shook his head and said solemnly, “They are on the other side.”

“Yes.” Goofy reacted: “They can fly!”

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