Super Soldier Chapter 1235: 1 liter and then rise

“Tell the teeth from the tiger’s mouth?” Xu Shao glanced at Ding Yang, then said with a smile, “What a big little thing, since the class wants to fight for his proud students, then give him this opportunity, Ding Chu After all, the director still works under the hands of the class. This person is not easy to provoke. Even if he faces the class, he is a little bit jealous. So Director Ding should keep a low profile recently.”

Ding Yang asked: “Did you swallow this breath?”

Xu Shao smiled and said: “Life is like a chess. Today I was taken a **** and I will find it back tomorrow. In the end, it doesn’t depend on whose **** crosses the river more, nor does it depend on who can take the opponent’s pawn. , After all, you still have to eat the opponent’s veteran to win.”

Ding Yang sighed: “I don’t have the attitude of Xu Shao you. Otherwise, why are you the Fourth Master of Kyoto, and I am a director.”

Xu Shao smiled and said: “You are a bit self-effacing, whether you are in Kyoto or looking at the whole country, your status and status are not low. How many people are worried about your position as a director? Are those local mayors and other officials who have to be cautious when they see you?”

Xu Shao’s remarks didn’t mean to praise Ding Yang at all, but to seek truth from facts, such as Ding Yang’s special responsibility for political defense tasks, such as some large-scale opening ceremonies, closing ceremonies, or large-scale domestic And international conferences, these all have his participation. Basically, Ding Yang has many opportunities to contact the big heads of the country. With this special position, who dares to provoke Ding Yang?

“Let’s go, go in for a drink!”

Xu Shao patted Ding Yang on the shoulder and walked towards the hall. Ding Yang sighed and followed behind Xu Shao. Even though Ding Yang had been in officialdom for so many years, he would be much older than Xu Shao. , But Xu Shao showed a kind of leadership and demeanor in front of Ding Yang.

People who can tame Ding Yang’s level are rare in China!

After eating and drinking, Xiao Bing and these people are basically familiar. Although these colleagues in the National Security Bureau are all within the system, they are in contrast to those who have served as soldiers with the feeling of Xiao Bing. They are still very topical, and their personalities are similar to each other.

When they left, Zhang Yanyan and Xiao Bing hooked up their backs and whispered, “Ding Yang, you should pay attention to it in the future. He has a special identity and can get in touch with some of the big guys above. Any small report, if you encounter any trouble, please tell my sister at any time.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: “Then thank Sister Yanyan in advance.”

Zhang Yanyan patted Xiao Bing on the shoulder, and smiled: “Thank you, you are the protégé protégé of the class, and that is your own person. Sister should help you out!”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: “Sister Yanyan, I will invite you to dinner when I have time.”

“Okay, you can go to my sister’s house when you have time. My sister invites you to drink.”

Xiao Bing then greeted several other department chiefs and officials at all levels one by one. Xiao Bing is no stranger to this kind of scene. After all, Xiao Bing also came out of the state department back then. Long Although Ya said that it was different from the general state departments and lacked the intrigue, but Xiao Bing would also contact and deal with other departments, so he would not be unfamiliar with it.

After drinking, Old Ban took Xiao Bing and went with him. The others immediately said hello to Xiao Bing and Old Ban, and then they all said goodbye.

Xiao Bing returned to Lao Ban’s residence and stayed for one night. After breakfast the next morning, Lao Ban asked: “Those people you recommended should also come?”

“They should be here today.” Xiao Bing asked, “Then this newly established department is going to be announced to the public?”

“It must be announced. I have handed it over to the Director of the External Propaganda Department to handle this matter. In addition to the announcement, the National Security Bureau will send people to notify the various ancient Wushu schools.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: “The ancient martial arts faction is really upset.”

“Of course they are upset, Dingwu Office, what is Dingwu? Putting down the Guwumen faction, stabilizing the Guwumen faction, and fixing the Guwumen faction, no matter which one means, they will definitely be upset, but this round is not It’s up to them.” Old Ban sneered, “Guwumen faction is also a member of China. If they accept the constraints of the state, then everything can be done. If they want to break away from the country’s control and do harm to the world, then the country will treat them. There will never be any affection.”

Xiao Bing gave a hum.

Lao Ban said in a serious tone: “For these ancient martial arts schools, the country’s idea is that they can not move. After all, they have been continued from ancient times to the present. Think about these people who have far-reaching Significance, even the ancient culture of China that is about to disappear, so if it can be continued, it is naturally good, but the premise is not to threaten the country and the people.”

Xiao Bing asked: “What does our Dingwu office do in normal times?”

Lao Ban said: “The reason why these Guwumen sects become a threat to the country and cause harm to the society is because they do not understand the law and do not abide by the law. Therefore, we must rely on you to popularize them in the future. The law is up, and they can gather their people regularly to hold a legal training class and so on, so that they understand and abide by the laws of the country.”

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly and said: “You really put me on the fire, so what kind of training class do you let these unruly warriors participate in?”

The old class patted Xiao Bing on the shoulder and said with a smile: “Of course this is difficult. If it is not difficult, you don’t have to give it to you, but even if they are rebellious, they still dare not leave the country behind. In my eyes, so if you popularize the law in the name of the country, even if they are reluctant, they will not go against you.”

“Okay, this is good for the country after all, then I will go.”

“Haha, this matter is not in a hurry, wait for the future, but you can plan it, don’t forget it then. Let’s go, I’ll take you to your office.”

For the Dingwu office that was organized this time, the National Security Bureau and the country can’t be said to be distracted. The country alone renovated an office building not far from the National Security Bureau, and it also brought a large yard. And there are soldiers standing guard outside the yard, and there is also a team of soldiers patrolling in the yard.

When the car drove outside the iron gate, Xiao Bing was surprised: “This is my office location?”

“Yes, it’s still magnificent, isn’t it?” Old Ban said with a smile, “There is also a special office for you in the National Security Bureau. You can work at the office or go to the office of the National Security Bureau. “

Seeing that Lao Ban’s car stopped, the iron gate was immediately opened. The two soldiers standing guard at the door immediately saluted and watched Lao Ban’s car drive in.

When Xiao Bing and others got out of the car, there was already a ten-man squad of soldiers standing in the courtyard of the office building at this time, and there were a few others that Xiao Bing didn’t know.

Old Ban said with a smile: “Come and meet, this is your director Xiao Bing.”

These people immediately shouted in unison: “Hello Director Xiao!”

Lao Ban said with a smile: “You all introduce from me.”

The captain of the ten-man squad stood up, saluted a standard military salute, and said loudly: “Report to Director Xiao, I’m Zhao Chengzhi, the head of the office security team. Our security team has 24 people. On weekdays, There are two people standing guard at the door, ten people patrolling the yard, every twelve people have a shift, the black and white shift goes back and forth, and the 24-hour guard is on guard.”

Xiao Bing returned a military salute and said in a serious tone: “You have worked hard, take the time to submit all the lists of your twenty-four people.”

“Yes, the chief!”

A middle-aged man next to him stepped forward and said respectfully: “Director Xiao, when you were not here, I was in charge of the logistics department here, mainly in charge of the cafeteria and some office facilities. Now that you are here, who is in charge of the logistics department will be re-arranged by you in the future.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said, “What do you do if you change someone? From now on, you will be in charge of logistics here, and be my logistics director. Oh, by the way, what is your name?”

“Director Xiao, my name is Zhang Jin.”

“Okay, you will be responsible for the logistics here in the future.”

At this time, the old class picked up the phone next to him. After Xiao Bing finished the conversation, the old class hung up and said with excitement: “Xiao Bing, don’t say that the director is not the director, let me tell A great thing for you.”

“Oh?” Xiao Bing asked with a smile, “What makes you so excited?”

The old class smiled and said: “Just after the above meeting and research, in order to show respect for this department, the highest-level head of our office has been changed to director, so you can’t call Director Xiao in the future, you should. Chief Xiao is now.”

“Director?” Xiao Bing smiled, “Okay, I used to be the captain, now I am the director. Anyway, as long as I can serve the country, I can do anything.”

Lao Ban patted Xiao Bing on the shoulder, and smiled: “I like your free and easy character, and I just said that everyone here is appointed by you, and the returnees are here. Afterwards you can arrange all positions, the country will not interfere, but you must finally draw up a list and submit it.”

After Xiao Bing listened, his face was solemn, and he knew that this was the absolute trust that Shang faced him, and then Xiao Bing changed his mind to why the attitude towards himself suddenly became more enthusiastic in the blink of an eye. Isn’t there any mystery in this? Xiao Bing remembered the scene in the meeting room yesterday. When Ding Yang faced his own scene, he suddenly thought of the possibility that Xu Shao’s power was indeed very great, but it also caused some people above. Attention, so after seeing Xu Shao’s people tit-for-tat with him, the above deliberately doubled their support.

Anyway, it’s a good thing. It’s a great deal to open the door to yourself, especially to let you appoint the returnees at will. This is simply a great right. In other departments, don’t look at some people as directors, bureau chiefs, etc., but if a person is placed in an important position, it is not necessarily the top leader. The position is too high. Reported, but now the country has given itself the right to appoint, this authority is a bit larger, and even more important than the position of the director.

Xiao Bing said with a serious face: “Don’t worry, old class, I will definitely start this office thoroughly!”

Xiao Bing said solemnly: “Longya was in your hands to glory, I believe it can be done here, I believe you.”

At this time, Xiao Bing’s cell phone also rang. Xiao Bing took a look and smiled: “The homecoming bird is here!”

ps: Thank you Leo Griffin for your reward, g13770203885 for your reward, and wish all book friends a happy weekend. To watch late-night welfare movies, please follow the WeChat public account: okdytt

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