Super God Gene Chapter 713: Stand up

Looking at Han Sen who stood up slowly again, many people seemed to have something surging in their chests, making their chests uncomfortable. w.DD.N.uDD.

And the look in the eyes of the Son of Light looking at Han Sen, has lost the previous contempt, replaced by a trace of solemnity, and it was only at this moment that he regarded Han Sen as his true opponent.

“From now on, I will treat you as an enemy. If you quit now, it is too late, otherwise my enemy will not be able to live in this world.” The Son of Light looked at Han Sen and said.

Without any answer, Han Sen punched him directly.

The figure of the Son of Light finally moved, and the whole person was still like a light, flashing in front of Han Sen in an instant, and the arcs of white light crisscrossed and slashed on Han Sen’s body.

“Ah!” Han Sen’s body was slashed into the air, and blood splashed on the dark purple armor, like a bright red peony blooming in the air.


Han Sen’s body fell heavily on the fighting platform. The platform was already silent. The power and invincibility of the Son of Light shocked them.

But in their hearts, there is still that little hope.

“Stand up!” People shouted in their hearts, but they didn’t dare to actually shout it out, because the hope was too humble and too difficult to realize, and they couldn’t even say it.

It’s like a match lit in a hurricane. They hope that the match will burn, but they are afraid that as soon as they make a sound, the match will be blown out by themselves.

But even if they didn’t make a sound, they knew very well in their hearts that in such a hurricane, how could that small flame continue to burn, and I’m afraid it would be wiped out by the strong wind immediately.

Han Sen is not a small flame, so he stood up again. There were several cracks on the dark purple armor, which was seeping blood, but Han Sen’s body was still straight.

Fist, slammed into the Son of Light again.

The Son of Light snorted coldly, and moved again, and the blazing white light kept slashing on Han Sen’s body, bringing up blood flowers one after another.

Han Sen tried his best to dodge, but the speed of the Son of Light was so fast that he couldn’t see clearly and couldn’t dodge. Han Sen was knocked down again and again, stood up again and again, again and again He was hit, and the scars on the armor were criss-crossed, and it was no longer known how many there were.

The dark purple armor was dyed red with blood, revealing a purple-red color.

“Don’t fight anymore, just give up.” There are soft-hearted women, tears have flowed down, can’t help covering their mouths and screaming, they don’t want to continue like this when they see gold coins, don’t want to see gold coins beaten to death.

Han Sen couldn’t hear their voices, even if he heard them, he would ignore them. His appearance looked miserable, but in fact it wasn’t as serious as it seemed.

If he had been replaced with ordinary armor, he would have already died. Under so many terrifying slashes, the armor could no longer withstand the collapse.

But the ant king’s armor itself has a strong recovery ability, and Hansen simulated the magic ant king’s breath circulation technique to cooperate with it. collapse.

The damage he suffered in front of him had healed in the next few attacks, so Han Sen was able to stand up again and again. Otherwise, without the protection of the Demon Ant King’s armor, he would have been dismembered by the Son of Light. .

Han Sen was knocked down again and again, and he got up again and again and waved his fist at the Son of Light, although he never touched a corner of the Son of Light from beginning to end.

But this is not Han Sen’s reckless move. The Son of Light’s speed is too fast. He can’t keep up with the speed of the Son of Light, nor can he stop his attack, let alone defeat the Son of Light.

So Han Sen must be able to grasp the attack trajectory of the Son of Light, and only if he can touch the Son of Light can he defeat the Son of Light.

The layout technique of Yitianshu can predict and judge the opponent’s shot trajectory and react in advance, just like dodging bullets. It is too late to wait for the opponent to shoot and then dodge. Get out of the way so you can have a chance.

The techniques of the Cave Profound Sutra can be done just as well, or even better.

But because the Son of Light’s speed was too fast, he couldn’t even see how the Son of Light raised his hand, let alone dodge.

So what Han Sen has to do now is to clearly grasp the movement trajectory of the Son of Light.

With other people, under such a gap, it is definitely impossible to do this, but Han Sen has a mysterious aura. From just now until now, he has been using the mysterious aura to observe the Son of Light. The technique of air circulation.

A person does not move, Qi moves first, and the circulation of breath in the body of the Son of Light will not deceive people. As long as Han Sen can master his breath circulation technique, he can predict the trajectory of his shot in advance, and he can make first step response.

“Come on, give me a little more time.” In the non-stop battle, the aura of the Son of Light has gradually appeared in front of him, making him more and more able to predict the trajectory of the Son of Light’s actions. .

But the humans watching the battle saw that Han Sen was knocked down again and again and stood up again and again. His armor was dyed red with blood, and many people felt that their chests were about to explode.


Han Sen was once again slashed by a blazing white light, his head hit the ground, and a stone ditch several tens of centimeters deep and several meters long was pulled out on the ground, and everyone who saw it trembled.

Actually, this blow was no different to Han Sen than the previous attack. It was not fatal to him, but his neck was twisted a bit. Han Sen was not able to get up immediately, but twisted his neck.

However, Han Sen’s action fell into the eyes of the watching, but many people’s spiritual defenses were suddenly defeated.

In their opinion, Han Sen has been beaten to the point of being unable to stand up. His body has been deformed and twisted by the beating. He looks like he is about to be beaten to death, but he still insists on struggling to stand up. Continue to fight, what a terrible and precious fighting spirit.

Even some people who originally disliked gold coins couldn’t help but feel their blood boil.

“God b, stand up!” I don’t know who called out first, and almost all the people in the human shelter were roaring.

Whether they are humble or not, whether they can be heard by the gold coins, or even it seems that the gold coins are about to die, but they just want to shout, and they just want to be able to see the gold coins and stand up again, as if As long as you stand up again, there will be hope.

Han Sen naturally couldn’t hear their voices, just moved his neck, felt better, and then stood up, but this action fell in the eyes of the people outside, but it seemed like gold coins obeyed their shouts, Encouraged by them, they really got up, making them indescribably excited and moved, because they were too excited, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

Even the empress who hated Han Sen to death could not help but feel a little excited when she saw this scene. She clenched her fists tightly. Although she didn’t shout out, she was hoping for something.

“God b!” Fang Mingquan was also watching the battle, but he usually made a lot of witty words when hosting the show, but at this time he couldn’t think of any more words, just shouted these two words with all his strength.

The Son of Light, who is as powerful as a god, has an imperceptible panic in his eyes at this time, because he has already realized that Han Sen’s armor is repairing itself quickly.

What’s even scarier is that he has never been able to hit the same wound twice in a row. 8

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