Super God Gene Chapter 3352: Bronze Chamber

The little white mouse burrowed into the beard of the evil god, and the beards of the evil **** all around were scattered in confusion. Only then did Han Sen see that there was a hole as thick as a bucket in the beard of the evil god. The densely packed Evil God’s beards can’t be seen.

Seeing that the guinea pig had already got into the hole, the beards of the evil gods tended to close together. Han Sen quickly followed, but as soon as his body got halfway through the hole, the beards of the evil gods tangled up and bound him. legs.

Han Sen knew that it was useless to struggle, so he used the method of pretending to be dead again, preparing to wait for the evil god’s whiskers to loosen before he got in.

There seems to be no Evil God’s beard in the cave, so don’t worry.

Han Sen was pretending to be dead, but he felt something stepped on the top of his head, and then heard the creaking sound, which was made by the guinea pig.

As soon as the sound was heard, Han Sen felt his legs loosen, and he regained his freedom. He no longer hesitated, and hurriedly got into the hole.

The mouse also jumped down from the top of his head, four little paws flying, and his little **** twitched forward.

Han Sen followed the guinea pig to swim inside. This hole is very rugged, it looks like it was dug out by some animal, and it doesn’t look like a man-made space.

Suddenly, the guinea pig swimming in front suddenly disappeared, as if teleportation disappeared.

Han Sen was wondering where the guinea pig went when his body sank and he fell directly.


Han Sen only felt that his **** was stabbed by something sharp, and he jumped up in pain, and then realized that this was a bronze-cast secret room with a lot of bones scattered in the secret room.

Where he fell, he was aimed at a sharp bone that stuck in his butt.

Han Sen pulled the bone and threw it on the ground. He saw that the mouse was walking around the wall of the bronze chamber, and he didn’t know what he was doing.

Han Sen carefully looked at the secret room and found that there is no door at all, only a hole in the ceiling above his head. From the hole, there are water ripples outside, which is where Han Sen came.

In the secret room, there is only that pile of bones, and nothing else.

Han Sen carefully looked at the pile of bones, and muttered to himself: “Look at the structure of those bones, it should not be a humanoid creature, it should be a quadruped beast. corpse, then how could it die here?”

Take a bone and pick apart the piles of bones to see if I can find anything useful.

After pulling for a while, Han Sen suddenly heard a clanging sound, like a metal sound, completely different from the sound of bones colliding.

Han Sen hurriedly pulled a few more times, and sure enough, he saw a piece of metal-like material exposed inside the bone, with a rust-red color, like an iron rod covered with rust.

Han Sen pulled out the rusted iron rod, only to find out that it was not an iron rod, but an iron scabbard, just because it had been rusted for too long, it was all red The color of rust, the original color of the scabbard can no longer be seen.

However, the scabbard is quite heavy. Han Sen used the scabbard as a stick, and tugged at the pile of bones for a while, but found nothing.

“Why is there a scabbard in this pile of bones? What kind of creatures do these bones belong to?” Han Sen was wondering when he heard a creaking sound.

I turned my head and looked over, and saw the little white mouse squeaking something in a corner of the bronze secret room, and its little **** was twisting from time to time.

Han Sen walked to the mouse and looked inside, and saw that it was biting the bronze pillar in the corner of the palace with its teeth. The pillar was bitten off by a hole the size of an apple, and the mouse was still continuing. bite.

Looking through the hole that the mouse bit through, I found that the bronze pillar was actually hollow. After being bitten by the mouse, there was a black-purple liquid flowing out from it, like a stove The oil pollution accumulated over the years is normal.

Han Sen smelled a foul odor at the tip of his nose. It was obviously emanating from the black and purple liquids. The mice seemed to be unable to stand the stench of those liquids. the place, staring at the hole it bit through with small eyes.

The foul-smelling liquid was still flowing from the hole. Han Sen covered his nose and watched for a while, and suddenly his face changed, as if he had guessed what the liquid was.

“Could it be that these liquids are the fermented and decomposed substances of the corpse?” Han Sen looked at the black-purple liquids with a strange look, and the more he looked, the more he felt like them.

In Alliance parlance, the liquid formed after the corpse melts is called corpse oil.

It’s just that Han Sen doesn’t know what kind of creature’s body these corpse oils belong to, and how can they die in the bronze pillar, but one thing is certain, this place is very dangerous.

Come on!

Following the liquid, something seemed to flow out, stuck in the inner wall of the bronze column, and could not roll out immediately.

Han Sen picked up a piece of bone and poked it into the hole a few times. After a while, he saw something falling out of the hole along the foul-smelling liquid.

Han Sen pulled the thing out of the black-purple liquid. Before he could see what it was, a sound had already sounded in his mind: “Discovering the Boundary-Breaking Gene.”

“There is still a world-breaking gene. So, the creature that died in the bronze pillar should be a world-breaking creature?” Han Sen was secretly took the thing out of the liquid After wiping it clean, I saw that it was a crystal-like tear-shaped gene that broke the world.

Han Sen stabbed the hole several times with his bones, letting all the black and purple liquid inside flow out, and there was nothing else to gain.

And when there was no more liquid flowing from it, the little white mouse ran over again and went in through the hole.

“Brother, you can get in, but I can’t.” Han Sen said with a bit of dejection as he looked at the fist-sized hole.

Originally, Han Sen thought that the guinea pig should not understand him, but who knew that the guinea pig’s head soon came out of the hole, staring at him with big eyes, and two beams suddenly shot out from the eyes, It fell on Han Sen.

The next wonderful thing, Han Sen only felt that the hole in front of him was rapidly enlarged. After a while, it turned into a big hole as tall as one person.

But when Han Sen looked around, everything in the bronze secret room became bigger, and he immediately understood that it wasn’t the hole that got bigger, but the light beam in the mouse’s eyes that made him smaller, and he couldn’t help but feel in his heart. More and more surprised.

The mouse turned around and climbed into the hole again. This time, Han Sen didn’t say any more nonsense. He followed behind the mouse and climbed in. The stench inside the bronze column was very strong. Han Sen could only hold his nose and follow him. behind the guinea pig.

The inside of the bronze pillar actually has a circle of inner spiral patterns. One person and one mouse climbed up the spiral patterns, making Han Sen stained with a lot of black and purple liquid.

When he climbed to the top of the bronze pillar, Han Sen discovered that the bronze pillars and bronze beams in the entire bronze secret room were all central, forming a vein extending in all directions. .

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