Super God Gene Chapter 3287: Promise reversal

“Use your power to help me put out the flames on my body, or break the half candle.” Han Sen said to Zhao Ning’er.

Zhao Ning’er turned into a crested qin without saying a word. The strings of the qin were always, and the magical sound of asking the heart rushed toward half of the candle, but the powerful sound of the qin passed through the candle and the candle, and there was no way Have any effect on Mirror Moon.

Instead, it was Han Sen, because his strength was already very weak, and he was affected by some piano sounds.

“Don’t move!” Han Sen called out immediately. With just one blow, he can be sure that Zhao Ning’er’s voice of asking the heart is also useless to the candle, and it will be harmful to him if it continues.

Heavenly God’s Crown was also taken out by Han Sen, using the identity of the God of Wealth to teleport directly back to the temple.

In just an instant, Han Sen immediately teleported back and took off the Heavenly God Crown.

The candle almost burned the Temple of Fortune. If Han Sen didn’t leave quickly, he would have ended up destroying the temple.

The same kind of things are basically useless, they are all thrown on the ground by Han Sen, but when Han Sen pulls out the same thing, his palm pauses.

Han Sen took out a strange genetic egg. The gene was half black and half white. There was a white ball like egg yolk in the black, and there was a black ball in the white. It was the Promise Egg that Han Sen got before. .

Han Sen took out a lot of things before, and even the Inch Grey Sword didn’t react at all to the candlelight, but this Promise Egg, after coming into contact with the candlelight, produced a throbbing.

Han Sen can clearly feel that the inside of the Wuji Egg is beating like a heart, and the Tai Chi pattern formed by black and white is gradually accelerating its rotation.

Han Sen is like a drowning person who grabbed the last straw, holding the Promise Egg without moving, hoping to use the Promise Egg to find a ray of life.

Although Wuji Egg reacted, it was not able to relieve Han Sen’s predicament. The Taiji pattern slowly rotated, and did not fight against the candlelight, nor did it absorb the candlelight.

Han Sen injected his own power into the Promise Egg, and the inside of the Promise Egg was still so boundless, even the power of the Super Spiritual Body could not make it respond at all.

What’s more, Han Sen is extremely weak now, and the power of the super spirit body is much weaker than before.

“Anyway, if it goes on like this, it’s a dead end, let’s just leave it to fate.” Han Sen swallowed the Wuji Egg in one bite and placed it in his belly.

Originally, Han Sen didn’t have any hope, but he didn’t want to do anything, just waiting to be burned to death.

But when the Wuji Egg entered the body, Wuji Chaos suddenly exuded a strange force that instantly spread all over Han Sen’s body.

With the Wuji Egg as the center, the power of the super spirit body was subverted by the power of the Wuji Egg, and turned from blazing white to a golden color, just like the rising sun.

Han Sen is very familiar with this kind of golden power. The blonde Qin Wan’er has shown it many times. This kind of power and Han Sen’s super spirit body are mutually reinforcing, and it is the power of the anti-god spirit body.

Han Sen’s power was reversed by the Promise Egg and turned into the power of the anti-god spirit body. The blazing white super spirit body was gradually replaced by gold, and it became brighter and brighter.

The super spirit body that was originally rejected by the rules of the universe was transformed into an anti-god spirit body, and it was no longer suppressed by the rules of the universe, making Han Sen’s body feel much more relaxed.

“The Promise Egg can actually reverse the power of the super spirit body?” Han Sen was surprised and delighted.

Han Sen now understands why those people will be unlucky after getting the Promise Eggs. The body of ordinary humans cannot bear the pressure of being rejected by the universe after the power reversal.

Even if you don’t directly swallow the Promise Egg like Han Sen, but only take the Promise Egg to be affected by it and be repelled by the rules of the universe, it’s normal to encounter bad luck often.

Although the Promise Egg is not just that simple, from the fact that it can reverse the power, we know how evil it is.

“What kind of person is Wuwei Daozu? Is the Wuji Egg really something he had when he was born?” Han Sen wondered.

The anti-god spirit body is obviously different from the super spirit body, and they are two extremes at all.

The super spirit body is a kind of gentle power. While spiritualizing Han Sen’s body, it gives Han Sen the ability to be invulnerable and will hardly be hurt by any force.

There are not many forces in the universe that can hurt the super spirit body, and it is even more difficult to completely destroy the super spirit body.

The anti-god body is completely different. Han Sen can feel the power of the anti-god body has a suction, making Han Sen’s body like a vortex.

The Mirror Moon candle that originally wrapped him was sucked into the anti-god spirit body, and even the half candle on his forehead was sucked in together.

Jingyue was sucked into Han Sen’s brain, and the candle was still burning inside, and Han Sen’s entire body was also filled with the candle.

Han Sen was like a burning man before, but now he is like a human-shaped glass bottle with flames burning inside.

This made Han Sen even more painful. Although the Anti-God Spirit Body devoured Jingyue and Candlelight, it couldn’t digest it. It was still being burned and melted by Candlelight, and the speed of the ablation became faster.

“Even if the super spirit body is changed to the anti-god spirit body, but the amount has not changed, it is still difficult to fight against Jingyue’s candlelight.” Han Sen was slightly disappointed, the anti-god spirit body still couldn’t save his life.

When Han Sen was disappointed, Wuji Egg actually changed again. The power that had been transformed into the anti-god spirit body was transformed into the power of the super spirit body again.

Han Sen’s golden god-like body quickly turned into a blazing white color. The only difference is that the mirror moon and candlelight are still burning within his body.

Zhao Ning’er and Zhao Qiuyi stared at Han Sen in a and didn’t know what was going on right now. They only saw Han Sen turn white and turn golden.

Han Sen feels that he is about to be ruined by the Promise Egg. This guy can reverse his power at will, as if reversing the yin and yang of the universe is just a matter of hand for it. It will make Han Sen’s super spirit reverse for a while, and then turn forward again. Players keep rotating, as if playing roulette.

But Han Sen was miserable. His body was seriously injured, and his strength was severely weakened. After being burned by the candle for so long, he was about to die.

At this time, being played like this by Wuji Egg is like asking Han Sen’s old order, making his resistance weaker and weaker.

The existence of Promise Egg not only failed to help Han Sen, but made his situation even more dangerous.

However, in this extremely dangerous situation, Han Sen saw a silver lining.

“If the super spirit body can break through the world, maybe I still have a chance…” Although the Wuji Egg messed up Han Sen’s power and made Han Sen care about one thing and another, it also made Han Sen feel the anti-god spirit body. Strength and reversal method, this is undoubtedly an opportunity for him.

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