Super God Gene Chapter 3141: Broken line

Han Sen rubbed it with his hand, and the black line seemed to be under the skin and could not be rubbed off.

“Bo’er has it on her neck too.” The bald head pointed at Bo’er again and called out.

Han Sen frowned slightly, glanced at Bao’er’s snow-white neck, and sure enough there was a black line.

In fact, it wasn’t just BoA, they soon discovered that a black line appeared on the necks of the four people at no time.

Li Bingyu’s face was a little ugly: “If I’m not mistaken, this black line is very similar to the legendary broken line.”

“What is a broken head?” Both Han Sen and the bald head looked at Li Bingyu.

“Baldhead, you are Master Wei’s disciple. You should have heard of the legend of Tian Kuang, the doctor of Qi, right?” Li Bingyu didn’t answer, but looked at Baldhead and said.

“I heard that 300 years ago, Master Tian of Qi State was famous all over the world, and he dug up an incredible amount of divine veins. His fame at that time was still higher than that of my mentor today. It can be said that He was the number one master who was famous in the Seven Kingdoms at that time.” The bald head paused, looked at Li Bingyu and said, “There are many legendary stories in the life of Master Tian, ​​which one are you talking about?”

“It’s the last one.” Li Bingyu said.

The bald head was slightly stunned: “The last one, is it possible that it is said that in the legend, Master Tian took a group of trusted disciples to dig a large vein, but he never returned, and there has been no news since then, and none of the hundreds of disciples have reappeared in the world. the one?”

“Yes, that’s the one.” Li Bingyu nodded.

“Then what is there to say, Master Tian found a hidden divine vein and summoned most of his disciples to dig the divine vein together, but he never returned.” The bald head looked at Li Bingyu suspiciously, I don’t know what she meant by bringing this up.

Li Bingyu said with a wry smile: “This is just one version of the legend, and I have heard of another version. It is said that after Tian Dafuzi brought hundreds of disciples to the divine vein, he dug for the divine vein overnight, and the result was The soil there is very strange and dark, making it difficult to excavate. It took seven days and seven nights to dig down less than three meters, but at this moment, they dug a piece of blue stone tile there.”

The bald head has never heard of the follow-up legend, and like Han Sen, he pricked up his ears and listened to Li Bingyu’s story.

Li Bingyu continued: “Tian Dafuzi and all the disciples are very strange, the place where they dug the divine veins is an inanimate planet, how can there be stone tiles? So they continued to dig down, and soon They found that there was a dilapidated building in the ground, and the broken wall was buried underground for some reason. With four words – Temple of the Beheaded.”

When the bald head heard this, he said with some disbelief: “The temples are immortal and immortal. Even the invincible powerhouses of the Seven Kingdoms cannot destroy them. How could they become broken walls? And buried in the ground? Is this a prank?”

“Master Tian and the others thought so at the time, and there were no gods in the temple, so they also thought it was just a temple imitated by predecessors. Besides, the location of the divine vein was just below the temple of the decapitated head. The only option is to dismantle the temple, and then continue to dig down. But on the second day after they dismantled the decapitated temple, a thin black line appeared on everyone’s neck.” Li Bingyu said here, The sound has changed a bit.

The bald head shivered subconsciously and reached out to touch his neck.

Li Bingyu continued: “The black line is neither painful nor itchy, and there is no abnormal condition. Master Tian can’t see the clue, and it is difficult to remove it after thinking a lot. The terrible thing is there. It happened the next day. Several disciples had their heads cut off in their sleep, and the cut marks completely overlapped with the black line on his neck. Since then, anyone who fell asleep would be unknowingly cut off. I cut off my head unconsciously.”

“Master Tian asked many disciples to stare at a disciple to sleep, and that disciple didn’t dare to sleep at first, but after all, people are people, no matter how strong they are, they must sleep, and finally they couldn’t bear it and fell asleep, so those Staring at his disciple, he saw a strange and bizarre scene. After the disciple fell asleep, the black line on his neck suddenly broke, as if someone had cut it off with a knife and axe, and blood suddenly flowed. But the disciples who are in charge of supervision have not seen any creatures.”

“Master Tian exhausted all his means, but couldn’t find the cause of the black line. In the end, he had no choice but to anesthetize a disciple who couldn’t support it, and then directly peeled off the human skin on his neck in order to break it. The skin is self-defense. But who knew that the black line not only existed on the skin, but also penetrated deep into the flesh and bones. It was useless to just peel off the human skin. In the end, the disciple was cut off after falling asleep. “

“In this way, as long as someone falls asleep, he will break his head and die. How can a person not sleep? No matter how powerful a human being, he can stay awake for ten days and a half months, and can be forcibly supported for one month or two months. , but it’s impossible not to sleep all the As long as they fall asleep, they can’t escape death. In the end, Master Tian and his disciples all survived, all of them were decapitated and died, the black line on the neck , which is also known as the broken line.”

The bald head shuddered and said with a forced smile: “You are just a legend, if Master Tian and the others are really dead, then who passed down this story and the legend of the cutting thread? What’s more, we haven’t dug up any decapitation temple at all? The black line on our neck is not the decapitation line at all.”

“I hope not, but this is too similar to the legendary broken head.” Li Bingyu said solemnly, without any intention of joking.

Han Sen frowned slightly and said: “The dead air riders have not been decapitated before, nor have they heard of black lines on their necks.”

“That’s right, we haven’t dug the temple, and we haven’t demolished the temple. How can we provoke the God of Severed Heads.” He said so, but the bald head’s voice trembled a little, and his hands kept rubbing his neck. The black line on the top, but I can’t rub it off.

Han Sen naturally doesn’t believe in legends such as retribution. Obviously, this is some kind of power at work, but this kind of power can actually make him and Bao’er recruit together, which is a bit unusual.

Li Bingyu sighed softly: “Even if it’s not a broken thread, I’m afraid there will be a big trouble, otherwise the bald rhinoceros will not be able to react at all.”

“No matter what, let’s go back first and let my master take a look. Maybe the old man knows what this black line is.” The bald head swallowed and said.

While he was talking, the bald head suddenly screamed and covered his neck with his hands. He saw blood oozing out of the black line above his neck.

“I’m going, doesn’t it mean that I will break my head when I fall asleep?” The bald head covered his burning neck, and said in a terrified and miserable voice.

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