Super God Gene Chapter 2976: Beyond God

“You know Xiaohua?” Han Sen frowned at the Emperor.

Xiaohua was snatched away by the old cat a long time ago, and has been trapped in the sanctuary. No outsiders have seen him except once in the battle of the gene spectrum.

But the Emperor knows Xiaohua, and he knows Xiaohua so well. In addition, the Nine Lives Blood Cat itself is the sacred animal and symbol of the Blood Life Religion. This has to make Han Sen have a lot of associations.

The Emperor looked at Han Sen with a strange look: “You want to know about my relationship with the old cat?”

Han Sen didn’t speak, just nodded slightly.

Ren Di laughed at himself: “Seriously, like you, I should be considered a loser who was abandoned by the old cat.”

“I don’t understand what you mean,” Han Sen said.

“The old cat is the guardian of the sanctuary. Without its help, do you think the Crystal Clan could escape into the Sanctuary?” The Emperor said indifferently, “I even doubt that the Crystal Clan could obtain Qin Xiu. A drop of blood, even escaping into the shelter, and doing so much research, all of this has the shadow of the old cat or Qin Xiu in it, in order to be able to choose Qin Xiu’s successor. “

Speaking of this, the Emperor looked at Han Sen before continuing: “And you and I are just the failed products that the old cat secretly observed and cultivated and finally gave up. Only your son Xiaohua can really get the old man. With the approval of the cat, he became Qin Xiu’s successor.”

Han Sen understood the meaning of the emperor. In short, the emperor, like him, was a person who had received attention and help from the old cat, but was not selected in the end.

The Emperor narrowed his eyes and looked at Han Sen, and said with a half-smile: “Don’t think it’s a good thing to be Qin Xiu’s heir, in fact it’s the opposite, if Qin Xiu dares to choose my son as his successor I will do everything possible to tear him to pieces, even uproot all his powers.”

Ren Emperor’s remarks won Han Sen’s heart, but he still wanted to know why Ren Emperor thought so, so he asked: “Why?”

“Snatch my son, and let my son die. This reason is enough for me to kill his whole family a thousand times ten thousand times.” The Emperor said lightly.

“You mean that Qin Xiu’s plan cannot be successful?” Han Sen pondered, and he heard the meaning of the words.

“If he could succeed, the Sanctuary would not be what it is today.” The Emperor glanced at Han Sen: “Didn’t you get the Qilin Holy Spirit made by Qin Xiu? What do you think of the Qilin Holy Spirit’s power?”

“Very strong,” Han Sen said.

“Really?” The smile on the Emperor’s face became even stronger: “Then use the unicorn holy spirit you think is very strong to deliver your strongest blow to me, and let me see what Qin Xiu left behind. How strong is something?”

“If that’s the case, I’ll be offended.” Han Sen pulled out the sword of karma and summoned the Kirin Holy Spirit to attach to it.

The Kirin Holy Spirit can only be attached to weapons, no matter what kind of weapon it is, but it must be a weapon.

Han Sen wants to know how strong the Emperor is, so he has no reason to refuse this request of the Emperor, and he also knows that the reason why the Emperor makes such a request is to measure him, so Han Sen’s refusal didn’t help either.

Han Sen stared at the Emperor, and the holy light on the knife became stronger and stronger, swaying like a magic flame.

The Emperor was still sitting on the throne, looking at Han Sen and the knife in his hand with interest.

“Offended…” Han Sen slashed down towards the Emperor with a knife. The light of the knife was like an aurora that divided the world, and he instantly slashed in front of the Emperor.


The emperor did not move, and even the expression on his face remained the same, and he was still sitting there, but one of his hands did not know when it appeared under the blade, the **** and the index finger were clamped. Han Sen’s karma knife, the terrifying light of the knife has already shattered under his slender and powerful fingers.

Han Sen’s face changed slightly. Although he had room for this knife and didn’t use all his strength, he also had seven points of strength. Coupled with the terrifying power of the Kirin Holy Spirit, this knife could kill the top true **** aliens, but it Even the power of the Emperor’s **** is no match for him.

The Emperor loosened his fingers, looked at Han Sen and said, “Your heart is too soft, if it were me, the knife just now would use all my strength.”

After speaking, without waiting for Han Sen to reply, the Emperor said again: “How do you think my strength is?”

“Very strong.” Han Sen can only use these two words to describe, because he really can’t see how strong the Emperor is.

“My current strength is far less than that of Qin Xiu back then. What Qin Xiu did not do back then, do you think that even Qin Xiu himself can do it with the Holy Spirit, who doesn’t know whether to fail or succeed?” In the end, the heir he wants to choose is nothing but an idle boy, a guinea pig for testing.” The Emperor said disdainfully.

“Wait a minute, why is your power…” Han Sen felt that the power of the human emperor clearly surpassed the true **** level, and he felt that it was not weaker than the instant goddess.

“Why is my power stronger than the true **** level?” The Emperor looked at Han Sen with a smile: “You should be able to think of the answer, because Qin Xiu, also known as the blue blood gene, so we humans can surpass all others. Above the sky, it has the capital to compete with the gods. If you want, I can also make you a member of the blue blood. If it is you, you can definitely become stronger, far stronger than the current one, and maybe surpass Perhaps even above Qin Xiu back Sen was silent, silently rejecting the Emperor’s proposal. Although the proposal seemed very tempting, Han Sen still had a lot of things he couldn’t figure out.

If the power of the blue blood gene was really that powerful, Qin Xiu would not be defeated.

Looking at it from another angle, if Qin Xiu believes that his bloodline is enough to defeat the gods, why doesn’t he continue his bloodline?

Even if he was infertile, with the technological level of the Sanctuary at the time, it would not be difficult for Qin Xiu to get some genetic clones out.

There must be some reason why Qin Xiu didn’t do that.

“You came to me, don’t you just want to tell me these secrets? What can I do for you?” Han Sen still doesn’t know the purpose of the Emperor looking for him.

“You don’t need to do anything for me, you are human, and your children are all human. So, my child, whether you want it or not, you can only go to the opposite of the gods like me, spontaneously. Do what you and I have to do, without my request.” The Emperor said lightly.

Han Sen still doesn’t understand, just because Qin Xiu wanted to destroy the shrine and kill the gods, so the gods must wipe out Qin Xiu’s bloodline?

There seems to be no problem with this logic, but Han Sen still vaguely feels that there is something wrong, but he can’t say what is wrong.

“I asked you to come this time, just to remind you that my child, Qin Xiu is not trustworthy, and what he left behind cannot be used as a basis to continue to maintain your identity as a crystal clan, no matter under any circumstances, Don’t let outsiders know that you are human, only in this way can you live longer and have more opportunities.” The Emperor’s expression was serious.

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