Super God Gene Chapter 2421: Stoneman

When Han Sen came to the monitoring room, Mrs. Jing, Hong Yun and Ye Feng were all staring at the screen and looking at the stone.

The stone is locked in a warehouse alone, and no one is guarding the warehouse at present, because as soon as a creature approaches the stone, something strange happens.

It is unheard of for a deified-level powerhouse to fall to a king overnight.

Even Hongyun herself didn’t know how she fell, she was completely uninjured, and she couldn’t feel any power in her body, as if she just slept and then returned to before liberation.

Although there are all kinds of realms and feelings after being promoted to deification, but the power has degenerated to the king level, which is simply incomprehensible.

Han Sen probably knew about this. When he looked at Hongyun, he paid special attention to it. He found that Hongyun’s vitality had decreased a lot. , The vitality of her body can be clearly seen, it is indeed only the king level, and the vitality is already weaker than that of fallen leaves.

“What do you think?” Mrs. Jing motioned Han Sen to look at the stone.

Han Sen carefully looked at the stones on the screen. There was no big difference from the stones here. They were all black stones, about as tall as a person, but the shape of the stone looked like a standing stone man.

But it’s only a bit similar in shape, without facial features, and the limbs are not disconnected from the body.

Han Sen is very clear that it cannot be artificially carved, and there is no artificial trace on it.

Even the words on the stone man seem to be naturally generated, and no traces of carving can be seen.

Han Sen looked at it for a while, but didn’t see any problems. He didn’t know any of those words. It wasn’t any of the words he’d seen before, and it wasn’t like Emperor Wen, who could directly understand its meaning.

“If you only look at the video, you won’t see anything.” Han Sen replied.

“Do you want to go to the warehouse to have a look?” Mrs. Jing asked while looking at Han Sen.

“You can’t see the problem, let alone if I go.” Han Sen said quickly, he has no interest in taking risks.

Even the deified powerhouses were knocked down to the king level overnight. Han Sen didn’t want his newly promoted king level to be knocked back again.

Han Sen’s answer did not surprise Mrs. Jing, Mrs. Jing pondered for a moment before continuing: “The news has been sent back to the Emperor’s Kingdom, the emperor asked us to leave it here temporarily and find out What is it?”

This is not beyond Han Sen’s expectations. If you don’t know what it is, it will be shipped back to the Royal Family. In case no one can handle it, the deification of the Royal Family will be knocked down. Wang level, the fun is really big.

Yefeng said: “Now we don’t know how big its influence range is. We can only find some other creatures to do experiments to determine its influence range and ability.”

“Sixteen, haven’t you always wanted to work? You are responsible for this matter,” said Mrs. Jing.

“Me?” Han Sen was slightly startled. This matter is not dangerous. Even if he wants to test, it is impossible for him to go into battle in person. He will only select a group of workers to do the test.

Mrs. Jing would actually leave this matter to him, which surprised Han Sen.

“Any questions?” Mrs. Mirror asked.

“No problem, how can I solve it with manpower?” Han Sen asked.

“You go to choose among the workers. The staff is very tight at present. You can only choose ten dukes at most, and the marquis can also give you ten.” Mrs. Jing said.

“Okay.” Han Sen agreed.

“Then it’s decided, go to work, I’ll wait for your good news.” Mrs. Jing said with a smile.

“Madam, please rest assured, I will not disappoint you.” Han Sen replied.

After Han Sen left, Ye Feng said: “Madam, is it appropriate to leave this matter to His Royal Highness the Sixteenth Prince? If something happens to him, I’m afraid we won’t be able to explain it to the emperor after we go back.”

“I have my own measure. Now that there is a problem with Hongyun’s body, I can only rely on you in the stone field. Keep an eye on it.” Mrs. Jing said.

Han Sen went to the quarry to select people, and Ning Yue was selected by the way. Although it was an experiment, there was a difference between dangerous and non-dangerous.

Because to determine the impact range of the stone, of course, the closer the stone is, the greater the danger. Han Sen intends to arrange Ning Yue at the farthest position from the stone to avoid him being affected by the stone.

If the outermost areas will be affected, then the entire base should be affected, so it doesn’t matter if they are experimenters or not.

Han Sen acted very quickly, dividing the twenty nobles into ten groups, a marquis and a duke, and leaving them in ten different positions.

The group closest to the stone is in the warehouse, and the other group is outside the warehouse door. A group of people is arranged at intervals. Ning Yue is arranged by Han Sen at the outermost periphery.

Han Sen’s job is to observe and record the changes in the ten groups of people every day. The people responsible for the records are all internal members of Chunyu.

It’s only been one night, and the group closest to the stone has a problem, but it’s the opposite of Hongyun’s situation. Not only did they not get knocked down, but they were promoted by one level.

The marquis was promoted to the duke rank, and the duke was promoted to the king rank.

Although it is not as shocking as Hongyun being knocked down from the king level, it is also very surprising, because no one knows whether it can continue to improve the level of the king level creature, and if it can raise the king level to deification , then it really changed.

Even if you can’t continue to improve, it would be very abnormal to be able to directly upgrade the duke to the king If this ability can be used stably, and there are no side effects, Han Sen can imagine forming an army of king level powerhouses horrific scene.

Han Sen did not let the two promoted creatures withdraw, and still let them stay in the warehouse and wait to see if they have any follow-up changes.

On the third day, the two creatures in the warehouse did not change, and the second group outside the warehouse was also affected. Like the first group, they were also promoted.

Since the discovery of this stone, all creatures who have touched it have been promoted by one level, only Red Cloud has been knocked down.

Han Sen asks and observes the ten groups of people every day. When he took the opportunity to exchange a few words with Ning Yue secretly, what made Han Sen feel cold is that Ning Yue is really becoming more and more feminine. It’s just his body, and even his personality has been changed.

Han Sen could hardly believe that it turned out to be the Ning Yue he knew, the Ning Yue who used to be calm, but now she is as sensual as a woman.

“I was influenced by that sword.” Han Sen couldn’t forget the expression on Ning Yue’s face when she said this. It was like a young woman whose husband died just after getting married. The expression was desperate and helpless, even a little bit delicate and charming.

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