Super God Gene Chapter 2275: Blood Plunder

Han Sen was shocked: “There is a stone statue of a human emperor in the Ghost Bone City. There is a genetic technique that is in the same vein as “Blood Fate Nerve”. What is the relationship between the human emperor or the Blood Fate Religion and the Holy Master? “

Han Sen couldn’t understand for a while, but the genetic technique of the blood red haze inside the beads made Han Sen very happy.

Han Sen has always felt that the bloodline life nerve is very weak in combat, and it can really be called the top, that is, the bloodline genetic ability.

But looking at the genetic technique recorded in the beads, Han Sen saw another possibility of the blood and life nerves.

Although the gene technique and the blood and life nerves recorded in the beads belong to the same vein, they are not the same, just like the leaves and flowers on a plant, which are also born from the rhizomes, but completely different.

If the blood and life nerves are flowers, then the genetic technique recorded in this bead is leaves.

The mission of the flower is to bear fruit, while the leaf exists to breathe.

It sounds wonderful, but in fact it is a very cruel genetic technique. The genetic technique recorded in the beads can forcibly plunder the blood of other creatures for its own use.

With a single blow, the opponent’s bloodline is directly plundered and used as the nourishment of his own bloodline, but the opponent will become a low-level creature due to the loss of bloodline power.

Speaking of which, this genetic technique is similar to the Sanctuary’s rules, both plundering other creatures to strengthen themselves.

It’s just that this genetic technique is more direct, just like the dragon eight that Han Sen fought with before. Han Sen wants his golden dragon body, and he only needs to use this genetic technique to plunder his bloodline, and then he can Make yourself have a golden dragon body, which is simply and directly outrageous.

If this kind of genetic technique is disclosed in the universe, I am afraid that it will immediately make Han Sen a public enemy of all races. No race will sit by and watch the blood of its own race being plundered and possessed by other races.

Han Sen secretly wrote down this “Bloodline Plundering Technique”, and swore that he would never let others know that he knew this genetic technique, otherwise he would become a street rat.

Because of the bloodline and vital nerves as the basis, the “Bloodline Plundering Technique” does not need to be re-cultivated at all, and can be used directly. What is lacking is only proficiency. The two are born in the same vein.


After Han Sen recorded all the “Bloodline Plundering”, he directly crushed the cyan bead. This thing is definitely a disaster to keep around, and it is best to destroy it directly without leaving any traces.

But the moment the blue beads were crushed, the **** haze inside penetrated into Han Sen’s fingers, and penetrated into Han Sen’s blood along the blood vessels of the fingers.

Han Sen wanted to stop it, but found that it didn’t work at all, because the power of the bloodline life nerve and the blood-colored haze came from the same source, and in an instant, they were already blended together, and they were no longer separated from each other.

At the same time, the bloodline plundering technique also started automatically, and the smoothness was as if it had been practiced hundreds of millions of times.

“The person who left this thing is really scary. The person who gets the bead will definitely destroy it. The **** haze inside is prepared for the practice of “Bloodline Plundering”. Even if the person who gets the bead does not practice it. After passing “Bloodline and Life Nerve”, you can also quickly practice “Bloodline Plundering Technique”.” Han Sen was secretly shocked, the person who designed all this has already penetrated the hearts of the people. But it’s all within his calculations.

“However, this means that the person who prepared the beads did not think that the person who got the beads would practice “Bloodline Life Nerve”. It shouldn’t be something that the Blood Life Religion prepared for his own people. Is it really just the Holy Master doing it at will? Besides, does it have nothing to do with the Blood Fate Religion?” Han Sen pondered to himself.

Mr. Bai and Duan Gui led the way, and Han Sen followed behind with the blood unicorn.

Mr. Bai is indeed extraordinary. Han Sen followed him with almost no danger. After passing through more than 100 palaces, he came to a node again.

But when they entered this node, they were all stunned.

I saw a big hole in the center of the circular palace. If this node is the same as the first node, then there should be a stone statue there.

Mr. Bai’s face changed slightly: “Someone came here before us, and also destroyed the hall.”

Mr. Bai walked quickly to the side of the broken hole, Han Sen and Convinced also followed, and stood beside him and looked under the broken hole, only to see that there was a huge natural cave below.

The cracked stone floor and a stone statue fell to the bottom of the cave. The stone statue has been broken into several pieces. As they guessed, there was a stone statue here, but it has now been destroyed.

“I’ll go down and have a look.” Han Sen was curious, not knowing who came here one step ahead of them, and broke one of the palaces and stone statues.

Han Sen rushed down cautiously, looking at the cave first, and found that there were at least three natural stone caves around the cave that could lead to other places.

Mr. Bai and Deng Gui also came down. Mr. Bai walked to the pile of stone statues and observed them carefully. After a while, he said: “The stone statues are broken, and the things that were supposed to be here are gone. I don’t know who got them. Are there any stone statues? We have no way of knowing any messages.”

“What should we do now? Should we continue to follow the original plan, or should we go and see where these caves lead?” Han Sen asked, staring at the caves.


There was a strange sound of rumbling and rumbling from the The whole cave was shaking like thunder, and the eardrums were about to be shattered.

“It is too risky to enter the cave. We will continue to move forward according to the original plan. If someone is one step ahead of us, even if he gets the treasure of the Holy Lord, he can only go back the same way. We still have a chance.” Mr. Bai His face was a little unsightly, and he got up and flew out of the pothole.

Han Sen glanced at the broken stone statue with the Purple Butterfly Divine Eye Mirror, and found nothing else. He glanced at the caves where the thunder was still heard, and followed Mr. Bai back to the hall.

Maybe it was because he found that someone had already taken the lead. Mr. Bai’s calculation speed was much faster, and it seemed that he wanted to catch up with the guy who took the lead.

In the next few halls, Han Sen and the others found traces of people passing by.

However, Mr. Bai soon discovered that the guy didn’t seem to know the real route. He seemed to be trying one light door after another, making mistakes several times in the middle, and strayed into some dangerous palaces, but in the end they all failed. Back on the right path.

“That guy doesn’t know the correct route to the treasure, but he was able to walk all the way through this test, which shows that his strength is very strong, and he has been here for a long time.” Mr. Bai said with a frown.

“Impossible, the tree hole here was locked before entering. Without the stone flake key in Han Sen’s hand, how did he get in?” Convenience said suspiciously.

Mr. Bai shook his head and didn’t say anything, obviously he couldn’t figure out the problem. Han Sen didn’t say anything, just followed Mr. Bai. When they reached the third node, it was more than an hour faster than the previous two times.

Carefully entered the third node, but the sight of the sight surprised Han Sen. After seeing the situation in front of him, Han Sen’s eyes widened and he almost cried out.

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