Super God Gene Chapter 2080: Blue and gold monster

“No, run away!” Han Sen shouted, calling Little Angel, Zero and Han Meng’er to quickly get away from the square and those metal monsters.

Although I only swept the aura of Dongxuan, I could already feel from the aura on them that they were full of negative emotions such as destruction, killing, bloodthirsty, etc.

And those metal monsters exude aura, the weakest seems to be close to the Marquis level, and there are also very powerful existences, which makes Han Sen secretly shocked.

Han Menger and the other three are not slow. Although they are only Earl-level, their speed is comparable to that of ordinary Marquis-level, but it is much slower than Han Sen.

“Where are the creatures, dare to spread wild in the narrowness of my moon?” Yehe King snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, and suddenly saw a black galaxy-like force rushing towards those metal monsters, and he was about to kill them. All the blue metal monsters are submerged in it.


In the group of metal monsters, a blue light flashed, and a monster with a metal above its head that lacked blue light rushed out, punching the water of Yehe Wang Xinghe, and the blue fist slammed hard. The water of the galaxy shattered.

“King level!” Yehe King’s expression condensed.

At this moment, several monsters with blue light flashing above their heads rushed out, obviously all of them were king-level existences.

Many princes and nobles in Yuezhixiao have changed their colors. King Moon Lun is still in charge of the excavation work, and has not returned to Yuezhixiao. There are also several kings who have their own affairs, but none of them are in Yuezhixiao.

In addition to the Night River King and the Black Moon King, the only remaining kings in Moon Narrows are the Shadow King and Isa.

Almost at the moment when the battle started, the Shadow King and Isa also came to the battlefield. Isa slashed with the knife in her hand, and a vicious beast roared towards a king-level blue metal monster.

The blue metal monster gave a strange cry, and his fists blasted out blue fists, colliding with Isa’s absolute power.

Click! Click!

The blue fist was suddenly smashed by the power of the fangs, and the sword slashed on the blue metal monster, slashing the monster into space, and a long line was also torn from the chest. The knife mark, but it seems that there is no blood in its body, and nothing flows out.

Being able to withstand Isa’s death is already amazing. Isa frowned slightly, and was about to slash out again, but suddenly saw a blue light flashing in the metal monster group, and one of the whole body was glowing with blue light, as if blue. The diamond-like monster had already arrived in front of her, and the blue fist slammed directly over it.

Isa snorted coldly, and slashed the past with one move. Unlike Hansen’s tooth knife, Isa’s tooth knife was more pure. When the knife was cut out, the purple knife aura disappeared and appeared like a demon. Biting on the blue fist.


After the two forces collided, they exploded almost at the same time, creating a space fragmentation that sucked everything in the vicinity.

“Half-step deification?” Everyone was shocked when they saw that the blue-lighted monster didn’t lose in the head-to-head confrontation with Isa.

There is no room for them to think too much, because countless blue metal monsters have already rushed over, and everyone is caught in a hard fight. Those blue metal monsters directly flutter their wings and fly into space, spreading to other planets. The flames of war have been raging for an entire month.

A blue metal monster rushed towards Han Sen and the others. Han Menger directly summoned a bow and arrow, and a cold light shot out, directly piercing the blue metal monster’s eyes.


The cold light arrow exploded, directly shattering both sides of the metal monster’s head, but the blue metal monster still waved its fist and slammed down with a blue fist.

Little Angel, one holding a bone knife and the other holding a feather sword, met the blue metal monster’s fist with a knife and a sword, blocked the fist abruptly, and gave the blue metal monster’s arms to the chopped down.

“A few of them are really more terrifying than each other. They are only earl-level, and they can easily fight with marquis-level monsters.” Han Sen was a little happy.

But the monster that had half of its head blown off and its arms cut off, still rushed over and swept over with a terrifying blue light on one leg.

Han Sen slashed out of the ghost tooth knife in his hand, directly splitting its body in half. Even so, the blue metal monster struggled on the ground for a while before it stopped moving.

“Hunting the marquis-level xenogeneic blue-gold worms and discovering xenogeneic genes.”

The hint of hunting sounded in Han Sen’s mind. Almost at the same time, Han Sen saw an egg-sized irregular blue crystal in his brain.

Pick the blue crystal into my hand, and more blue-gold worms have rushed over from behind, and there are sounds of killing everywhere.

If the enemy came from outside Yuezhizhan, you could rely on Yuezhizhan’s defense project to resist. Even if the king-level and half-step deification came, it would not be so easy to rush in.

But now the blue-gold worm has broken through the narrowness of the moon from the inside, causing the entire narrowness of the moon to fall into passive chaos.

Those low-level nobles have no ability to resist the attack of the blue-gold worms, and Isa and several kings are also entangled by their The whole moon is in chaos.

“How could this be…” Ye Wuhuan stared blankly at the apocalyptic battlefield, unable to believe what he saw.

In just a few minutes, a small number of the narrow citizens of the moon have been killed by the blue-and-gold worm. The sound of collapse and explosions is everywhere, intertwined with the cries and screams, making people feel Heart trembling to hear.

“Victor… That **** of Victor…” Ye Wuhuan gritted his teeth, trying to find Victor who gave him the image of his palm, but he couldn’t see the figure of Victor at all, it was a The blue-gold demon worm charged towards him screaming.

“What do we do now?”

“Go back to the eclipse star first, and try to keep the base. Although there are many blue-gold worms, they should not be enough to shake the foundation of the narrowness of the moon. We just need to keep the base and wait until the Moon King and the others come back. It’s gone.” Han Sen let out a long whistle, and suddenly saw the little stars rushing over like a flowing galaxy.

Several people jumped on Xiaoxing’s back. Xiaoxing directly activated the ability to shuttle through the sea of ​​stars, and took Han Sen and the others into space and returned to the eclipse star.

Several blue-gold devil bugs rushed over, and Little Xingxing’s body passed directly through their bodies. As long as it was material, it could not stop Little Xingxing’s ability to travel through the sea of ​​stars.

Although there are a lot of blue-gold worms, it seems that there are not many scattered in such a large space as the entire moon. There are no blue-gold worms here at Eclipse. After Hansen returned to the base, he immediately let everyone All entered a state of preparation, and all the fortifications of the base were opened.

Xiao Yinyin followed Han Sen and the others, ready to fight at any time.


A blue-gold worm broke through the atmosphere and flew into the eclipse star, but instead of rushing towards the base, it rushed towards a mountain, where there seemed to be a group of alien species.

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