Super God Gene Chapter 1913: I’m not alone

On a planet in the narrow moon, a Rebeit mother is praying devoutly.

“God of Rebet, please let my child evolve twice, even if it is xenogeneic, I am willing to pay any price.” The mother’s face was full of sorrow.

She is one of the wives of the Emerald Duke, and gave birth to a boy for the Emerald Duke. Logically speaking, she and the Emerald Duke have good genes, and their children should have a high chance of becoming nobles.

However, when her son condensed the genetic armor a few days ago, he was not able to re-evolve and became the most ordinary Rebet.

Even for a duke, it is not easy to obtain a treasure that can make ordinary creatures evolve twice. At least the Emerald Duke does not have such a treasure. The mother can only pray to God, hoping to find such a treasure , so that their children can evolve twice, so that their children will not become the laughing stock of the Duke’s Mansion.

“Your sincere prayer has moved the **** of the gods, and the **** of gods can fulfill your wishes.” A handsome **** in a golden robe and a crown appeared in front of the Duchess with a strange smile on his face.

Soon, the news of the Chixia Diquan on the eclipse star spread throughout the entire month, and it became more and more true.

Without the permission of the Queen of Blades, no one dared to go to the eclipse star to find the Chixia Diquan, but the various forces of the narrow moon pushed one by one, and finally the king of the moon and other kings had to convene the full moon The meeting brought the Queen of Blades over.

“Blade, is there really a Chixia Earth Spring on the eclipse star?” Yehe King asked impatiently. Among the Ye clan’s lineage, there are also some juniors who have not been able to evolve twice.

“Not bad.” The Queen of Blades said lightly.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier, such a baby, how can you give Han Sen such a spy…” Yehe King said a little excitedly.

In fact, it’s not just the Yehe King, but several other kings also think the same way. Their own bloodlines, or the high-ranking nobles who follow them, all need the Chixia Diquan. What they represent Not just themselves.

Isa gave Yehe King a cold look: “Han Sen is still my disciple now, and don’t forget, the eclipse star is the planet you assigned to him, and the law of the narrow moon can be arbitrary. Is it broken?”

King Yehe coughed lightly, but said unwillingly: “Of course the law of the narrowness of the moon cannot be broken, but Han Sen’s suspicions have not been cleared. If a treasure like Chixia Diquan is given to him , if it is found out that he is a spy in the future, our loss will be too great, do you think so?”

“Yes, such a treasure should not be possessed by a suspected foreign race,” said Liukawang.

Except for the Black Moon King, all the other kings expressed this meaning more or less.

“Blade, now we don’t know how much the Chixia Earthquan has reserves. If the number is relatively small, it’s fine. In case the number is huge, it is indeed inappropriate for a suspected foreign race to occupy it. It’s better than this, let’s first Send someone to find out the reserves of Chixia Diquan, and bring back the spring water for distribution. No matter how much, Han Sen’s share will be left to him, what do you think?” King Moon Wheel also said.

This time, the opinions of many kings are surprisingly unanimous. It’s not that they are greedy for the spring. The real pressure comes from the family members behind them and the intricate relationship network.

“I still say that, Han Sen is my disciple, Eclipse is a legitimate planet belonging to Han Sen.” Isa said blankly.

“Knife edge, why are you so persistent? After all, he is just a foreigner, and there is still a huge suspicion.” Yehe King continued with a gloomy face: “If you really want to do this, then we have to use Yuan Yuan. The voting rights of the monthly meeting, I believe you should be very clear about what the results will be at that time.”

Isa’s eyes swept across the faces of the kings: “Okay, don’t you want Chixia Diquan? Yes, each family has ten places, and no nobles above the viscount are allowed to go, how much they can take to see themselves. This is my bottom line.”

“Okay, it’s a deal.” King Yehe agreed immediately, and the other kings also had no opinion.

After Yehe King returned to his planet, he immediately summoned ten viscount-level disciples and retainers, and ordered them to bring back Chixia Diquan.

“Jianzhi, if you stay, I have something to tell you.” The King of Yehe left behind a viscount with a bird’s head and a human body.

“What’s the king’s order?” Jian Zhi asked with a pair of falcon-like eyes twinkling.

The King of Yehe handed a box to Jianzhi, and said at the same time: “I’m only half a step away from being promoted to Earl. Here is a condensed spirit bead that this king treasures. With this bead, you will definitely be promoted successfully. Earl. Take it to Eclipse, where you will be promoted to Earl, and be sure to capture as many Chixia Springs as possible.”

“Yes, Your Majesty will definitely live up to their trust.” Jian Zhi took the Ningling Orb with a look of ecstasy on his face, and quickly thanked Yehe King.

With his cultivation level, as long as he uses the Spirit Condensation Orb, he will definitely be able to be promoted to Earl, there will be no possibility of failure, and he will save an unknown number of years of penance.

The major forces sent ten viscounts to Eclipse, and a battleship took them to Jingling Lake.

“The narrowness of the moon is not my Isa’s narrowness of the moon.” Inside the palace, Isa looked gloomily at the image on the screen, her eyes flashing with cold light.

Han Sen is still her disciple, but now she has to be forcibly assigned to Chixia Diquan, how can Isa not be angry.

She has done everything she can. If she refuses to budge at all, and finally uses the round table voting agreement, the outcome will only be worse, and this time no one will stand on her side.

“Deification…Only by becoming deified…I can truly become the unique queen of the Rebet tribe.” Isa closed her eyes, and the power in her body circulated like the sun, moon and stars, turning into a terrifying creature. The beast devoured the sky.

As powerful as Isa, she also has her helplessness and desires even more power.

In the cave of Hongxia Valley, Hongxia seemed to be sucked in by a vortex, and all of a sudden disappeared without a trace, and all was sucked into the glowing plants.

The seven little red ferrets are like seven exotic treasures, with the glow of the radiance flowing on their bodies, and the eyes of the dazzling people are almost impossible to open.

The centipede-like alien thousand-legged crawled quickly and rushed towards the plant. At the same time, at the front of the head, a hole the size of the mouth of a bowl was split open, and it devoured one of the little red sables. .

The little cabernet sable’s body was glittering with jewels, but his face was full of horror, and he desperately ducked back, but his tail was still attached to the rhizome of the plant, and he couldn’t escape. 8)

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