Super God Gene Chapter 1022: Golden Wings

Among the gifts sent by the alien creatures, the white snake’s ambrosia and the blood fruit that Bo’er have eaten are the most precious. Gift.

It wasn’t until they were about to walk out of the Guijie Mountains that they encountered another super **** creature. The super **** creature was a giant ape. I don’t know where it got a very small jade glass. Sent to Hansen.

Han Sen sees that the small wine glass should be a genetic treasure. It doesn’t seem to be processed by humans. He just studied it for a while, but he didn’t find out what it is useful for.

The giant ape put them all on his shoulders, strode along with Han Sen and the others, and ran for four days and nights. Finally, I saw that there were no mountains in front of me, and a green prairie appeared. In the distance, I could see groups of horse-like beasts grazing.

“We’re out of the Ghost Tribulation Mountain Range!” Everyone was overjoyed.

The giant ape put them down, shouted at Han Sen, and then turned back to the Ghost Tribulation Mountains.

Including Han Sen, when everyone turned to look at the Ghost Tribulation Mountains, it felt like a dream, and it was a bit unreal.

Everything they have experienced in the Ghost Tribulation Mountains is too incredible for them, even Han Sen thinks so.


While everyone was sighing, they suddenly heard a scream from the side. They saw Liu Yuxuan, who was bound, screaming and rolling on the ground.

I saw strange wounds appearing on his body, as if someone took a knife and slashed his body one by one. Soon, blood was dripping on his body, but there was no one around him, as if there was a The invisible demon was about to slash him with a thousand cuts, and those who saw it shuddered.

Liu Yuxuan’s screams became more and more shrill, and soon he became a humanoid.

However, these injuries were not fatal. One knife at a time, Liu Yuxuan never died.

“Kill me…kill me…please…kill me…I was wrong before…I’m a beast…I want to get Weiwei…and I want to kill you…please kill I…” Liu Yuxuan’s face was already distorted and his whole body was soaked with his own blood. Before, he wanted to ask for life, but now he just wants to ask for death. Affordable.

Everyone probably knows what happened. It must be the alien spirit who signed the contract with him. He found that he had left the Ghost Tribulation Mountain Range, so he tortured him in this way and wanted his life.

Han Sen frowned slightly, but Lin He stabbed Liu Yuxuan’s heart with a sword, killing him. Liu Yuxuan’s eyes widened, but he showed relief, and he quickly fell to the ground.

“After a hundred deaths, it’s always the same clan. Give him a treat.” Lin He said to Han Sen.

Han Sen nodded slightly. He had no plans to torture Liu Yuxuan. Liu Yuxuan’s death was tragic enough.

Chen Hu and the others saw Liu Yuxuan’s death, but they were both horrified and grateful. Fortunately, they did not choose to go back and surrender to the alien spirit, but followed Han Sen through the Ghost Tribulation Mountains, otherwise they may also be in the future. It was the same tragic end.

Han Sen directly burned Liu Yuxuan’s body into fly ash with a torch, which saved him from the fate of being swallowed by alien creatures.

Everyone didn’t know where to go. There was an empty prairie in front of them, and they couldn’t see the edge at a glance. They could only continue to walk forward.

Those horse-like alien creatures seem to be very afraid of life. They ran away when they saw them. A few people walked for dozens of miles, but they still saw the endless prairie.

Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound all around, and I saw a golden glow flowing from the distance. When I looked closely, there were golden bugs flying from the sky, each of them the size of a fist, and the whole body was golden. General made of gold.

The number of golden bugs was extremely large, and they soon covered the sky and the sun, shrouded in like a sky, a golden light flickered between the sky and the earth, and the eyes of the bright people were dazzled.

“Another alien creature has sent a gift. I don’t know what good thing it will be this time?” Chen Hu said excitedly, looking at the golden bug that filled the sky.

Although he didn’t get the gift, Chen Hu was still very excited.

Han Sen’s face changed: “No, these guys didn’t come here with gifts, everyone be careful and prepare for battle.”

“No way?” Chen Hu was still a little unconvinced.

But the golden bug had already flown out, falling like a rainstorm and biting Han Sen directly.

Then everyone changed their color, opened their genetic locks one after another, and summoned the beast souls to fight.

Han Sen’s body gushed with blood-colored flames, turning into blood-colored flamingos, burning large swaths of golden bugs to ashes.

But these golden bugs seem to be a little weird. After Han Sen’s phoenix flame burned them to death, there was no new phoenix flame.

And after burning them, Han Sen did not hear the sound of hunting alien creatures.

What’s even more terrifying is that the mysterious aura he opened can’t make these golden bugs get Every single golden bug rushes towards them.

Lin He and the others all changed colors at this time, and they all desperately released their power to kill the insects, but there were too many insects.

It is impossible for them to kill them all. They are accidentally flew by a bug. The bug opens its mouth and is covered with serrated fangs. It bites down, and even the armor of the mutant level can’t resist it. , bite through the armor directly with flesh and blood, and was torn off a piece of flesh and blood.

Chen Hu and the others suddenly screamed. Several people had been bitten by golden bugs, and they looked **** and terrifying.

Han Sen has tried his best to release the flame of the phoenix, but it is difficult to take care of everyone, and everyone is caught in a hard battle.

Han Sen handed over the newly acquired tortoise turtle beast soul to Lin Weiwei: “Sister Weiwei, you put on this armor.”

The tortoise is a god-blood armored beast soul. After Lin Weiwei put it on, she felt a lot safer. The golden bugs jumped on her, but they were not able to bite through the armor directly. Tooth marks.

But this does not solve the fundamental problem. The golden bugs rushed over the sky and covered the earth, like a sandstorm without boundaries. Han Sen’s mysterious aura unfolded, and within the range that he could reach, all of them were such golden bugs. , I don’t know how to get out.


Chen Hu and the others screamed more and more fiercely. Some people were almost unable to hold it. Several golden bugs stuck to Wang Yu’s leg. In a few seconds, white bones were exposed on his leg, and the flesh and blood were covered by those Insects bite, and the whole person is unstable and falls to the ground.

Suddenly, I saw a large number of insects flocking to Wang Yu, who fell to the ground. I am afraid that it will only take a few seconds to gnaw him to the bone.

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