Super Evolution Chapter 1: Star Gate

From the memory of Multi-legged Jiao, the monsters here are very powerful, but they are not too big, so Lin Qiyu didn’t take it seriously. Who knows that this thing is not only big, but also has terrifying energy fluctuations.

Lin Qiyu suddenly reacted. Compared to the huge size of the multi-legged flood, of course, he felt that the red monster was small.

He couldn’t help laughing bitterly. The red monster was a hundred meters high. After spreading its huge wings, it was three hundred meters wide, which was astonishingly large.

The monster’s body is covered with bright red scales, and its huge wings are a layer of fleshy membranes, which are also covered with fine scales, shining with a dark purple light.

The tip of the wings has a row of sharp claws, the head is like an enlarged ant head, and the mouth has two huge spikes. The image is very strange, and it rushes down fiercely from the sky.

Lin Qiyu shouted again: “Wait for my order! Don’t open fire without authorization!”

Ling Jiaben said: “It won’t attack for the time being, because where we are… It seems to be scrupulous. This is a creature that has been cultivated and transformed!”

Sure enough, when the red monster was about to approach them, it suddenly rose up, surrounding the teleportation array with waves of energy, showing a very angry look.

Lin Qiyu also saw the monster’s scruples. He told the intelligent warrior to retreat to the scope of the nine pillars and said: “Jiaben, don’t you want to make it into a royal carving? You can do it!”

Ling Jiaben had no bottom. Although he inherited the method of refining the imperial carving from Lin Qiyu, he had never tried it. The guy in front of him was too big, he didn’t know where to get it, and asked: ” Dad, am I standing here to refine this thing?”

Lin Qiyu raised her foot to kick, and shouted: “Idiot, haven’t you noticed the energy fluctuations here? That will interfere with your life energy, get out!”

Ling Jia ran out in a whisper, he didn’t dare to be careless, first let a few fighters out to attract the attention of the monster, he planned to sneak attack quietly.

He carefully plucked his head from behind the stone pillar and watched the monster chase several intelligent fighters.

Lin Qiyu quietly appeared behind him and said: “It’s still the habit of ghosts, like sneaking.”

Ling Jiaben jumped up in fright: “Dad! It’s scary…it’s scary, hey, my little heart… almost never popped out of his mouth.”

Lin Qiyu smiled slightly and said: “Jiaben, don’t be afraid, come on!”

Ling Jiaben said bitterly: “Dad, what are you kidding about, even if you want to refine it… I have to wait for my energy to be restored. Just now… I converted most of the energy into life energy. It’s still faint now, isn’t it time to go out to find death.” He has recovered almost, but he is still a little timid, so he finds reasons to delay for a while.

Lin Qiyu suddenly grabbed Lin Jiaben and said: “Oh, I forgot, come back soon.” These children are his treasures, especially Lin Jiaben. If there is any damage, you can regret it. Beyond reach.

Lin Jiaben secretly smiled in his heart and said, “Dad, or else you go to refine it? Hehe, anyway, it must be combined with the strength of the two, and your old man refines…I can use it too. “

He said, staring at the monster, and then said: “This monster is like the eagle of Ying Luoxing…”

Lin Qiyu said: “The Alien Eagle is much smaller than it, and it’s not red… Well, just call it Alien Red Eagle.” He casually named it.

After flying around the remaining base, the alien red eagle seemed to have lost interest in the small creatures in the base. A red light flashed by, and it ran high into the sky before disappearing into space in a short while.

Lin Qiyu couldn’t help sighing: “It’s a pity, a pity.”

The intelligent optical brain of the battleship Wanderer sends back the results of the analysis. This is another brand new teleportation array. According to the analysis after scanning, this teleportation array was built at least a million years ago.

The base discovered before this was built about half a million years ago. Based on this, it is speculated that its owner may not be alive in the world.

Lin Qiyu said: “This teleportation array… has been simulated by the intelligent light brain and can be restarted as long as we can provide energy; but… the destination of the teleportation array cannot be determined.”

Ling Jiaben said: “You can try it. After activation, first send ten intelligent fighters to the past. It doesn’t matter if you can’t come back. We also have a teleportation array. Let the intelligent fighters who passed first build a new one over there. Teleportation array so that you can communicate with each other.”

Lin Qiyu pondered for a moment, and said: “We spent too many crystals to build the teleportation array, wait a minute…”

He counted the various crystals in the storage space and said: “There is one third left. You have to assemble some crystals from the main base. Okay, just do as you want.” /

The energy of the teleportation array is provided by underground mineral veins. Since the planet has been torn apart, the remaining area is only preserved by a powerful protective cover, so there is only some residual energy left in the underground veins, which is not enough to activate This huge teleportation array.

What Lin Qiyu has to do is to provide the energy for the teleportation array to operate. Fortunately, this composite energy can be produced by him.

With the continuous delivery of various equipment, various inspections are also proceeding in an orderly manner. Lin Qiyu couldn’t help sighing that since the production of the intelligent warrior, many things do not need to be done by himself. The intelligent warrior will carry out the instructions carefully, which is better than he can do it himself.

Lin Qiyu sat on the edge of the teleportation platform. Lin Jiaben sat beside him, kicking his two chubby legs, shaking his little head rhythmically, and asked: “Dad, do you plan to go over and take a look? “He pointed his finger at the transfer station.

In fact, Lin Qiyu regrets a bit. Her main base has not been built yet, so she shouldn’t be in such a hurry to explore. He thought for a moment, and said: “Jiaben, first send ten fighters over and let them collect information. Let’s leave here temporarily to build the main base. When the strength is enough, we will come again.”

After the teleportation array was activated, the alien red eagle appeared again. It looked very excited, circled the teleportation array again, and then left.

Lin Qiyu thoughtfully looked at the place where the red eagle had disappeared, and suddenly felt anxious, but couldn’t tell what it was for.

Ten intelligent fighters successfully teleported out, Lin Qiyu said: “When the fighters come back, we will leave…Well, other fighters can retreat first, and the teleportation array will remain here, so we won’t have to travel long distances to come here.”

Thousands of intelligent soldiers lined up to evacuate, and the equipment was removed.

Ling Jiaben said: “Dad, I have a bad feeling… I’m very irritable…” He jumped off the teleportation platform and walked around uncomfortably.

Lin Qiyu said: “Leave a hundred soldiers, pay attention!” He was also very upset in his heart, and there was an indescribable sense of crisis.

Suddenly, the nine pillars emitted a white light, and the energy quickly gathered on the teleportation platform. In the energy surge, Lynchyu was squeezed off the transmission platform.

Two intelligent warriors flew out of the teleportation array like cannonballs, and a huge head appeared on the teleportation platform right after them. One of the advanced intelligent warriors shouted loudly: “Cut off the energy output of the teleportation array.”

Lin Qiyu swiftly rushed to the energy machine, punched it in the air, and there was a “crack” noise. A machine worth tens of millions of credits was smashed by him.

Nine pillars lost energy, and the violent fluctuations on the transmission platform calmed down. Hearing a earth-shattering roar, the monster that was halfway through the teleportation was cut into two abruptly, and the sky was suddenly filled with blood and floated up.

Ling Jiaben exclaimed: “What’s the matter?”

The intelligent warrior who flew into the air slowly fell. The two came to Lin Qiyu and transmitted the three-dimensional video recorded after the transmission.

The advanced intelligent warrior said: “We just teleported over, we were attacked by monsters, and then a huge humanoid monster appeared, and three warriors were eliminated in the blink of an eye, so I decided to retreat, leaving five warriors. Contain…Unexpectedly, that humanoid monster would follow.”

Lin Qiyu only glanced at the huge human head on the teleportation platform, and the impression was a bit like a human head, but he knew it was not a human.

Calling up the three-dimensional video transmitted by the intelligent soldier, he found that the place was very peculiar. The surrounding area was full of trees that reached a height of one hundred meters. The diameter of the trees reached hundreds of meters, and the sky was gloomy.

Out of the teleportation array, the soldiers launched a probe satellite and began to receive various scanning information. After a while, a large number of flying strange creatures emerged from the forest and besieged them unscrupulously.

The intelligent warrior relied on its powerful firepower and powerful body to fight hard, killing a large number of monsters in a short time. Then, a huge humanoid monster arrived and easily shredded three warriors.

Seeing that it was impossible to resist, the advanced intelligent soldier decided to retreat immediately. Fortunately, it was a two-way teleportation array. Under the desperate cover of the remaining five fighters, the two fighters managed to teleport back.

The data returned by the detector is not much, only a small amount of information. According to simple calculations, it is an endless land with a lot of life information.

Through the analysis of the periphery of the teleportation array, there is sufficient energy there, even unknown energy that the instrument cannot distinguish. It’s a strange place, it doesn’t feel like a planet.

The reason why wanderers wander around in the universe is because they are looking for all kinds of energies and finding ways to control them.

When Lin Qiyu saw the information, he decided that after the main base was completed, he must go to that place to find out the energy and energy he needed.

He said: “We currently don’t have the strength to explore that place, so we must build the main base without going back. We retreat.”

Lin Qiyu led everyone to withdraw the battleship Huilang. He ordered the battleship to jump directly into the hidden galaxy.

Yin-Yang Star is a planet he chose to build the main base. Because of the invisible force field formed by the big stone bend, if you want to enter this star system, you must have space jumping technology, otherwise you cannot enter this galaxy.

This star system is a very small galaxy in the universe, with only one star and three planets, hidden between two star systems, and its location is extremely secret.

Lin Qiyu has inspected countless star maps. This is the first time he has seen this type of star system, so he decided to build the main base in this galaxy.

The climatic environment of Yin and Yang stars is extremely poor. The surface of the planet is not suitable for any life to survive. Its atmosphere is full of toxic gases. The planet’s ground facing the star is constantly blowing hot storms, while the back of the planet is raging blizzard, ice and snow.

In such climatic conditions, ordinary spaceships and warships cannot land at all. The only place with good weather conditions is the junction of cold and hot, but there are floods and heavy rains, and only a few highlands can remain calm.

Lin Qiyu originally didn’t plan to come down with the construction army, but after receiving the pattern analyzed by the wisdom light brain, he changed his mind.

It’s not suitable for experimentation on a battleship, especially after bombing a meteorite in the last experiment, he was more cautious.

But this time, even Lin Jiaben was unwilling to accompany him. Lin Qiyu had to be alone, leading five thousand intelligent soldiers and a large number of workers to land on Yin and Yang.

A batch of intelligent warriors carrying a large number of machinery and equipment, one after another entered the atmosphere of Yin and Yang, the intelligent director of the main meteorite base, also carrying a large number of workers and various equipment, rushed to the semi-biological battleship Hunter Hidden galaxy.

The main meteorite base has been reduced to a base by Lin Qiyu. There is no need to waste a lot of manpower and material resources to continue construction. He has transferred all the main power to Yin and Yang.

The location of this landing has been repeatedly demonstrated in advance, and several detectors have been launched for this purpose.

Lin Qiyu arrived in the first batch. After a few brief explanations, he took a dozen intelligent fighters and left first in a suspended chariot.

The highland that landed is about several thousand square kilometers. Lin Qiyu deliberately rushed to a place a thousand kilometers away. After getting off the vehicle, he commanded intelligent soldiers to protect the levitating tank, set up communication equipment, and set up a small guard Cover launcher. He took out some materials, let a few soldiers hold them, and then checked the materials sent from the Wandering battleship.

Those complicated patterns were found in the final form by the Smart Brain. There are seven basic forms, each of which can extend countless changes. The energy storage pattern is only one of the basic forms, and there are another twenty Six auxiliary patterns play a role similar to a catalyst.

Thirty-three kinds of patterns can be combined to form a variety of attack and defense changes. Coupled with engraving different combinations of patterns with different materials, hundreds of thousands of changes can be formed.

Wisdom Optical Brain provides countless solutions to the intelligent director for him to use in the main base of Zhan. The new generation of intelligent fighters has not yet been manufactured, but it is foreseeable that they will be much stronger than the previous intelligent fighters.

Lin Qiyu’s current research is how to use these patterns; he has successfully constructed patterns with energy and achieved amazing results.

Seven basic patterns of patterns. Wisdom Light Brain gives seven names, all of which are digitally identified. Lin Qiyu doesn’t like it. To make it easier to remember, he renamed them all and named the energy storage patterns gluttonous patterns, and the rest Respectively named: snake pattern, eagle pattern, turtle pattern, tiger pattern, leopard pattern, wolf pattern.

These names have nothing to do with the pattern itself.

Lin Qiyu has basically understood the function of the gluttony pattern, so this time he will test the snake pattern first. According to the test of Intelligent Optical Brain, this is a pattern used for shooting, just like the gunpowder in the shell of a cannonball. Its function is to launch the warhead. The power depends on the combination of the auxiliary pattern.

The role of moire is to form protection. The combination of countless moire patterns can form a protective layer of any shape.

The role of the eagle pattern is to teleport. A simple eagle pattern cannot form a teleportation array, it must go through a variety of combinations to form various transmission methods.

Tiger pattern, leopard pattern and wolf pattern are all attack patterns, and the three attack methods are different.

After repeated experiments, Lin Qiyu found that all seven patterns can use their own energy structure. The best effect is the gluttonous pattern. The effects of other patterns are not very satisfactory and the power is not as powerful as the simulation experiment conducted with materials for the intelligent optical brain.

He secretly wondered whether he could combine various patterns and combine human technology to create new types of weapons and warships.

The intelligent director of the main base has mastered four technologies, each of which is incomplete. There are human technology, the energy application rules provided by fairies and various dolls and battle dolls, as well as the various types carried by the Wandering battleship. Technology, and the latest pattern technology, these four technologies urgently need to be integrated and used.

Lin Qiyu believes that if these four technologies can be integrated, he will be able to master the most advanced and advanced technology, so as to fully surpass human technology.

In addition, there is also the Jing Futian method. Among them, methods such as refining the imperial driver, imperial battle and imperial mirror can also be used.

Compared with other wanderers, it may not be able to match it, but it is certain that if you continue to develop along this path, you will be able to form your own system.

A smile appeared on Lin Qiyu’s face, thinking about how to use these useful resources. Once a complete technology is formed and applied to production, he can dispel his worries and let everything go to explore the universe. Even if he encounters wanderers or alien civilizations in the universe, he is eligible to exchange and learn from them.

The excavation process of the main base is extremely fast. Large-scale excavating equipment was quickly assembled. This type of excavator was a newly designed product. A total of seven were assembled, and they were digging down at the same time. In just one day, they went deep 500 meters underground.

A large number of intelligent soldiers and workers followed closely, and various machines and equipment were also delivered. Three days later, the framework of the top layer of the main base was basically completed. Seven excavators continued to go down, and the underground building of the main base was designed to be one hundred floors, which would require several years of construction time.

More excavators were assembled and encountered a hard rock layer when digging the second layer. The first layer is only the working layer. The excavation of the underground rock layer is the real foothold of the base. A large amount of rock was excavated, cut and polished, and then used to strengthen the first layer of walls.

Under the command of the intelligent manager, all the machinery and equipment are running in an orderly manner, and the efficiency is not high that humans can achieve.

A huge teleportation array is structured in the central hall on the second floor. Intelligent fighters and ant mechanics are continuously teleported over, as well as various mechanical equipment.

The Intelligent Director asked for instructions: “Master, the Meteorite Base has collected and manufactured enough machine materials. We want to set up a space dock and build a large battleship… The materials currently collected can be used to build three interstellar battleships equivalent to humans. The large battleship, can we start building now? Master please instruct.”

Lin Qiyu sat on the floating chariot, thought for a moment, and asked: “If the battleship is built, will the resources for building the main base be enough?”

The smart manager said: “Master, the resources are sufficient. The meteorite base has stored a lot of materials, enough to build two main bases, and there is more than enough to build a mining base. The most expensive crystals are determined. Due to the massive construction of teleportation arrays, Half of the crystals are consumed.”

Lin Qiyu asked: “Is there any solution?”

The smart manager said: “We have newly mastered a transmission technology, which is still in the experimental stage and can be used in practice soon.”

Lin Qiyu was surprised: “Oh, there is a new transmission technology?”

The intelligent manager replied: “Yes, the new technology is not mature enough and can only be used in a small area, please see the owner.” He sent the latest transmission technology via video. It was a round empty frame full of patterns, with five crystals inlaid on it, which looked very simple.

Lin Qiyu asked: “Are there any samples?”

The smart manager said: “It hasn’t been produced yet, and all resources are prioritized for the construction of the main base… The new transmission design, please name it.”

Lin Qiyu said without hesitation: “Star Gate, haha, just call Star Gate, Star Gate.”

He thought about it, and then said: “Hurry up and dig all kinds of mineral deposits, especially the mine stars near the meteorites. We must increase development efforts.”

The smart manager replied: “Yes, master.” After the report, he disappeared in Lin Qiyu’s stereo glasses. The intelligent general manager is the supervisor and designer of the main base construction. He has complicated affairs. In addition to reporting to Lin Qiyu, he usually does not show up easily. There are even more intelligent soldiers who protect him than Lin Qiyu.

Lin Qiyu didn’t want to go back to the base for the time being. He sat on the floating chariot and fell into deep thought.

The evolution to the present level has completely exceeded Lin Qiyu’s expectations. The future evolutionary path will obviously be more divorced from human society, like a fairy, becoming a real wanderer, constantly wandering in the universe, looking for alien civilization , Looking for the motivation to continue to evolve. Once he wanders into an outer galaxy, he will be farther away from human society, but he can’t give up the thoughts of his family.

Thinking of this, Lin Qiyu turned on the communicator, got in touch with Xian Ling, and said: “Sister, can we put everything down…to explore the universe?”

Lin Qiyu’s serious expression surprised Xian Ling. She asked, “Brother, what’s the matter with you?”

Lin Qiyu didn’t know how to explain, he smiled bitterly: “I’ve been away from my family for too long, although I still have contact, but…I feel more and more indifferent, is it because of evolution? There is always a kind of anxiety in my heart. Feel.”

Xian Ling was silent for a moment, and she felt the same way. Seeing that Lin Qiyu was unhappy, she persuaded her understandingly: “Brother, after we build the base, we will go home…”

Lin Qiyu shook his head and sighed: “It’s easy to go back, but after going back…it’s difficult to integrate into human society again, our abilities are too powerful…Even super-evolved people will feel very depressed in front of us…unless we reach At the level of a fairy, she can completely control her energy…but we can’t…”

Xian Ling understood why Lin Qiyu was upset, she was taken aback, and suddenly said: “Then let her family evolve like us!”

Lin Qiyu couldn’t help smiling The fairy taught him a lot of technology, but he didn’t give him the technology of building a nutrient tank and the technology of evolutionary circle. If he wants his family to evolve, he must find another way.

But what Xian Ling said is also a solution. He nodded and said: “We can look for relevant technologies, and maybe it won’t be long before we can solve this problem.”

He secretly made up his mind to establish an academy to study the evolutionary mysteries of the wanderers, and at the same time actively seek out the bases of the wanderers. As long as he can find a base, it is equal to a treasure.

Xian Ling said again: “Brother, you can refine the multi-legged imperial eagle sculpture again. I will give you the technique.”

She told Lin Qiyu the technique and said: “This monster is very powerful. No one in Jing Futian can refine such a huge monster. This is a powerful weapon.”

Lin Qiyu nodded and said: “I consider using the newly obtained pattern to refine, maybe a different royal carving can be obtained.”

Xian Ling agreed: “Brother, come and refine it. If it succeeds, you will have mastered a new method of refinement. I will bring the children over and let them learn.” /

Lin Qiyu smiled and said: “Okay, I just lack a suitable weapon.”

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