Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 928: Hunting

Chapter 928 Hunting


Whether it is a disciple of the Withered Bone Sect or Ziweizong, hearing Ning Qi’s words, they took a breath and looked at Ning Qi with amazement.

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the old ghost of Yin, Ning Qi felt a mighty force of the law about to swept toward him, when he was about to condense his soul to resist, Wu Guodong waved his hand to stop Yin. Old ghost.

He looked at Ning Qi up and down, and smiled kindly: “Lady, which sect’s child are you?”

The old ghost of Yin immediately understood what Wu Guodong meant, and was slightly surprised. Yes, this guy is so courageous and probably has a hard background. If he kills him without authorization, he will inevitably cause big troubles. !

Thinking of this, the old ghost gave Wu Guodong a bit angrily, and then stared at Ning Qi.

Ning Qi glanced at Wu Guodong coldly, turned his head and left.

Such a move made Wu Guodong and Old Yin Yin even more jealous of Ning Qi’s origins. The two stood there in a daze, waiting for Ning Qi to disappear from their vision. The two looked at each other.

“The ghost cats are extremely hidden in the usual days, and they may not be seen once in decades. If you lose this skull, you will probably not have a chance to get it in the future.”

Yin old ghost said coldly.

“But this guy is really weird.”

Wu Guodong showed a hint of hesitation on his face.

“I think he is bluffing.”

Old Yin’s face suddenly changed.

“If he really comes from the big sect, why dare not to tell?”

The old ghost screamed and chased directly to the place where Ning Qi disappeared, and more than a dozen disciples of the Withered Bones sect hurriedly followed.

Wu Guodong reacted. I am afraid that the two of them had been tricked by each other, and a flash of shame flashed across his face: “Chasing! Be sure to grab the old ghost in front of the old ghost, and catch this kid!”

“Yes! Elder Wu!”

The disciples of Ziweizong chased like lightning in the direction where Ning Qi disappeared!


“They really came after them.”

Ning Qi calmly condensed his breath. After leaving the other party’s field of vision, he found a place to hide, because he knew that it would not take long for the other party to discover that he was bluffing, even if he couldn’t find out. From the previous dialogue, it can be known that the skulls of the ghost cats are still very attractive to them, and no matter what the situation is, they will not be able to escape.

Since he couldn’t leave, Ning Qi didn’t plan to escape, he wanted to fight back!

“Strange! Why did the breath of this child disappear all of a sudden?”

The old ghost of Yin looked around angrily, his soul was shrouded in the realm of thousands of miles, but Ning Qi could not be found at all.

Wu Guodong is in the same situation as him.

“Fortunately, my Wangpin Soul rank is much higher than them, enough to isolate them from exploration.”

The corners of Ning Qi’s mouth rose slightly. At this moment, a disciple of the Withered Bones sent over to the place where he was hiding. Ning Qi hid in a large tree that was eaten by insects. A small hole, I want to come and explore it.

“I saw you! If I don’t come out again, I will call Elder Yin to come over!”

The Withered Bones Sect disciple gave a cold snort towards the tree hole.

Ning Qi stood quietly, without making any movement due to the shouting of the other party.

“Don’t you hide inside?”

The Withered Bone Sect disciple frowned slightly. After the trial was fruitless, the spirit swept towards the tree hole and found nothing strange, so he frowned and walked towards another big tree.

His cultivation base was vulnerable to Ning Qi’s eyes. It was only a tri-star Doudi.

Just as the Withered Bones Sect disciple passed through the tree hole where Ning Qi was hiding, he tore, an arm suddenly stretched out from the inside, and at the same time, he clasped the Withered Bones Sect disciple’s neck.

“How is it possible!”

There was a trace of disbelief on the face of this Withered Bones School disciple.

He remembered that he had explored this tree hole with his soul, and he didn’t find anyone hiding in it at all!

Immediately afterwards, he was about to condense his soul and prepare to send a signal to the old Yin ghost, but before he could condense, his neck was directly twisted.

At the same time, a blade of light flashed, and his soul was also slain by the Dragon Slaying Sword, and the one who died could not die again.

“Brother Cha, are you here? That **** guy, I don’t know where to hide, and even Elder Yin can’t find it. Is there anything wrong with you here?”

Ning Qi calmly pressed the opponent’s head back to his neck, and then patted it gently, the power of the ice came out, frozen the guy’s body, and placed it in front of the tree hole.

This action seemed to the visitor as if he was exploring a tree hole.

“Brother Cha, what are you doing here? Did you find any treasure?”

A greedy color flashed in the eyes of the visitor, without thinking about it, he rushed over here.

But when he approached the corpse ten feet away, he suddenly thought of something and turned around to escape. However, for Ning Qi, this distance was already a distance that could be killed, so he ran away. After taking a step, his head was cut to the ground, and the soul was still beheaded by the Dragon Slaying Treasure Sword.


A sneer evoked at the corner of Ning Qi’s mouth.

The other party apart from the old ghost Yin and Wu Guodong, there are 21 people in total. Now, there are only 19 people left. These two guys are both three-star Doudi, and they brought Ning Qi about 10 million. The experience value of, which is far from the next level of 900 million experience value!

Not long after, several Ziweizong disciples died in Ning Qi’s hands.

Gradually, Old Ghost Yin and Wu Guodong also discovered something was wrong!

Both parties integrated their hands, and their faces suddenly became pale.

“There are three fewer people on my side.”

Wu Guodong said with a cold face.

“Five people are missing from my side!”

Old Yin ghost let out an angry growl.

“Damn it, that guy not only didn’t run away, but he hunted us in the dark, so bold!”

Wu Guodong’s eyes are full of anger, like a volcano about to erupt.

“Don’t place an order, at least a group of two, go and find that guy for me!”

Yin Laogui snorted coldly at the remaining five disciples of the Withered Bones School.

“Yes! Elder Yin!”

They nodded coldly. They didn’t feel sad because their senior brothers died five times. On the contrary, there was a glimmer of joy in the eyes of a few people.

The disciples of Ziweizong were different. They were very angry. After knowing that Ning Qi might have killed his three senior brothers, they wanted to smash Ning Qi into pieces!

The crowd dispersed, Old Yin and Wu Guodong did not leave, but sat down instead.

“Wu Guodong, Zi Weizong still prides itself on being righteous because of you, why do you want to learn from me and use them as bait?”

Old ghost Yin glanced at Wu Guodong, and a smile of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Since the other party has something to isolate their souls from exploring, and knowing that Ning Qi is hunting their disciples, Old Ghost Yin made a decision in the first place.

It just made him disdain that Wu Guodong did what he did!

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