Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 883: Fishing

Chapter VIII Fishing

Sovereign Hall.

Ning Qi took out the dragon’s blood fruit specially saved in the space package, and he bought more than 100 in the Forbidden Land of Withered Bone last time. After selling some, now there are still eighty or ninety.

“Dragon Blood Fruit?”

When Xue Ling saw these dragon-shaped fruits, she felt a peculiar and familiar smell, and a trace of shock appeared on her face.

“You are pregnant with the blood of the ancient Xuelong clan. You only need to increase the concentration of your blood, and your practice speed will be much faster. You take these dragon blood fruits first, not enough for me to have them.”

Ning Qi smiled.

Xue Ling’s bloodline is already more advanced than the nine-tailed celestial fox in Tulong Mall, so Ning Qi doesn’t plan to replace her bloodline, only increasing her bloodline concentration will help her right now. , Is the biggest.

“Then I will be welcome.”

Xue Ling reached out and took it. She knew what these dragon blood fruits meant to her.

“In addition, you can also watch the practice techniques in the Temple of the Gods of War at will. If you encounter problems in your practice, you can ask the God of War Seventy-two. After all, they are Emperors of War and have a good understanding of cultivation. Hmm…Tsunade and Oshemaru don’t ask for advice. They practice ninjutsu.”

Ning Qi had a weird look at the end. Just when he passed the mountain of Oshemaru, he happened to see several disciples of the Temple of War hurriedly running down, running while performing the ninjutsu he just learned.’ Shuriken shadow avatar’s art’.

Ning Qi came forward and asked, only to know that among the seventy-two Gods of War, Tsunade and Oshemaru are the most visited, because ninjutsu can greatly improve a person’s combat effectiveness in a short period of time. As for the hilltops of Lang Fanyun, Pang Ban and others, few people care about it.

However, Ning Qi always felt that at the end of cultivation, the potential of ninjutsu should not be too strong, so he specifically reminded Xue Ling.

“Well, I see.”

Xue Ling nodded.

Suddenly, her expression moved slightly, and she whispered in a low voice, “The Yuanlong clan…”

“Don’t worry, I just made them lose face. Yuan Canglei is not dead. If Yuanlong Emperor really bites me, he will chase me to the land of Dongxuan, I will give it to him. A good-looking.”

Ning Qi smiled and said.

“Then my father’s side…”

“Your father told me that Emperor Yuanlong will not go to war with the Xuelong clan because of this. It should be fine. If you are not at ease, I will take them again next time and bring them here. Up.”

Ning Qi smiled.

“It’s not necessary. In the Xuelong clan, I am not very united. Some exist, and my heart is toward the Yuanlong clan.”

Xue Ling shook her head when she heard the words: “Since my father said it’s okay, it should be nothing serious.”

Since Ning Qi and Xue Ling came to Lingwu Continent from the palace of the Dragon Kingdom of the Heavens, if they go back, they will still appear there to avoid being ambushed. Ning Qi plans to stay in Lingwu Continent for a while. , And finally passed by quietly, I believe that no matter how strong Yuanlong Emperor is, it is impossible to pay attention to the open space where he left before all day?

In the next period of time, after Xue Ling had eaten all the dragon blood fruits, the bloodline concentration rose by a level. If she was the primary ancient Xuelong bloodline before, she is now intermediate. Ning Qi waved his hand directly. At the price of one hundred thousand dragon slaying coins in the Dragon Slaying Mall, another two hundred dragon blood fruits were bought to Xue Ling.

The mere 20 million Dragon Slaying Coins is really not worth mentioning to Ning Qi.

Not to mention that there are more than half a million low-grade refining stones stored in the inner library of the God of War, and he himself has nearly 100 million Dragon Slaying Coins left.

Only when Dragon Slaying Coins reached this level, Ning Qi found that his authority in the system was really low and low, and there were many commodities that he was not eligible to buy.

Three months later.

Xue Ling’s realm broke through to the eighth level.

Such a fast practice speed, even she herself can’t imagine.

Everyone in the Temple of Wars knows that Xue Ling’s relationship with Ning Qi is a bit unusual, so even Li Mingye was quite respectful when he saw her, and didn’t dare to offend him at all.

After Xue Ling broke through, Ning Qi directly inspired the Sovereign Token and returned to the palace of the Heavenly Dragon Kingdom. Sure enough, apart from a few stunned palace ladies and eunuchs, there was no dragon emperor watching here. .

“Who are you!”

A court lady screamed, and the nearby Dragon Guards heard the words and rushed towards this side immediately.

Ning Qi smiled and patted an invisibility charm on her body in front of her. Shi Shiran left the palace. When this matter was passed to Yuan Canglei’s ears, Yuan Cang was in retreat. Lei broke through directly and found the palace lady.

“What does this person look like! If you describe in detail, if anything is false, I will eat you.”

Yuan Canglei looked at the court lady coldly.

The work of serving people is naturally done by the human race, so the maids and eunuchs in the palace are all human races, low status, and any dragon family. If you are in a bad mood, you can eat a few!

The palace lady trembled in shock, but she still described Ning Qi’s appearance completely. Yuan Canglei’s face became uglier the more she listened!

“Damn it! We were all tricked by him!”

Yuan Cang thundered like thunder.

Yuan Yi, who had been with him all the time, saw this and lost his voice: “Could it be that he has been hiding in place for the past few months…”

Thinking of this, Yuanyi couldn’t help but take a breath. If this is the case, this method would be too terrifying! Can’t even find Yuan Longdi?

“Chasing! Chase me! I’ll tell my father!”

Yuan Canglei roared.


Yuan hurried away.

However, the maid didn’t know the direction in which Ning Qi was escaping, Yuan Yi’s brain moved a little, and it suddenly occurred to him that if Ning Qi escaped, he would definitely return to Dongxuan!

So, as long as you chase the endless waters, you can definitely catch up!

Thinking of this, the corners of Yuanyi’s mouth raised slightly, revealing a smirk. He couldn’t wait to catch Ning Qi back and tortured him!


Endless seas.

Ning Qi was sitting on a rock, holding a fishing rod, and pulling a greedy fish from the sea from time to time.

If you look closely, you can find that his fishing rod and line, and even the hook and bait, are all manifested in anger.

“Hey, the fish is here.”

A smile appeared on Ning Qi’s face, and when he patted the reef lightly, the group of small fish around him was immediately sent back to the sea by an invisible counter-shock force.

After that, he stood up, looked far away, and looked at the “fish” he was talking about.

“You really are here!”

Yuanyi looked at Ning Qi in surprise.

On the way, he would find some clues left by Ning Qi from time to time, following the vines, and finally chasing Ning Qi!

“You are too slow. I really doubt that if I didn’t leave a lot of clues on purpose, it would still be a problem whether you can find me.”

Ning Qi said dissatisfied.


He deliberately left clues?

Yuan Yi’s pupils shrank suddenly, staring at Ning Qi vigilantly.

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