Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 4403: Sincere


The emperor of the Black Chu Kingdom stood in front of the old man respectfully.

“I heard that you attacked the King of Han?”

The old man said lightly.

The emperor of Hei Chu Kingdom was silent for a while, then nodded slightly.

“My younger brother is far from me in age. Your grandfather loved him very much since he was a child.

However, it is a pity that his temperament is not suitable for inheriting the method of practice, and finally let me, the eldest prince who is not loved by your grandfather, inherit the throne of Hei Chu Kingdom. “

The old man spoke slowly.

Speaking of which, he paused, and looked at the emperor of Hei Chu Kingdom indifferently: “But he has always been my younger brother.

With his strength, it is impossible to endanger your throne, don’t take his life, understand? “

The emperor of Hei Chu Kingdom was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly, “My child understands.”

But he secretly thought in his heart that his father was really approaching his end, and he suddenly became so merciful.

“Father, this time I’m not doing it for Hanwang’s affairs, but for another matter.”

The emperor of Hei Chu Kingdom said in a low voice.

“What’s the matter, let’s talk about it, I can live for a few more years, and you can solve these things by yourself in the future.”

The old man said lightly.

A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Emperor of the Black Chu Kingdom. So in a few years, he will be able to inherit his father’s cultivation and become the legendary Golden Core cultivator?

When he thought that he could have such a means of flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, he couldn’t help being excited.

After pondering for a while and organizing his words, the Emperor of Hei Chu Kingdom said in a low voice: “Some time ago, when the King of Han attacked the capital, I asked the disciples who guarded the Dragon Gate to take action. As expected, the King of Han’s army was directly dispersed. It was defeated all the way to a small village on the border of our Black Chu country.”

“However, I didn’t expect that there were monks in this village. The disciples of Hulongmen were not the opponents of those monks at all. One of them suspected that it was the Nascent Soul.”

The old man was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly looked at the Emperor of Hei Chu, and a bright light flashed in his cloudy eyes!

“He’s lying to me! How can he only live for two or three years?”

The emperor of Hei Chu Kingdom was shocked.

“You mean, Nascent Soul cultivator?”

The old man squinted his eyes, “The royal family of the Black Chu Kingdom has been practicing secret techniques for so many years, and we have never met a monk in the practice world. What you just said is true? Are there traces of monks in our Black Chu Kingdom?”

“Father, this is absolutely true.”

The emperor of the Black Chu Kingdom quickly waved away the miscellaneous thoughts in his mind.

The old man was silent for a while, and then said in a deep voice: “Do you know what effect the orthodox practice method has on us?”

“Father, you want to…but the other party may have the power of Nascent Soul, we are not opponents.”

The emperor of Hei Chu Kingdom said in a low voice.

“Are you stupid, still thinking of using force? Go and reconcile with the King of Han immediately, and then see if you have a chance to meet that Nascent Soul Almighty, even if you don’t see him, it doesn’t matter, there are other monks, right? ?

Worshiping them as teachers is the same. As long as we get their inheritance, we will be able to live hundreds or even thousands of years like normal monks in the future! “

The old man said coldly.

His lifespan is indeed about to run out, but it is not two or three years, there are still more than ten years, and these ten years may be very long for ordinary people.

However, for monks, a retreat and meditation is several months, how long can more than ten years be?

In order not to meditate too early, he didn’t dare to meditate during this time, and greedily enjoyed the air in the yang world.

Now there is an opportunity to increase his lifespan in front of him, he will never miss it!

“Reconciliation with the King of Han? Apprenticeship?”

The emperor of Hei Chu never thought that his father would have such an idea.

“What are you still doing? If you do this well, you won’t need to practice the skills of being a father, and you can sit on the throne for hundreds of years!”

The old man said coldly.

“Yes, father!”

The emperor of the Black Chu Kingdom nodded quickly, “I’ll do it now, baby!”

After saying that, he turned and left.

“Wait, don’t reveal our imperial family’s practice skills. If they know that our practice requires countless blood and food, they will probably kill us as demons.”

The old man said suddenly.

“Yes, father.”

The emperor of Hei Chu Kingdom was startled, then nodded slightly.

After walking out of the yard, his face suddenly became very ugly.

He is just a mortal now, and he still hopes that his father will empower him with his cultivation before he dies.

In that case, he can use the secret method to instantly become a golden body.

But if his father finds other practice methods to prolong his life, then it is impossible for him to obtain the power of empowerment.

Even, his throne will be taken back by his father…

Should he practice slowly? From the refining period? He couldn’t do it, he had been looking forward to Jindan’s cultivation for many years, how could he be willing.

“I’m just a mortal now, what should I do to get the cultivation of my father…”

The emperor of Hei Chu Kingdom secretly cares about it.


Impossible, his current status and power are all bestowed by his father, and with his father’s strength, he can take it back at any time.

“The current strategy is to rely on strength. If you can use the strength from Huangshi Village to force the old man to teach me his skills…”

Back in the study, the emperor of Hei Chu Kingdom was thinking quickly, but he could not think of a safe solution.

Suddenly, the emperor of Hei Chu Kingdom had a thought, and his eyes lit up slightly.

“Come here.”

“My lord.”

The brocade-clothed **** walked in hastily.

“Get ready, I’m going to Huangshi Village in person.”

The emperor of Hei Chu Kingdom said lightly.


The **** in brocade clothes was stunned for a moment, and his face quickly showed anxiety: “My lord, you are a man of gold, so you can’t risk yourself!”

“Because I am a body of gold, so I went to Huangshi Village to appear sincere.

Don’t ask too much about the rest, just get ready to go. “

The emperor of Hei Chu Kingdom said lightly.


The Jinyi **** nodded quickly, not daring to ask further questions, although he was a little worried, but he was just a slave, and it was impossible to change his master’s mind.


Huangshi Village.

“Princess, do you really want to go to Qintang Temple? The seniors of Xuantianmen didn’t explain that there is nothing not to disturb that person…”

Lin Xianqiu said in a low voice.

Not far in front of him, the princess is wearing a strong outfit, planning to go to Qintang Temple alone.

“General Lin, I want to try again. I can’t just stay in Huangshi Village for the rest of my life.”

The princess smiled.

“Princess, let me go with you.”

Lin Xianqiu said.

“No need, I’m here to learn from a teacher, if I want someone to accompany me, I’d be dishonest.”

The princess shook her head slightly.

Lin Xianqiu could only watch her enter the mountain alone and disappear into the mountains.

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