Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 439: Portrait

The 439th chapter portrait

“Haha, it seems that the monster beast in Tongtianhe is really not at home!”

After Fang Bai landed, he turned his head to look at Tongtianhe’s joyful road.

“This action went well, maybe God bless you.”

Ding Lie smiled.

“Let’s go, don’t stand here and talk, that Tier 8 dragon will wake up soon, let’s go back to Blue Moon Town first.”

Fang Mo Road.


Ning Qi ran faster than them, and ran towards Blue Moon Town long ago.

After about a stick of incense.

The Tier 8 dragon next to the big tree slowly opened its eyes, and suddenly felt an itchy nose and sneezed. Then it turned to look at the big tree.

“Hey, where’s dragon blood fruit?”

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

The next moment, its face changed drastically, and it let out an angry roar: “Damn ants! Ahhhhh!”

The sleeping dragons in the orchard heard this roar, and they woke up from their sleep, and flew to the sky. When they found that there was no dragon blood fruit left on the tree, they also issued it. An angry dragon roar.

“How come ants broke in! Why!”

This Tier 8 dragon clan suddenly looked at the group of its men in front of him, his eyes full of killing intent.

Suddenly, a Tier 6 dragon flew over in a panic, shouting: “The group of ant slaves are gone! They are gone!”

“Damn! A total of thirteen dragon blood fruits! Tomorrow Lord Gajero will come to pick up the fruits, and now the dragon blood fruits are gone, how should we explain it!”

A look of anger and horror appeared on the face of the eighth-order dragon clan.

“My lord, they must have fled to Blue Moon Town, let’s chase after it!”

Youlong suggested.

Not long after, dozens of giant dragons whizzed towards Lanyue Town under the leadership of this Tier 8 dragon clan.


Blue Moon Town.

When Ning Qi came back, he found that there were more Blue Moon Army guards at the gate of the town than before, and the investigation was stricter than before. Everyone who entered and exited had to go through the scrutiny of several sergeants before they could pass.

“What happened to Blue Moon Town?”

Ning Qi secretly said in his heart, and then he walked towards Blue Moon Town from the eyes of the sergeants, no one could see him, because his invisibility charm was still there.

“Have you seen this person!”

Not far from Ning Qi, a small group was stopped by a few sergeants, and they asked the people of the small group with a portrait in their hands.

“Well, I haven’t seen it.”

“I don’t know.”

“Have you really seen it?”

The few sergeants looked at the people in this squad warily, their eyes looked like knives, fierce, and seemed to be judging what they said was true or false.

Among them, one person’s expression changed slightly, but it was only a flash, and was not seen by those sergeants. This person looked at the portrait blankly and shook his head.

Ning Qi walked up to them, glanced at the portrait, frowned slightly.

The person in the portrait is not someone else, it is him.

“What did the people of the Blue Moon Army want to do with me? Could it be that my identity was leaked?”

Ning Qi whispered in his heart and thought for a while, if he is really suspected of being a demon from the outer demon realm, it could only be because of Julonggu.

“Stay, Rose, Fighting…”

“Wait, if they want to find me, Chen Zichan, they are afraid that something has happened.”

Ning Qi turned around and walked towards the inn where he was staying before. He wanted to see if his guess was correct.

The squad that had just been stopped by the sergeants for questioning, two of them looked at each other.

“Ning Qi’s identity seems to have been exposed.”

“Damn it, this will hurt us. As long as Tiandi Pavilion has any doubts, it will send a master to search. Our history will be more real, and it will not last long!”

“Then you can only leave Blue Moon Town.”

“I have no choice but to do so!”

The two spoke to each other.



Ning Qi searched it again but couldn’t find the trace of the three of them. Instead, he found several guys who were suspected of being the Blue Moon Army, who seemed to be monitoring the room where he lived before.

By now, Ning Qi is almost certain that Chen Zichan and the three are probably arrested.

“Things started because of me, I can’t stand by and watch…”

Ning Qi sighed in his heart and left the inn.

Rose courtyard.

“That guy didn’t come back with Chen Zichan and the others. Now Liu Hui hasn’t caught him yet. We are too anxious about this matter…”

Styx frowned.

“Are you still afraid that he would sneak into Blue Moon Town to kill you and kill you? Besides, he didn’t know it was our whistleblower. The three of Chen Zichan had been beaten into tricks. Start with the three of them.”

Rose sneered.

As soon as she returned to Blue Moon Town, she went to buy the best skin healing medicine. Now the blisters on her body are not so obvious. It is estimated that in about a month or so, she will be able to return to her previous beauty.

“Yes, Styx, you really get more timid the more you live.”

Fighting with a mocking expression.

“Hehe, I’m just considering the safety of the three of us. The demon in the outer demon realm has weird and sophisticated methods. Even the old monsters in the Tiandi Pavilion can’t catch their whereabouts. Don’t you be afraid that he is already Get the news and sneak into this small courtyard?”

Styx sneered.

“My Rose Courtyard not only has dozens of Douhuang gatekeepers, but also a seventh-order demon pet, the “Screaming Dog”. Even if you are Douzong, don’t even think about coming in silently.”

Rose said coldly.


A voice sounded behind the three of them.

The trio’s complexion turned pale in an instant, a chill appeared on their backs, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on their foreheads. The trio slowly turned around and saw that Ning Qi was showing a lightness. Smiled, looking at them.

“You, how did you get in…”

Rose swallowed her saliva and said in disbelief.

Styghe and Douzhan looked at each other and deliberately shot Ning Qi in their hearts, but when they thought of Ning Qi’s unpredictable means, even the seventh-order dragons could kill them in seconds, they suddenly lost the courage to shoot. Sweatly looked at Ning Qi.

“Maybe your Xiaori dog has a cold recently and his nose is not so good. That’s how I walked in.”

Ning Qi smiled and said: “I also heard the conversation between the three of you just now…”

“This matter is a misunderstanding, I can explain…”

Rose whispered.

“No need to explain, in fact, what you said is correct, I am the demon from the Demon Realm Beyond Heaven.”

Ning Qi smiled.

Seeing that Ning Qi admitted so simply, the three of them felt a little drumming. I wonder if Ning Qi would attack the three of them next?

Thinking of this, the three of them became vigilant and prepared to flee at any time.

“You now have a chance to save your life.”

Ning Qi smiled faintly: “Tell me where the three of Chen Zichan were locked up by Liu Hui. Tell me, I will let you make a living. If you don’t say it, then go to death.”

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