Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 4229: Guess

Swish swish!

The gazes of the great kings condensed on the swords of the gods in Ning Qi’s hands for a moment.

The power of this sword is too terrifying, right?

Can actually dispel the weird aura from the Immortal Saint King?

Looking at it from another perspective, doesn’t it mean that this sword can restrain that kind of black-haired monster?

Many great **** kings subconsciously flashed a hot color in their eyes, but after they thought about it, the fire in their eyes immediately dissipated.

The opponent can instantly suppress the terrifying existence of the Seventh God King. The means of suppressing the Blood Moon God King just now made people unwilling to fight. It is obviously unrealistic to **** this sword in the hands of this existence.

After the Nine Sage Great God King determined that the strange aura on the Immortal Sage Great God King had been completely driven away, he looked at Ning Qi with shining eyes:

“The Great King Beixuan, with the swords of the gods, can easily be killed even if we encounter that kind of monster. Perhaps, we can really find out the secrets of this world!”

Ning Qi looked at the swords in his hand, suddenly smiled and shook his head: “There is no need to go on.”


The King of the Nine Saints was stunned.

The rest of the Great God King Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Ning Qi did not agree to go deep into the void of the universe, the Nine Saints Great God King would not continue to walk if he wanted to come.

They no longer have to face that chilling danger.

“Great King Beixuan, why don’t you go down?”

The face of the Nine Saints Great God King is a bit ugly.

“I always feel that there are people who are reluctant to move on. We should go back and think carefully about this matter. When we think about it, let’s talk about it.”

Ning Qi smiled and shook his head, then turned and left.

The Great World of Nine Saints.

One by one, the Nine Saints and the Great Gods of the Great God Dynasty bowed their farewells. After they were all gone, the Nine Saints and Great Gods looked towards the Immortal King:

“What do you mean by that sentence?”

“I also think it’s too coincidental.”

There was a look of contemplation in the eyes of the Great King of Immortal Sage: “Just when he got the sword embryos of those gods and swords, the black-haired monsters suddenly tore through the void. The timing can be so precise…”

After a pause, the Great God King Immortal Sage frowned and said: “We just set foot on the ancient starry sky this time, and the Great God King Blood Moon was assimilated by that breath, and the speed of assimilation was much faster than mine.

If it had been so fast then, I might have died long ago, and I might not be able to wait until the Great King Beixuan remembered to use the swords of the gods to get rid of the strange aura in my body. “

“It’s a coincidence!”

The Nine Saints Great King shook his head: “Even if it is not a coincidence, it may be that the monsters have been paying attention to the sword embryo because they are afraid of the swords of the gods. He happened to see him and you get the sword embryo out, so he wanted Kill you guys.”

“I don’t think it’s a coincidence.”

The Great God King Xiansheng shook his head slightly: “The Great God King Beixuan has some scruples. It should be something he thought of. According to him, it is true that some people do not want us to go to the ancient starry sky.”

“Who are you talking about? I think he discovered the magical effect of the swords of the gods and planned to go to the ancient starry sky alone. If it weren’t for my strength, he was not as good as him…”

The King of the Nine Saints was a little unwilling in his heart.

“Who doesn’t want us to go to the ancient starry sky?”

The Xiansheng Great God King’s eyes became more and more weird. He glanced at the Nine Saint Great God King, “Don’t you think that? When you just made up your mind to go to the ancient starry sky, who called us over ?”

“Hongjun?” The Nine Saints Great God King showed a touch of astonishment, and then smiled: “Could it be that you want to say that he has something to do with those monsters, but he doesn’t want us to go to the ancient starry sky, so let the blood moon The Great God King just set foot on the ancient starry sky in less than a day, so


The Nine Saints Great God King closed his mouth, and the expression on his face gradually became a little weird.

“Why didn’t you continue talking?”

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Great God King Xiansheng: “Did you think that besides being the same God King, it is impossible for those monsters to quietly plant a weird aura on the Great God King Blood Moon?

Among these great kings, Hongjun is the strongest, and he is revered as the number one king of the heavens and the world. The blood moon king often went to lectures at the beginning. He wanted to start, so many opportunities? “


The Nine Saints Great God King frowned deeply: “For what? If it is really him, why does a Great God King like us prevent us from going to the ancient starry sky, why… can it drive that kind of black-haired monster? “

“I don’t know why, but it’s not impossible. So we must be careful in the future, and it is best not to meet with Hongjun again.”

Xiansheng Great God King said lightly.

At this moment, a footstep sounded outside the hall.

The Nine Saints and the Immortal Saints were slightly startled.

Without the instructions of the Nine Saints, it is impossible for a **** king to dare to trespass here!

The two looked up, and the light in their eyes flashed. After seeing the person who came, the King of the Nine Saints suddenly gasped in his heart.

“Hong Jun!”

Xiansheng Great God King’s eyes condensed, and an unknown premonition surged in his heart.

The two looked at each other, and all the remaining four heads of the Nine Saints Great God King suddenly showed a smiling face, and stood up and said: “Great God King Hongjun, how come here suddenly today? Any instructions, please tell me directly That’s it, why don’t you need to go there yourself.”

“I don’t really want to take a trip, but who made you… suspicious of me?”

Hongjun chuckled lightly.


The Great God King of the Immortal Saint and the Great King of Nine Saints looked at each other, and both saw a flash of horror in each other’s eyes.

Does Hongjun’s words prove that the other party is really related to the black-haired monster in the ancient starry sky?

Even, the other party has been monitoring the two, so that he can know the conversation between the two for the first time?

They are both great kings, how did the other party monitor them so quietly?

“Great King Hongjun, what did you mean by what you just said? My two suspected you? What do you suspect?”

The Nine Saints Great God King sneered.

“Don’t think about escaping, this place has been blocked by me. The Great God King who just left here waiting for you, I also sent them on the road one by one.”

Hongjun shook his head slightly.

Pause, “The rest, let’s get straight to the point.”

“Those great kings, all died in your hands?”

The face of the Immortal Saint God King became a little solemn.

Hongjun’s words really made them feel cold!

“It’s not dead in my hands, but just following the will of Heaven. Since they want to leave this world, then I will let them become the patron saint of this world.”

Hong Jun smiled lightly.

“What the **** are you talking about! Are you really related to those black-haired monsters? You planted the breath of the Blood Moon Great God King?”

The Nine Saints and the Great God King no longer sneered, with a trace of solemnity on his face. The other party is already straight to the point, and it doesn’t make any sense to pretend to be stupid.

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