Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 4211: Living Saints

“Master, this mural really cannot be destroyed.

However, with the strength of the master, is there no way to destroy this mural?

If this is the case, wouldn’t it be invincible to use it to make a spirit treasure? “

The boy finally approved his master’s words after experimenting several times.

At the same time, several thoughts arose in my mind.

If you buckle a stone strip from the mural and make it into a sword, isn’t the sword invincible?

“Since it can’t be destroyed, how do you refine it into a pendulum? Don’t think that you are the only one in this world who are smart. If you think of it, someone has tried it.”

The boy’s master showed a hint of sigh on his face, and taught the disciple behind him:

“This fresco was left by a saint in ancient times. The man holding the sword on the fresco is the saint.

After years of wind and rain, none of the murals can be damaged.

It’s a small grain of sand, and the strongest person today can’t move it! “


All the boys were shocked, and they couldn’t help but look forward to the saint who left this mural in ancient times.

“Master, someone plans to cut down the mural.”

The boy suddenly turned around and said.

“Who is so whimsical?”

The boy’s master smiled and glanced away, and locked a figure.

Not only him, almost everyone in the room looked at Ning Qi.

Ning Qi stood in the air, making constant gestures in his hands, seeming to be calculating the angle, preparing to cut the mural.

“Don’t care, this kind of person will appear from time to time, and he will leave after a while.”

The boy’s master smiled.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone saw Ning Qi gently waved his hand, and then the entire mural was cut from the mountain and suspended in the air.

Then Ning Qi tapped again, and the mural disappeared with a swish.

There is a square hole on the mountain.

The murals left by the ancient saints have disappeared.

The sound in the Valley of Saints disappeared in an instant, leaving only a few birds singing and insects singing.

Countless people’s eyes all fell on Ning Qi.

“Master, Master, the mural is gone!”

The boy stammered.

“I saw it, I am not blind!”

The boy’s master swallowed, said.

He looked at Ning Qi’s eyes, full of shock.

What is this method?

The Valley of Saints has existed for so many years, and there has never been a mural of Saints who can leave the slightest trace on it. The whole piece has been cut off, and the other party directly took it away?

“This, this senior, this is a mural of a saint, how can you…”

Someone stammered.

He didn’t dare to be disrespectful in his tone, but when faced with the saint murals being taken away, he could only choose to speak up. This is the relic of mythology that has existed in the Valley of Saints for many years!

But more people chose to be silent at this time.

Are they stupid?

Of course not stupid!

The opponent’s ability to take away the murals of the saints in such an understatement shows how powerful the opponent’s methods are, unprecedentedly powerful, and even the world’s number one master cannot do this.

“I can leave you a picture exactly the same, it doesn’t make a difference anyway.”

Ning Qi smiled and waved his hand gently, and everyone saw that the mountain wall was restored to its original shape again.

It seems to be exactly as Ning Qi said, there is no difference at all.

The next moment, Ning Qi and Shou Ruchun left here.

Everyone gradually recovered their senses until Ning Qi disappeared for more than ten breaths.

“Master, is this mural still a saint mural?”

The boy’s face is a little weird.

“Should it be?”

The boy’s master thought with a thought, and a flying sword rose into the air and pierced directly at the mural of the saint.


As soon as Feijian touched the mural of the saint, it turned into scrap copper and rotten iron, and fell from mid-air.

The boy’s master spit out a **** arrow and looked at the saint mural in horror, “This, this, how is this possible? How can this saint mural become more terrifying than before?”

He used the flying sword to test before, but said that the mural cannot be destroyed. As long as the strength is mastered, the flying sword will not be knocked down.

But just now, he clearly used a more cautious force, but the flying sword was still turned into scrap copper and rotten iron. The only explanation is that the mural of the saint is more terrifying than before!

When many people saw this, they also took the test one after another, and finally came to a conclusion.

The mural of the saint is indeed more terrifying than before!

“The one just now, I am afraid that he has taken the mural of the real saint and left a copy of it.”

“It’s just that the counterfeit murals are more terrifying than the real murals. Could it be…that is a saint?”

Everyone was shocked.

At this moment, someone suddenly noticed a black spot flying out of the sky, and in an instant, it appeared above the crowd.

This person is the Sect Master Cetianzong who is now sitting in the Valley of Saints and is regarded as the number one master in the world today!

“I’ve seen Sect Master Cetian!”

The people below suddenly bowed their hands.

Not long afterward, countless figures broke through the air and stood behind Cetian Sect Master. These were all elders in Cetian Sect.

Just put any one in the world today, and it is also a famous generation.

“Sect Master, the disciple just saw with his own eyes, someone cut off the mural of the saint with his bare hands, and then he said that he could leave us with exactly the same one, and I would like to ask the lord to decide.”

A figure rose through the air, came to Sect Master Cetian, clasped his fists and whispered.

“So, this saint mural is not the original one?”

Sect Master Cetian muttered to himself.

“Sovereign, I think it’s a blinding technique. The Sage Valley has been passed down for many years, and no one in the mural can hurt one of its feet. Who can cut the whole piece?”

An elder Cetianzong stepped forward and clasped his fist.

“I saw it with my own eyes. It is definitely not an illusion. Sovereign. Now this saint mural is different from before. Sovereign only needs to try it.”

The previous monk Cetianzong was dissatisfied that the elder doubted him, so Sect Master Chao Cetian suggested.

“Okay, then give it a try.”

Sect Master Cetian looked at the mural with solemn expression. The next moment, he slowly raised his hand, and a sword flew out from his fingertips, carrying a terrifying aura, and attacked the mural.

“It’s worthy of being the number one master in the world today. Just the coercion of this sword makes me unable to move…”

“If this saint mural is fake, this sword can be shattered!”


As soon as the sword of Sect Master Cetian hit the mural, it immediately turned into scrap copper and rotten iron and fell to the ground.

A faint blush and a trace of blood floated on the face of Sect Master Cetian, slowly slipping from the corner of his mouth.

Everyone watched this scene dumbfounded.

In their hearts, they have gradually concluded that the person who took the mural and left the mural just now has a cultivation base that is definitely far more than that of Sect Master Cetian. That might be a…living saint! Rather than the cold dead saint on the mural!

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