Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 4190: Reject

“If the Heavenly Capital World is beaten down, even if it can only be given some vitality, it will be a considerable amount of life…”

The Demon God King was secretly calculating in his heart, and suddenly discovered that even if Fang Yan died a **** king in the great world, the benefits he would get later were obviously greater than the value of the Qingyang God King!

Everyone is looking forward to it, including the Heavenly Star God King and others, they can also imagine the benefits they can get after they break down a big world!

“My Shenluo Great World does not plan to participate in this battle.” Ning Qi smiled and stood up and said: “I’m coming today, just to let you know, I hope you can convey my meaning to other big worlds. , Shinra World will not take the initiative to fight this meaningless war, but Shinra is not afraid of war, who dares

Provoke Shinra, I will come. “

After saying this, Ning Qi walked outside the Temple of the Twelve Gods.

The three people of Heavenly Star God King were stunned for a moment, and there was a hint of uncertainty in their eyes, but when they saw that the sea king also followed, they hurriedly followed.


The Demon God King and the others looked at each other dumbfounded, and they all saw the incredible color in each other’s eyes.

How can I refuse?

The two great **** kings joined forces to ambush the great **** king in the great world. The victory is almost a certainty. Who doesn’t know the benefits of winning the great world? Why would Ning Qi refuse so simply and decisively?

The other party doesn’t even want to participate in the battle of the heavens and the world? For countless years, as long as it is a big world, which big world can detach itself from this battle?


The Great God King Fang Yan suddenly chuckled, looking towards the direction where Ning Qi and others were leaving, his eyes getting colder:

“It seems that this person still has a trace of mortal compassion left in his heart. He will not participate in the battle of the heavens and the world? Hehe, I want to see if he will overturn today’s decision when his life is about to die. !”

“Great God King, what should we do now? Now Qingyang God King is dead, just like this against Tiandu Great World, I’m afraid the odds of winning are extremely low.”

The Demon God King whispered.

“It’s not you yet, why have you met this person, but didn’t tell me how strong it is to wait for him?”

A **** king looked at the evil spirit **** king coldly, his eyes flashed with cold light.

The Demon God King was stunned for a moment, and then coldly snorted: “How do I know that his strength is so terrifying that I didn’t act with him at the time. If it weren’t for the Qingyang God King to offend others for no reason, Qingyang The king will not die today!”

“Okay, there is no need to engage in unnecessary quarrels. It is already a fact that the Qingyang God King is dead, not to mention that you have been given a lot of life.”

Fang Yan Great God King said lightly.

Everyone closed their mouths immediately after hearing the words.

After a few breaths of silence, the Great God King Fang Yan sneered: “Since the Shenluo Realm does not want to join hands with us, then we will join forces with the Tiandu Great World. If we can create a Shenluo Realm, there will be no benefits. Where is it going.”

Everyone was slightly surprised, and joined forces with Tiandu Great World? The two sides have been fighting for countless years, can they really join hands at will?

“As long as there are enough benefits, the one in the Tiandu Great World will temporarily let go of the enmity with us.”

Fang Yan the Great God King said lightly, and then he glanced at the Demon God King, “It’s up to you to go to the Heavenly Capital World, and tell the other party what I mean.”


The Demon God King was slightly startled, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then subconsciously wanted to refuse, but when he noticed that Fang Yan’s vitality was constantly circulating in his body, he immediately nodded and agreed.


“Great King Beixuan, don’t we really join forces with Fang Yan Great World?”

The Bahuang God King saw that everyone did not speak, and finally couldn’t bear it, and asked.

The Heavenly Star God King looked strange, thinking of a conversation with Ning Qi a long time ago. At that time, the other party was just a god.

Thinking about it now, in that conversation, Ning Qi seemed to have already expressed his attitude. He didn’t particularly agree that the king needs to use the death of the world’s creatures to absorb lifespan!

“As long as I am in one day, I will never allow the flames of war to extend to the great world of Shinra.”

Ning Qi said lightly.


The sunset **** king gritted his teeth and whispered: “If no creatures die, how can we guarantee our longevity? Even the big… **** king needs to absorb the vitality of death to ensure that he can survive .”

“Hehe, draw the vitality of the death of living beings? Since the fusion of the Shenluo and the Gods of Good Fortune, the Shenluo world has been in contact with those outside worlds, and both parties can come at will.

Have you ever thought that if you join this war, you will be in a state of war for countless years, every day, every moment. If you can survive by this method, what else is there for you to become a king of gods? significance?

It would be better to abolish the cultivation base, and no longer have to worry about the longevity problem. “

Ning Qi smiled lightly.

The Bahuang God King and the Sunset God King stopped talking, but from their eyes, they could tell that they didn’t agree with Ning Qi’s statement too much.

“If you want to live, it’s very simple. You may not know that there were 108 **** kings in the Shenluo world, well, maybe one hundred and nine.

None of these **** kings chose to participate in the war between the heavens and the world, but took another path. Although they were dead, they also left some clues to future generations. “

Ning Qi said lightly.

“One hundred and nine **** kings?”

The three people of Heavenly Star God King took a breath, and immediately felt that Ning Qi was bragging.

Even Fang Yan’s Great World has only twelve **** kings. Even if the other great worlds are stronger than Fang Yan’s Great World, they will not be much stronger!

“The Great King Beixuan is right.”

Sea King suddenly smiled: “The former Shenluo Realm did have more than one hundred **** kings.”

“Aquaman, you?”

The three great kings looked at the sea king together, still showing a trace of unbelief in their eyes.

“You should know that our sea clan has a special method to communicate with the mysterious existence in the void.”

Sea King smiled lightly. The three people of the Heavenly Star God King’s expressions lifted, with thoughtful expressions on their faces. This method has been known to them for many years, but they are only guesses about the mysterious existence in the void, and they can’t know for sure. , What is that

Such existence.

“The mysterious existence should be the ancestor of my sea clan and one of the more than 100 gods and kings.”

Aptune said with a smile.

“No wonder.”

Ning Qi’s eyes flashed a flash of suspicion. Now, he finally understands why the Sea Clan can communicate with that kind of monster. The **** kings who died in the void, I’m afraid they all turned into similar monsters, but when they died in that huge city, they would turn into corpses.

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