Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 4051: A question

“You said the Domination Tournament? Of course I will participate.”

Ning Qi smiled and looked at the Four Tribulations God of the Sea Clan, “Are you planning to do something against me in the Overlord Tournament?”

“Hehe, do it for yourself.”

The other party chuckled and ignored Ning Qi and others, and brought Qin Long and other Hai Clan into the Tingfeng Tower.

“Brother Ning, I heard that that guy is a direct disciple of Sea King. When he was in the Overlord Tournament, his method and strength were stronger than that of the Godless God.”

The giant ghost gods speak through the voice.

“Really, I want to see how different his strength is from Wutian.”

Ning Qi smiled.

In this dominance match, he has a hunch that after killing so many gods, his cultivation level will at least increase by one big realm, and possibly even two big realms!

As long as Wutian and the Four Tribulations of the Sea Clan can be killed, there is a 70-80% chance that the power emerging from the void will allow him to cross two realms in succession!

Leaving the Tingfeng Tower, everyone went to a house purchased by the Giant Ghost God in the Imperial Capital. The scenery and area here are no less than that of the Tingfeng Tower, but there is still a certain gap between the aura inside and the Tingfeng Tower.

“Ten days from now, the Overlord Tournament will start. Brother Ning, this time Wu Tian Shenzun and others will definitely target you.”

The giant ghost gods and Ning Qi are sitting in a pavilion, with Meishi making tea beside them, and the fragrance of tea is overflowing, floating in the entire garden.

“I have been targeted since I started on the path of spiritual practice, and this time is no exception. But you have to be careful. If they can’t deal with me, they may start with you.”

Ning Qi smiled lightly.


Giant ghosts and gods laughed at himself, “I plan to give up this dominance game, at least the gods fight, I will not participate.”

The beauty attendant next to the giant ghost gods and goddess heard the words and paused for a while before returning to the original state, as if he hadn’t heard anything.

It’s just that deep in her eyes, there was a hint of shock.

The giant ghosts and gods are going to give up participating in the dominance match. What happened before?

After a few breaths of silence, Ning Qi nodded slightly and smiled lightly: “It is wise for you to give up the battle of the gods. As for that day, as long as I can meet him during the battle of the gods, I will send him directly on the road. “

After a pause, Ning Qi asked curiously: “Did the **** king ever interfere in the previous battles with the gods?”

“Never shot.”

The giant ghost **** shook his head, “From the beginning of the dominance game, even if there is a **** who falls in the **** battle, no **** king has ever interfered in this matter.”

“That’s fine.”

Ning Qi nodded with a smile.

At the same time.

In the Tingfeng Tower, Wutian God and the Four Tribulations God of the Sea Clan were sitting in the same room. Neither side brought the other Gods with them, but the two met separately.

“Qing Sha, you asked to talk with me in detail, why?”

The godless **** said with a faint smile.

The **** of the green evil spirit looked at the godless god, after a few breaths, he slowly said:

“Some time ago, a Sixth-Rank Sea Clan captured hundreds of Sixth-Rank from your Heavenly Star Kingdom. Have you heard about this?”

“Of course I have heard of it.”

The Godless Wutian sneered: “It happened in the Kingdom of the Heavenly Stars. If I didn’t even know about it, then the Kingdom of the Heavenly Stars should have been included in your Seagod Kingdom.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I am not here to mock you.”

God Qing Sha said with a faint smile: “Since you know this, then you should also know that a lot of things happened after this, right?

At the beginning, I killed hundreds of Rank Six of my Sea Clan, and then sneaked into the God Capital of My Sea God Kingdom, and rescued hundreds of Rank 6 guys of your Star God Kingdom. Now they are in the Imperial Capital of your Heaven Star God Kingdom and they have to participate in the overlord. Match.

I came today just to ask for something like you. “

“What is it.”

The godless **** said indifferently.

He knew exactly who the **** Qingsha pointed out in his mouth.

“The life of Emperor Xuantian Bei.”

Qing Sha God said with a faint smile.

Wu Tian Shen Zun heard this, and suddenly smiled: “I can’t call the shots. His life belongs to him. If you want it, you must take it yourself.

But in this imperial capital, if you weren’t in the dominance match, you suddenly attacked the human gods, I don’t think the gods would stand by. “

“I know this, so I want to take his life in the Domination Tournament. I don’t know what if there is no god’s will?”

Qing Sha God said with a faint smile.

“To be honest, I don’t have much opinion. If you meet him in the Domination Tournament, even if you die, according to the rules, the Lord God will not interfere. How can I hinder you? You don’t need to come and talk to me about this today.”

No gods respect the way.

“I understand this rule naturally.”

The Green Sha deity nodded, “I came to you today, just to ask you for a favor, so that I can meet this son in the deity battle of the Overlord Tournament.”


The Wutian Godzun’s eyes moved slightly, and then his face was slightly dignified: “Are you planning to let me cheat on the list?”

“Yes, you and I are working together, even if the gods of the Phoenix and the Buddha are not aware of it.”

The Green Sha deity nodded.

“Let me consider, I will give you an answer the day before the overlord game.”

The godless **** said indifferently.

“Then I will wait for good news.”

The Green Sha God stood up with a smile, arched his hands, and turned away.

When he left, there was another figure in the room.

“Why don’t you agree to him right away?”

Pity the Star God Sovereign sat next to Wutian God Sovereign, and gradually nestled into his arms. “It’s no different from agreeing later and agreeing earlier. The day before the Overlord’s game, you send someone to find that little guy and ask him whether things about the Emperor Shenzong can be opened up on the Internet. If he agrees, then everything is fine. If Blame it if he doesn’t agree

Fuck me. “

The godless **** said with a faint smile.

The Lianxing Divine Venerable frowned slightly. She could see that Wutian Divine Venerable still wanted to recruit Ning Qi, even after the opponent had repeatedly confronted him.

“I always feel that this child is not a good kind.”

Lianxing Divine Venerable sighed lightly.

Time is fleeting.

On the day before the opening of the Overlord Tournament, a Sixth-Rank God’s Domain warrior knocked on the door of the house of the Giant Ghost God Venerable.

The door opened, and the other party said his intention, and soon someone took the other party to see Ning Qi.

“Under the order of the Star God Venerable, I come to ask Beixuantian Emperor a question.”

The sixth grade is quite respectful.

“I don’t seem to have much to talk to her, please go back.”

Ning Qi smiled lightly.

The sixth rank was slightly startled, and said in embarrassment: “Emperor Bei Xuantian, the next question has not been asked, why not make a decision after listening?”

“No, do you go by yourself or do I send you away?”

Ning Qi smiled lightly.

The face of the sixth rank suddenly became very ugly. He bowed his head and said nothing. After a few breaths of silence, he arched his hands and turned away.

As soon as he left, he immediately found Lianxing Divine Venerable, and showed the scenes one by one.

“Don’t you even want to answer questions…”

There was a smile in the eyes of Lian Xing Shenzun. This is what she hopes to see!

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