Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 404: Potion

Chapter 404 Potions

Ning Qi glanced at Duan Yingwei, showed his white teeth, grinned, and walked outside the capital.

“Cousin Yingwei, he dare to provoke you!”

“This son is too arrogant. He is still handsome friend of Duan. If you don’t give a lesson, how can you do it?”

“Yes, it should be a tough fight, or just abolish the repair base!”

Duan Yingwei listened to the words of the three younger brothers, looked at Ning Qi’s back, her eyes were extremely cold, and sneered, and said: “Go! Keep up, you can’t do it in the capital, and you will solve him when you get outside!”

Ning Qi felt a few eyes that seemed to stay on him all the time, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. At the same time, he searched in Tulong Mall to see if there were any products that could help in this matter.

“Mysterious rank lower-grade soul search pill, you can directly view a person’s memory. It is limited to those below Douzong. After the soul search, the soul of the other party will become damaged, which is no different from the living dead. Price: 50000 Dragon Slaying Currency.”

This is useful, but Ning Qi can’t accept it without discussing the price. It’s the aftereffect and a bit overbearing. He doesn’t know if Duan Yingwei is a victim or a participant in this matter. If you use a soul search on him Dan, it turns out that he did not participate in the frame of Duan Yingjun, so it is not easy to explain to Shenlonghou’s Mansion.

“Look again…”

Ning Qi continued to search and found all kinds of pills or props that were helpful to the current situation. However, it was either that the price was too high and he could not afford it, or that he could not afford it at all, or it had a little effect. abnormal.


“The potion Veritaserum, three drops, you can tell the secret hidden in the bottom of your heart, according to the other party’s cultivation base to determine the amount of more or less, the price of one drop: 100 Dragon Dragon Coins.”

“This thing, it seems to come in handy… By the way, isn’t this the potion refined by the wizards in Harry Potter? The system even has this income, which is a bit awkward…”

Ning Qi was slightly happy. At this moment, he had already left the capital, and then he flew out for about seven or eight hundred miles, then stopped.

After three breaths, four streamers came from the back, swish, and surrounded Ning Qi.

“You know you can’t run away, do you? If you kneel down and knock me a few heads now, I’m in a good mood, maybe I don’t care that you are a friend of Duan handsome that beast, and let you go.”

Duan Yingwei looked at Ning Qi and smiled faintly.

In his eyes, Ning Qi is nothing more than Peak Fighting King, who can deal with it with one hand!

His three little brothers laughed one after another. In the capital, everyone’s status is not low. They can only find some sense of accomplishment and pleasure from these outsiders, and vent their hostility.

“Six Breaths…”

Ning Qi whispered to himself.

The voice is too small, Duan Yingwei and others did not hear clearly, Duan Yingwei frowned and said: “What are you talking about? What six breaths?”

“It only takes six breaths to defeat you!”

Ning Qi smiled and slapped three palms directly at the three Douwang. Because the distance between the two sides was too close, the three of them had no time to react, so they were overturned by six silver dragons to the ground and severely injured.

At this point, it took about two breaths.

Duan Yingwei’s face showed a look of horror: “What kind of martial arts is this powerful!”

“There are four more breaths.”

Ning Qi looked at him and smiled.

“Huh, arrogant!”

Duan Yingwei laughed furiously, even if he defeated the three fighting kings? He was a dignified two-star battle emperor, and he came from the Dragon Hou Mansion of the Kyushu Empire, and was located in a remote place. It would not be a big problem to fight a three or four-star battle emperor. Therefore, he grinned and attacked Ning Qi.

Now, it’s not as simple as trying to teach Ning Qi a lesson.

“I will abolish your cultivation base and see if you can still be so arrogant!”

“Eighteen palms of the dragon descending!”

Puff puff puff!

Ning Qi slapped him three palms in a row. One palm is stronger than the other. With the extremely violent dragon-slaying fighting spirit, coupled with the god-level martial arts ability to drop the dragon with eighteen palms, Duan Yingwei directly shot Duan Yingwei into a stupid man. His attack was right. Ning Qi could not play a blocking role at all, and was directly submerged in the Long Sea.

After hitting three palms in a row, his body crashed down beside the three younger brothers.

“Really, as long as six breaths…”

Duan Yingwei struggled to do it, looking at Ning Qi condescendingly at him with a horrified expression.

Ning Qi has a black glass bottle in his hand, about the size of a palm, and inside it is the potion Veritaserum, black, with bubbles, a total of one hundred drops, costing Ning Qi 10,000 tons. Dragon coins.

“You, what do you want to do!”

Seeing that Ning Qi seemed to be feeding herself the unknown potion, Duan Yingwei’s face was horrified.

His three little brothers are struggling to stay away from Ning Qi. In their opinion, Ning Qi is probably the kind of evil giant who practices magic arts!

“I am a child of Shenlonghou Mansion, you dare to treat me this way, my father, the elders, will not let you go!”

Seeing Ning Qi getting closer and closer to him, Duan Yingwei’s frightened face was distorted.

He is a child of Shenlonghou Mansion, the Emperor of Two Stars, no matter where he goes, he can live a life that everyone envy, how can he die here like this?

“Also nonsense!”

Ning Qi slapped his face with a slap, then forcibly fed him a drop of the potion Veritaserum, and then looked at Duan Yingwei carefully to see how he reacted.

Duan Yingwei suddenly felt his mind spin around after taking that drop of Veritaserum.

“What’s your name.”

Ning Qi asked.

Duan Yingwei’s face was struggling.

“It seems that the medicine is not effective enough, let’s have another drop.”

Ning Qi fed him another drop.

“What’s your name.”

This time, Duan Yingwei’s expression became extremely dull. He said faintly: “My name is Duan Yingwei…”

“What happened to Cousin Yingwei? What did this guy eat for him?”

The horror of the three King Dou of the Shenlonghou Mansion dissipated a lot, but there was a little more doubt, because they found that the potion Ning Qi fed Duan Yingwei didn’t seem to hurt him.

“What’s your wife’s name.”

Ning Qi continued to ask.

“My wife is called’Yan Shui Ling’.”

Duan Yingwei said stupidly.

“Well, do you like Duan handsome?”

Ning Qi turned around.

“I don’t like him, he is very dirty, his mother is a bitch, he is a wild species…”

Duan Yingwei said stupidly.

Ning Qi heard the words, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

“Cousin Yingwei, what’s wrong with you!”

Seeing that Duan Yingwei seemed to have said something that shouldn’t be said, the three people panicked and reminded them.

At this time, Duan Yingwei heard their voices, and his expression clearly began to struggle. It seemed that because of their reminder, the efficacy of Veritaserum began to decline.

“Damn, waste my Dragon Slaying Coins.”

Ning Qi unceremoniously stepped forward and stunned the terrified three people, and then fed Duan Yingwei a drop of Veritaserum, his expression gradually returned to woodland.

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