Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 4036: Bronze coffin

“How dare you kill the servant?”

After the astonishment, the warrior of God’s Domain came back to his senses, his face was incredibly rich, and his emotions were rich. Compared with the previous one, he was like two people!

“It’s just a mere six-rank high-level pinnacle. In my eyes, like ants, why can’t you kill them? Why are you so surprised?”

Ning Qi said with a chuckle.

“Did you know that even if you are a god, you can easily be crushed to death by the godless gods turning their hands?”

Xiao Chen was shocked.

He has been a servant of the gods for many years, whether it is a giant ghost god, or a quicksand god, and the other five gods, he will often see him.

When each of these gods was in the imperial capital without the gods’ mansion, which one was not well-behaved and cautious, even without them, the Sixth-Rank God’s Domain warriors seemed at ease.

That’s why.

In their hearts, they gradually disregarded the other gods except the godless gods, and slowly cultivated an aura dedicated to the godless gods.

Seeing Taishan collapse in front of you, you can also feel at ease!

But today, Ning Qi’s actions interrupted his views on the gods for so many years!

“Whether the godless **** can crush me to death, he knows, I know, you don’t know, whether I can crush you to death, I know, and you also know.”

Ning Qi smiled lightly.

Xiao Chen only felt that his back was slightly cold, but at some point, his back was soaked with cold sweat.

“Go, go back to the emperor’s capital to send a message, Wutian Godzun really wants to see Jing Donghan, then come personally.”

Ning Qi smiled.

Xiao Chen was silent for a few breaths, then turned and galloped away.

As soon as he left, there was a dignified look in Ning Qi’s eyes, looking in the direction where Xiao Chen was leaving, he was not looking at Xiao Chen, but at the imperial capital that was not known how far away.

Ning Qi is no longer too afraid of the gods and others. With the nine doors open, who can take his physical punch?

Only above the gods, there are also the gods, the sky star **** kingdom, the sunset **** kingdom, and the eight desert **** kingdom.

Plus the Sea King of the Kingdom of Shanghai, there are still four people in this world who are above him in strength. In the eyes of these four gods, the seventh step monk is no different from the ants!

At present, the heavens and worlds are constantly merging. Sooner or later, the God Realm of Good Fortune will come to the Shenluo as a king.

The three **** kings of the human race do not know what their attitudes are, but the sea king of the sea race is afraid that a storm will be set off. By then, no one in the Shenluo realm can stop it!


Ning Qi’s eyes moved.

In his ear, the system alert sounded!

“The host’s reward has been successfully generated, do you want to receive it?”

“This reward took so long to generate, I don’t know what it will be.”

Ning Qi was stunned, instead of receiving it immediately, but with a thought to check the reward information.

This is the reward after he completes the system task and successfully obtains the godhead. In theory, its value should be at least above the seventh step!

“This is…”

Ning Qi looked at the reward message, unable to speak for a long time.

“The system, is this reward really for me?”

“The host’s reward has been successfully generated, do you want to receive it?”

The system beep sounds repeatedly.

“If I seize the Godhead and accomplish the seventh step, will you reward me with this thing?”

Ning Qi shook his head and smiled bitterly, “Get it!”


A bronze coffin suddenly appeared out of thin air in the void, and then fell heavily to the ground with a loud noise.

This bronze coffin is ten feet long and very huge. Let alone put down Ning Qi, it is estimated that hundreds of people can be left inside.

The system is cursing him to death?

Or are you blessing him to get promoted and fortune?

Ning Qi fell into thought.

“System, I will ask you, what is the use of this bronze coffin?”

For a while, Ning Qi asked.

But the system did not give him any response, so Ning Qi had to stand on top of the coffin and judge the role of the bronze coffin by himself.


Ning Qi’s eyes moved suddenly, and after looking up and down dozens of eyes on the bronze coffin, he found that the coffin was somewhat similar to the coffin that was seen in the void as described by Emperor Xingchen!

“Is this a bronze coffin specially used to store the corpse of the **** king? The system gave me this, indicating that I have the opportunity to become the **** king, but also, may die in the **** king realm?”

Ning Qi frowned slightly.

After thinking for a long time, he still couldn’t get the answer, so he could only use the simplest means to see if this bronze coffin was a worthless thing.

The Nine Doors of Dunjia are all opened!

In an instant, the power flowing in Ning Qi’s body has reached its limit, and then Ning Qi slapped the bronze coffin with a palm.


The terrifying air wave swept in all directions, but the aftermath spread out about a hundred meters, and was stopped by Ning Qi.

The bronze coffin was abruptly endured by Ning Qi’s full blow, but there was no damage to the place where it was hit.

The coffin looks ordinary and ordinary, after receiving Ning Qi’s full palm, there was no damage at all.

This is enough to prove that it is not ordinary.

“It is the ordinary treasure of Chaos. Under my palm, it will be wiped out. What kind of material is it made of, and the texture is so hard… If it is shot by the king, I don’t know if it can stop it. Live…”

Ning Qi’s eyes showed surprise.

The slight dissatisfaction with the system in my heart faded away.

Just because this bronze coffin can’t even be damaged by him, it can’t be said that the system gave him such an unlucky trash.

Maybe this bronze coffin has a secret behind it, and the system may have other intentions.

Next, Ning Qi used simple and rude means to constantly experiment with the limits of the bronze coffin, and every inch was beaten by Ning Qi.

When it was determined that he could not destroy the bronze coffin, Ning Qi began the final test.

He was about to open the bronze coffin.

Theoretically, it might be empty inside.

Taking a deep breath, Ning Qi patted the lid of the coffin from bottom to top with a backhand. The bronze coffin and lid did not move.

“Can’t open?”

Ning Qi narrowed his eyes slightly.

The next moment, he grabbed the rim of the coffin with both hands and screamed, letting all the power in his body flood into his arms.

“Get up!”

After a few breaths, the lid still doesn’t move.

This had to make Ning Qi wonder if there was really a corpse lying inside.

“Wait! This system will not directly take a coffin with the corpse of the **** king from the eerie void over there, right?”

Ning Qi suddenly snorted in her heart.

If this is the case, the system’s joke this time will be too big…

“Before the system said that the reward was being generated, could it be because of the treacherous void, too far away from here, so it takes a certain amount of time to transport the coffin to this place…” Ning Qi thought more and more The more I felt something was wrong, the gaze that looked at the bronze coffin had a dignified look.

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