Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 3855: Suppression

“Master True Spirit was injured?”

Ning Qi was startled slightly, and his face suddenly sank. I didn’t expect that now in the Dark Council, anyone would dare to do something to the real spirit?

“Yes, this matter is very secretive. Master Zhenling doesn’t seem to want to spread it out. I happened to go to the headquarters some time ago and someone else told me.”

Zi Ling nodded, with a hint of worry on his face, “I don’t know what the current situation of Lord True Spirit is.”

“Small injury.”

Ning Qi smiled, “I’ll go to Master Zhenling to take a look, and take a step first.”

“Okay.” Zi Ling nodded. The next moment, she found that Ning Qi’s figure had long since disappeared. Seeing this, Zi Ling couldn’t help sighing in her heart. Once upon a time, her cultivation base was much higher than Ning Qi. Many. At that time, in order to break through the cause and effect, Ning Qi also

I want her to help go to Master Zhenling to get the line…

But now, Ning Qi’s cultivation base is getting more and more invisible to her. The gap between the two sides can no longer be expressed by distance, and it is almost like a person in two worlds.


“Puff!” In the office where True Spirit is located, he was cross-legged to adjust his breath to heal his injuries, but in the end he touched the breath that the councilman left on him. This breath was like a sharp sword, making him hurt again. Deepened a few layers, a mouthful of blood was sprayed out immediately,

Jiu Kun, who was always worried about the safety of his soul, stood guard at the door. After hearing the movement, he hurriedly pushed in.

“Master True Spirit? Are you okay?”

Jiu Kun came to the real spirit, his face extremely worried.

“It’s okay.”

Zhen Ling smiled and shook his head.

“How can it be okay, as long as you heal your injury, the aura will erode your injury again. The other party’s purpose is obviously to spend thousands of years waiting for the injury to recover on its own.”

A voice suddenly rang behind the real spirit. Before Jiu Kun and the true spirit showed their shocked faces, Ning Qi’s hands were already behind the true spirit. The next moment, the power of the Great Emperor in Ning Qi instantly poured into the true spirit, and another force of the Great Emperor in his body saw Status, greet you immediately, just turn

In an instant, he was defeated by Ning Qi’s power.

After that, Ning Qi used the power of the Great Emperor to help Zhenling recover from his injury, and then stood up.

“My injury is healed?”

The real spirit is dumbfounded, he feels that his current state is as if he had never been injured!

Jiu Kun also looked at Ning Qi with a dull expression. He could feel that the aura of the true spirit had returned to the same as before, but the wounds on the true spirit were left by the emperor. Why could Ning Qi be able to help in an instant Its recovery? ?

“Master True Spirit, who left the wound on your body?”

Ning Qi smiled.

Zhen Ling’s face changed a few times, and then smiled and shook his head: “It was me who accidentally got hurt by fighting with others.”

Jiu Kun heard the words, but stopped talking.

“By the way, how did you cure the internal injury in my body? In theory, this injury should not be so easy to heal…”

Zhen Ling looked at Ning Qi with a weird expression.

“Master True Spirit, your injury is really left by fighting against others? Not seeing you in a short time, you actually fight against the emperor. I have never had such courage before.”

Ning Qi said with a smile.

“How do you know…”

The true spirit was stunned.

If Ning Qi knows that his injury was left by the emperor, then…Ning Qi’s method of curing his injury, wouldn’t it be…”Brother Ning, the injury on Lord Zhenling was left by the’Progressman’ Yes, some time ago, the General Assemblyman asked Master Zhenling to go to the headquarters and asked him to persuade you to give up the profits of the Thang Long Chamber of Commerce. Master Zhenling just said that he could not do this.

When I made the decision, I was injured by the General Assemblyman, and Secretary-General Qi Yi was also injured together! “

Jiu Kun told the story immediately, even though the real spirit is now healed from his injury, there is still a trace of anger in his eyes.

“Progressman? I never seem to have heard of the name of this congressman. What is his background?”

Ning Qi’s eyes moved slightly. Upon seeing this, Zhen Ling glanced at Jiu Kun angrily, then sat back on his office chair, took a deep breath, and looked at Ning Qi: “The other party hurts me and just wants to test you. You must not be impulsive. Otherwise this time, you may not be able to leave the dark discussion

Yes! “

“Master True Spirit, you know my temper, how can I be impulsive? Even if I want to be impulsive, I can’t beat the congressman.”

Ning Qi smiled. When Zhen Ling heard the words, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he nodded with a smile, “Members of the Promenade are also of marine origin, and they are related to the members of Liushui. They are his descendants. They are the least experienced members of the dark council. I used to Still of reincarnation

At that time, Qi Yi had just been an immortal monk at that time, and Congressman Polo was the secretary-general of that era. I have met him several times. Compared with other Congressmen, Congressman Polo is more temperamental. Be irritable. “

“In that case, Senator General’s cultivation is not particularly strong anymore?”

Ning Qi’s complexion became a little weird. Qi Yi is now in the immortal realm. At the beginning, it was the immortal realm. If the time it takes for the General Assemblyman to become the emperor, it will be equivalent to the time it took Qi Yi to practice from the immortal realm to the immortal realm. In such a short period of time, even if his talent is extremely high , The strongest is not the emperor’s realm

The second turn, it may even be the first turn of the emperor realm. As for the third turn of the emperor realm, that is completely impossible.

“Not particularly strong…”

Zhen Ling and Jiu Kun’s expressions changed slightly. It was the first time they heard such words from his population. Is the emperor’s cultivation base not strong enough? “Master True Spirit, they used you to test me this time. If I don’t come back in time, won’t you still suffer some torture? I’m already the secretary general of the Dark Council in the Gods Realm of Creation, and this kind of thing happened. If you don’t ask me about it

Justice, they will suppress them if they want to suppress them in the future. How can those who have good friends with me gain a foothold in the Dark Council? “

Ning Qi smiled lightly.

“You must never think like this. If you oppose the congressman, how can there be a way to survive?”

Zhen Ling’s face immediately became awe-inspiring.

Jiu Kun is eager to try. This time, he feels that the affairs of the council have been overdone. A diligent secretary like Zhen Ling said that he would be injured when he was injured. How is it different from those outside monks?

“Master True Spirit, I am also a great emperor. Why should I be afraid of a general councillor?”

Ning Qi smiled.

“I know you are also the emperor, but… are you also the emperor?”

Zhen Ling suddenly recovered and looked at Ning Qi dumbfounded.

“Brother Ning, have you broken through?”

Jiu Kun is also a little unbelievable, how long has it passed since Ning Qi became the immortal realm last time, and broke through to the realm of the great emperor so soon?

“Yes, even if I have not yet become a great emperor this time, this matter cannot be left alone. If they use this matter, they will use the people whom I have good friends with in the future to force me to surrender all the profits in the Gods of Good Fortune. , Should I pay it or not?”

Ning Qi’s face grew colder. After a pause, before Zhen Ling and Jiu Kun could speak, Ning Qi had grabbed the two figures for a moment, entered the flowing water channel, and hurried towards the headquarters!

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