Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 3565: Xuanyuanlin

Everyone observed about five or six breaths. The child with the first horns suddenly opened his eyes slowly. He didn’t even have pupils, his eyes glowed with white light, like mist and moonlight.

“You servants, so bold!”

The child suddenly yelled, angrily on his face.


Everyone looked at each other, and the leader of Yin Zhen suddenly smiled strangely: “Boy, who do you say is the servant?”

“What’s your servant’s name? You dare to commit the crime, knowingly ask? Believe it or not, let my father give you the death penalty?”

The child looked at the leader of Yin Zhen and cursed, his face exuded a kind of natural majesty.

“In his time, he may have a very different identity, but unfortunately, he didn’t know what happened and was trapped in the Heavenly Origin Stone.”

Blood Weeping Commander analyzed.

Everyone nodded slightly, thinking that his analysis was very reasonable, but the words of the leader of the blood weeping fell into the child’s ears, like a boulder, falling on the calm pond, causing a wave of ripples. “What are you talking about? I, I seem to remember, father is dead, mother is dead, sister is dead, brother is dead, brothers are dead, sisters are also dead, elders are all dead, why, they are How dead! Why can’t I remember


Pain suddenly appeared on the child’s face. Everyone heard the words, and even the Bloody Weeping Commander had a hint of sympathy in his eyes. Obviously, the child had undergone a tremendous change, which was equivalent to the destruction of the door. His relatives, his brothers and sisters were all dead, and he was very It may be his father or something

Before the acquaintance is dying, he must use a means to seal it into the source of heaven, so that he can live to this day!

“What is your name and what race are you from?”

Ning Qi said suddenly. The child’s expression gradually calmed down, and his body exuded a distinctive majesty again. He glanced at Ning Qi lightly, “You rescued me from the Heavenly Origin Stone? Then you are qualified to know me. Name, my name is Xuanyuanlin,

From now on, you will be the first servant I have received in this life. Kneel and bow. “

Swish, the sympathy in everyone’s eyes disappeared without a trace, and replaced by weird, teasing.

“Little kid, if it weren’t for Elder Ning, you would stay in a rock for the rest of your life, so you still want to take him as a servant?”

Dong Yan couldn’t help laughing.

“Shut up, you woman! The mere third step monks are not qualified to talk to me!”

The child glared at Dong Yan and stared at Dong Yan with nothing to say. Her cultivation level is indeed inferior to the child in front of him…

“Well, since you came out of my Heavenly Origin Stone, you will be mine from now on. Now let me tell you about your origins.”

Ning Qi said lightly.

“I thought you could be the first servant of my life. Now it seems that you may not have this blessing. You are really a rude person. For the sake of saving me before you, you and me That’s it.”

The child glanced at Ning Qi pityingly, as if he had lost some great opportunity, and then the child’s eyes fell on the Commander Blood Weeping and Commander Yin Zhen, “You two are barely qualified to be my servants. Kneel down.”

Jiu Kun: “…”

“You two, sorry.”

Ning Qi smiled at the two of them, then reached out and grabbed the child, lifted the child up, and beat the child’s **** again and again with expressionless expression.


An incomparable aura swept across the child, showing his strength at the beginning of the reincarnation realm at this moment, but the next moment, his power was crushed.

Ning Qi has all nine doors on his body, and the strength of the flesh completely crushes the strength of the child. He can’t break free, and can only bear the power of Ning Qi that is enough to overwhelm the sea!




The child’s expression became stunned, and then became livid. Then he turned to the eyes of Dong Yan and others looking at him, and his face became blushing again.

An hour later.

Ning Qi put down his palm, raised the child in front of him, and said face to face: “Can I speak well now?”





Two hours later.

“Are you awake?”

“I will never let you go!”




…One day and one night passed, Ning Qi put down his slightly numb hand, and a trace of surprise rose in his heart. The strength of this guy’s physical body is estimated to be equivalent to the seventh-order Primordial Star Body, but the other party does not have the Jiumen Dunjia body. BUG-level spells, this is it

Be crushed by Ning Qi, otherwise, it may not be known whether the two sides are strong or weak.

“Can you speak well?”

Ning Qi smiled.

“Let me down.”

The child nodded.

After more than ten breaths, the child tidied up his messy clothes a bit, still with a trace of stubbornness on his face, but his tone was quite different from the previous one.

“My name is Xuanyuanlin, and I come from Xuanyuan Immortal Sect. The school I belong to is very powerful, so powerful that it can kill countless servants of your level… cultivators.”

He glanced at Ning Qi subconsciously. Seeing that Ning Qi’s raised hand was let down, he was immediately relieved, his face continued to maintain the arrogant color, and said: “Anyway, very strong.”

“Then why was the door destroyed?”

Ning Qi said lightly.

“I don’t know, I don’t remember all the details. It should be someone who erased part of the memory in my mind with a spell, hoping that I won’t seek revenge from the other party, but do you believe me, I will definitely take revenge? .”

Xuanyuanlin sneered.

“The other party may be dead. After all, your age is too far away from now.”

Dong Yan interrupted.

Xuanyuanlin’s expression changed slightly, and Qiang smiled to himself: “They must not die, waiting for me to come home for revenge!”

“I thought I could cut out some baby…Forget it, you will be by my side in the future, do the work of serving tea and pouring water first.”

Ning Qi reluctantly looked at Xuanyuanlin and shook his head slightly.

Pour water on the tea?

Xuanyuanlin was about to swear unconsciously, but when he noticed the trace of “expectation” in Ning Qi’s eyes, he immediately closed his mouth.

“You can’t wear this dress anymore, otherwise everyone will know that you came out of Tianyuan Stone, the **** leader, do you have a boy’s clothes for him?”

Ning Qi smiled.

“Yes, more.”

The leader of Blood Weeping smiled, waved his hand to call a boy, and ordered him to bring a set of similar clothes to Xuanyuanlin.

Half loudly.

Xuanyuanlin looked at the simple set of clothes in front of him, slowly raised his head, and looked at Ning Qi, “Can you leave me with the last trace of dignity, is this clothes worn by humans?”

The boy who was in charge of getting the clothes heard this, and a trace of anger suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Why isn’t it worn by humans? Isn’t he dressed well?

“If you don’t wear it, just leave it naked.”

Ning Qi smiled. In less than three breaths of effort, Xuanyuanlin had already put on his clothes and stood blankly behind Ning Qi, following the crowd towards the Tianyuan Stone Trading Market.

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