Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 3501: Block the way

Ten million essence stones are equivalent to the entire wealth of a causal cultivator. However, the price of Fen Ye Guo is definitely more than that. Therefore, the black robe man offered a reserve price of 10 million, which did not make people feel Shocked, like Ning Qi, the rest of the reason

All the cultivators in the fruit realm were refreshed, including those in the fate realm, who also expressed a certain interest in Fen Ye Guo.

They also have younger generations who use the fruit of burning karma.

A trace of joy appeared on Lin Mei’s face. She tried her best to inquire about Fen Yeguo this time, and she didn’t make a mistake!

“Every time you increase the price, you must not be less than one million essence stones, please.”

The black-robed man said lightly.

“15 million!”

A causal monk directly added the price of five million essence stones.

No one was shocked.

Such a price increase was absolutely normal in the early stage.

“Twenty million!”

“30 million!”

“Forty-five million!”

After a few rounds of bidding, the price has soared all the way. The causal cultivators present seem to have some origins, and their net worth has surpassed the average of the same level.

The cultivators who asked the Taoist realm can only watch enviously. From now on, the things behind them can’t be bought basically, and they can only be spectators.

“90 million.”

“One hundred million.”

When the price came here, a few cultivators of the causal realm showed a solemn look on their faces, and after a few more price increases, they completely closed their mouths.

At this time, the price of Fenyeguo had reached 130 million yuan!

This price far exceeds the range that ordinary causal monks can afford.

The causal cultivator with an offer price of 130 million, looked a little nervously at the existence of the destiny realm, as long as they didn’t make a move, he would be able to photograph this burning karma fruit.

“One hundred and thirty million for the first time.”

The black-robed man said lightly.

“One hundred and thirty million for the second time.”

Ning Qi’s eyes moved slightly, just as he was about to speak, a fate cultivator suddenly raised his hand and said, “One hundred and fifty million.”


The causal cultivator looked at the other side unwillingly, and finally shook his head and closed his mouth. His limit was 130 million.

“That’s the Patriarch of the Ouyang family. There is a Tianjiao in the Ouyang family’s generation. He has not practiced for a long time, but he has already achieved cause and effect. He bought this fruit of burning industry and wanted to prepare for this Tianjiao.”

“Ouyang’s family is rich and powerful. I am afraid that no one can compete with him.”

“My son, Ouyang’s family is a big family near Chaofengfang City. I heard that it has a little relationship with the Feng family. It is rumored that there was a talented talent in the family who was married to a certain child of the Feng family.”

Lin Mei said.

Ning Qi nodded slightly, just when the black-robed man was about to drop his hammer, he faintly raised his hand and said: “Two hundred million.”

Two hundred million?

Swish swish!

The eyes followed the sound for the first time, and fell on Ning Qi. When those causal realms found that Ning Qi also exuded a trace of causal realm, their expressions changed.

The cause and effect monk who can produce 200 million essence stones is definitely not weak!

Patriarch Ouyang furrowed his brows slightly, and after resting his eyes on Ning Qi for a few breaths, he said faintly: “Two hundred and ten million.” The other destiny realm beings looked at each other, and they all saw what was in each other’s eyes. With a smile, because of the inextricable relationship between the Ouyang family and the Feng family, they did not open their mouths to fight, but it does not mean that they hope that this fruit of burning industry will fall into the hands of the owner of the Ouyang family

, so it’s natural to be happy to see someone taking action.

“Two hundred fifty million.”

Ning Qi said lightly.

At this time, everyone’s eyes on him have changed dramatically, and it seems that even the black-robed man on the high platform is watching Ning Qi.

Ning Qi’s price increase was tens of millions. It seemed calm and calm. Obviously, he was prepared. In comparison, Patriarch Ouyang just increased the price by 10 million, which made him look petty.

“Three hundred million!”

Patriarch Ouyang snorted coldly.

“Hehe, Patriarch Ouyang paid 300 million, is there a higher price?”

The black-robed man’s tone has a hint of smile, and he is obviously very satisfied with the price of Fen Yeguo. He can draw at least 15 million essence stones in this wave, and What is more profitable than this!

“400 million.”

Ning Qi smiled lightly.

As soon as this statement came out, some of the discussions that had heard about Suosuo disappeared, and the auction seemed a bit quiet. Patriarch Ouyang suddenly turned his head and stared at Ning Qi.

Ning Qi smiled at him and nodded. Patriarch Ouyang raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, nodded to Ning Qi, and turned around calmly. The price of 400 million is Ouyang’s wealth and wealth, and he can’t get it out for a while, so no one competes with Ning Qi. After the rest, the black robe declared

Bufen Yeguo belonged to Ning Qi, and then Ning Qi was invited to the backstage by a monk, who paid the money and delivered the goods.

The moment when he got the Fen Ye Guo, Ning Qi’s heart was filled with joy. Now he has collected three Fen Ye Guo, and without accident, he has the qualification to be promoted to the Destiny Realm after taking it.

For the sake of safety, he will definitely consult Lord True Spirit before taking it. He must be 100% sure that the three burning fruits are enough to cleanse the cause and effect on his body, otherwise it will inevitably be out of the question.

Returning to their seats, many people’s eyes scanned Ning Qi constantly. Even in the late stage of the auction, when the auction was about to end, they always had their eyes on Ning Qi in twos and threes.

Soon, when the last auction item was taken away, the black-robed man announced that the underground auction was over.

“Please, please.”

The black-robed man looked at Ning Qi and the others, smiling.

While he was talking, the door slowly opened. Afterwards, the existence of the objects being photographed and left one after another. As for the others, they sat in their seats and waited quietly. They seemed to understand the rules here. They had to sit here for three days before they could leave. This was to protect those photographs. It’s a baby

The monk.

“My son, for safety’s sake, we should leave Chaofengfang City.”

As soon as she left the gate, Lin Mei spoke to Ning Qi.

Ning Qi smiled and nodded, and with a light wave, Lin Mei’s figure disappeared again, and he was taken into the realm of good fortune. After that, Ning Qi did not stay. After leaving Chaofengfang City, he went to the Dark Council. Flew in the direction of the five districts.

“Little brother, please stay.”

Several figures caught up from behind Ning Qi, when Ning Qicai left Chaofengfang City less than a thousand miles away.

Ning Qi paused, turned around and looked around, then smiled lightly: “Patriarch Ouyang, and a few seniors, what can you do if you live here?”

The visitor was Patriarch Ouyang, and the Destiny Realm that appeared in the underground auction.

“This is the case. There is a junior in my family who is in urgent need of burning karma fruit. I wonder if the little brother can let go of your fruit? I can make some compensation.”

Patriarch Ouyang smiled.

“Compensation? How much.”

Ning Qi smiled.

“One hundred million essence stones, what do you think?” Patriarch Ouyang said with a smile.

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