Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 2477: Zhu Xian Bow

Ning Qi glanced, and initially estimated that there were at least more than a hundred pieces of the low-grade Taoist device inserted on the city wall, ranging from the lowest-quality power of 30 Taoists to the highest-quality 299 Taoists. Power, everything! On the second floor of the Meritorious Building, there is a sword of the sea, which contains the power of two hundred and ninety-nine avenues. It requires three thousand merits to exchange it. It takes Ning Qi to kill three thousand gods. To this day, Ning Qi has not collected these merits. Value, after all, unless you enter the magical way and kill you when you see people, otherwise you want to kill under normal circumstances

Three thousand gods are really difficult.

I just didn’t expect that there was a fairy sword that was almost the same quality as the Canghai Sword. In broad daylight, together with hundreds of other low-grade Taoist artifacts, it was inserted on the wall of the city.

It looks as if there has been a fierce battle here. At the last moment, the masters of these Taoist artifacts tried their best to break the city, but the ending may still be a failure, leaving behind the Taoist artifacts, and their owners , But has disappeared, I don’t know whether it is life or death. Ning Qi’s eyes were slightly dignified. Those who can possess lower-grade Taoist artifacts are basically Da Luo-level existences. After all, people like him are a minority, and there will not be more than a hundred people. Luo teamed up to besiege, although he doesn’t know the strength of these big Luo, he has proved a few ways

Fruit, but Da Luo can already use the power of the avenue initially, and even the lower-grade Dao implements are in his body, so he can’t break the city? And also left his own inferior Taoist device?

This shows that there are more terrifying existences in this city than Da Luo. It’s just that whether it’s the city wall or these low-grade Taoist artifacts, they seem to have stayed here for many years. After so many years, is there any existence in the city? Can’t tell.

Ning Qi approached the city wall step by step, and the inferior Taoists inserted in the city wall sensed the arrival of strangers, and they began to shake and hum, and Ning Qi felt all kinds of avenues emanating from them. The power swept toward himself.

At this moment, the silver dragon tattoo on Ning Qi’s body was burned, and the inferior Taoist artifacts looked like a mouse seeing a cat, and they all calmed down.

“Can you still do this? When you encounter these Taoist artifacts in the future, wouldn’t you be able to collect them at your fingertips?”

Ning Qi was startled. He thought that it would take a lot of effort to suppress these hundreds of lower-grade Taoist artifacts, but he did not expect that Yinlong would suppress them all without knowing it. He thought of Yinlong’s predecessor, Ning Qi’s Dragon Slaying. Baodao, Ning Qi is a little curious, what grade was the Dragon Slaying Baodao originally?

A magic weapon?

The process of receiving inferior doctrines went smoothly. There was no danger on the way, and no one else appeared. In the end, Ning Qi held the top-quality inferior doctrine level fairy sword, looked at it for a while, and moved in. A top practice training ground.

Almost thirty days later, Ning Qi reappeared. At the same time, the fairy sword in his hand was already different. It exuded a fierce sword intent, like a dust-covered orb. After Ning Qi’s refining, Can’t wait to show off your brilliance!

Ning Qi is not sure what the power of the Great Dao on this fairy sword is. After asking the system, the system does not seem to mean to answer. He can only ask the old man Xuanjian after he leaves here. I want to understand.

However, although it does not understand the attributes of its great power, the strong sword intent it shows at this moment has a feeling of invincibility!

On the hilt of the sword, there is the word Greedy Moon, and Ning Qi didn’t mean to rename it. Since the previous owner called it Greedyue, it should be justified.

Putting away Greeyue, Ning Qi found that the outside world had been more than 30 days, but he was the same as before. Only he was standing here alone. In these 30 days, no one came here? If this dilapidated ancient city is really on the mountain peak, someone should have arrived long ago.

Thinking of this, Ning Qi was already a little certain. His previous guess was correct. This mountain is not that simple. Although it seems to be only a thousand feet high, there may be something else. This method is the owner of the tomb of the gods in this place. That’s not a big deal.

Hundreds of inferior Taoist artifacts have been obtained on the city wall. What will there be in the city?

Ning Qi made a slight leap and flew into the city. It can be seen that this ancient city may really be dead. There must have been various restrictions at the beginning. It is basically impossible to enter in this way, or else. There will be no scene of siege by hundreds of Da Luo.

In the ancient city, there are ruined walls everywhere, and I don’t know what kind of war I experienced back then. It’s just that there is such a large hall. Ning Qi noticed it at once, because it is very well preserved, compared with the surrounding ruins. It’s like standing out from the crowd.

Ning Qi felt that the silver dragon tattoo on her body was getting hotter and hotter, and she didn’t know if she was warning him or letting him pass.

Ning Qi meditated on the spot for a few breaths, then walked towards the main hall.

He doesn’t know where the slashing gourd mentioned by the system will appear, as long as there is a slight possibility, he will not let it go.

In the process of walking towards the hall, the silver dragon tattoo burned even harder. However, when he reached the door of the hall, the burning sensation suddenly disappeared. The door of the hall opened slowly, and Ning Qi saw at a glance, the hall. In the center, there is an ink-colored longbow!

Other than that, there is nothing else in the temple!


Ning Qi’s eyes moved. Since he came to the fairy world, the most common magic weapon is the fairy sword, followed by knives, spears, sticks, and bows. Ning Qi has never seen anyone use it, but can put it This place is obviously not a mortal thing!

Ning Qi was best prepared to take action at any time, until he walked up to this black longbow and took it off, nothing else happened.

“Could it be that the burning sensation of the silver dragon just now suppressed this bow before I could see it?”

The more Ning Qi thought about it, the more possible it became. It’s just that the previous hundreds of lower-grade Taoist artifacts and the silver dragon tattoo were only ironed, and this bow almost burned the silver dragon tattoo. It can be seen that its grade must be very high, at least, perhaps it is medium-grade. Dao Qi, perhaps a high-grade Dao Qi, even if it is a top-grade Dao Qi, it is possible,

However, the possibility of the best Taoist artifacts is low, otherwise, the owner of the tomb of the gods here is less likely to be a fairy-level character! The ink-colored longbow is very heavy, almost one person high, placed on the ground, and Ning Qi is only two heads higher than it. As Ning Qi was looking at it, the ink-colored longbow began to change a little, and there was a little more on it. Golden streamer, this golden streamer seems to be alive, constantly circulating,

Finally, it merged into Ning Qi’s palm. The next moment, Ning Qi’s mind bounced, adding a longbow, and the longbow in his hand has disappeared.

He also knew the mountains and rivers, Zijin Hammer and Greedyue in the sea, as if afraid of this longbow, dodged far away. A mysterious and mysterious feeling, let Ning Qi know that the name of this bow is called: Zhuxian Bow!

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