Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 2164: So naughty?

“Your Excellency, my Zhao Mansion has no grudges against you, why do you want to destroy my house?”

Zhao Zhuo looked at Huayueting and smiled lightly.

Hua Yueting glanced away, and finally fell on Ding Feng, Zhao Ruo, and Xiaoli. These three were also masters of the imperial atmosphere. Together with Zhao Zhuo and the general manager, she had already met five people in Zhao’s residence. A strong imperial qi realm, plus hundreds of real Yuan realm warriors!

If such a force comes to another martial artist of the Innate Realm, in the Heavenly Dragon Nation, it will no longer be weaker than her Luohua Palace!

However, Huayueting is so proud. Since she has already taken action, she will definitely not give any explanation. She looked at Zhao Zhuo coldly and said: “You are not qualified to talk to me and let the principals of this place come out.” /


“Who is she? Dare to come to our Zhao Mansion!”

“Suppress them!” Huayueting’s words made the surrounding True Essence Realm powerful people excited. Now it is the heyday of Zhao Mansion. All of them are the True Essence Realm masters, and a woman suddenly came to humiliate him. Their Patriarch, how can they hold back this bad breath, every fist is clenched, just waiting for Zhao Zhuo to order


“If you really want to see Senior Bei Xuan, then I will let people pass it through, but if Senior Bei Xuan sees you, this is not what I can control.”

Zhao Zhuo lightly laughed, then nodded to Ding Feng.

Ding Feng saw this, and then broke through the air. After about a dozen breaths, he returned to the crowd and said to Zhao Zhuo: “Patriarch, Senior Bei Xuan, let them pass.”


Zhao Zhuo nodded, looked at Huayueting and smiled: “You are lucky, Senior Bei Xuan is willing to see you, please come with me.”

“Playing mystery and pretending to be a ghost, I want to see what kind of master it is, so arrogant!”

Hua Yueting snorted coldly.

Everyone in the Zhao Mansion was very angry when they heard this, but they did not say anything in a tacit understanding. Instead, they looked at Huayue Pavilion with a smile but a smile, with a hint of sarcasm in their eyes, waiting for them to see the magical powers of Senior Bei Xuan. It is estimated that it is not as rampant as it is now!

Chi Fei and Wu Zhong felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts. They were surrounded by hundreds of warriors in the True Yuan realm who looked forward to it, which really made them a little frightened. A real Yuanjing warrior!

Thinking of this, the two of them subconsciously glanced at Huayue Pavilion and breathed a long sigh of relief in their hearts. Fortunately, with Huayue Pavilion, a first-order master of the Innate Realm, today’s safety is at least guaranteed.

Soon, under the leadership of Zhao Zhuo, everyone came to a very inconspicuous small yard, which is better than the courtyard where Zhao Zhuo was before. This yard can only be said to be better than the wood house. There are obvious gaps in the yards that come and pass.

After all, this was only Ding Feng’s residence at the time. At that time, Ding Feng was just a little doctor. It was very good to have his own yard. Later, Zhao Zhuo suggested that Ning Qi should live in Zhao Mansion. The largest courtyard was turned down by Ning Qi.

“This is it?”

Hua Yueting and the others were slightly startled, looking at the small courtyard in front of them, their eyes were a little weird, but the next moment, without saying anything, Huayueting walked directly towards the courtyard, she couldn’t wait to see what it was like. Exist, pretend to be a ghost here! Zhao Mansion, including Zhao Zhuo, showed a hint of gloat in the eyes of this scene. Sure enough, when Huayue Pavilion approached the gate of the courtyard, she was suddenly blocked by an invisible wall, and Huayue Pavilion’s face showed a trace of shock. Lulu, the next moment, she suddenly pulled out one from her waist

With the soft sword, under the infusion of true essence, the soft sword burst into a burst of cold light and pierced forward. As a result, the soft sword seemed to have pierced an indestructible thing. It was first bent, and then with a loud sound. It broke into pieces and fell on the ground!

“What is going on?”

The Qianlong trio looked at this scene in shock. In their opinion, Huayueting’s sword just pierced the air and broke!


Hua Yueting’s eyes showed a hint of shame, and she was about to make a move, but saw the door suddenly opened, and a figure walked out of it.

“Senior Bei Xuan!”

Zhao Zhuo and hundreds of warriors from the Zhao Mansion handed over to Ning Qi, their voices shook the sky!

“He is the principal of Zhao’s Mansion? These masters of the True Element Realm are not cultivated by this person…why does he look so young…”

Chi Fei and Wu Zhong looked at each other in shock. Qianlong’s gaze fell on Ning Qi, and the shock in his heart was no less than that of Chi Fei. Ning Qi’s appearance at the moment looked like eighteen or nineteen years old, much younger than Qianlong, and this The strongest person in the world is only the fifth stage of qi refining, which is equivalent to the Douwang realm, and the lifespan is generally low

, even if it is a master of beauty, it is at most 70 or 80 years old and looks like 40 or 50 years old!

They originally guessed that the person in charge of the Zhao Mansion was at least one of the hundred-year-old monsters, senior innate martial artists, so seeing Ning Qi really stunned them.

“You want to see me? What’s the matter?”

Ning Qi walked to the front of Huayue Pavilion, glanced away, and smiled lightly.

“Are you the principal of this place?”

Hua Yueting kept looking at Ning Qi, only to find that no matter how she looked at it, she couldn’t see through the depth of Ning Qi at the moment. Ning Qi felt like an ordinary person without any secrets.

“The principal?”

Ning Qi glanced at her with a faint smile, “I’m just a passerby, so I’ll rest here for a while, you should go to the Patriarch Zhao Zhuo to find the person in charge.” Hua Yueting was stunned. , I didn’t expect Ning Qi to answer her like this. After the astonishment, Huayueting’s figure moved slightly and struck Ning Qi like lightning. As the recognized number one killer of the Heavenly Dragon Nation, she was almost at the limit of her body, even if she was a Heavenly Dragon. The leader of the country or the Sect Master of Tianlong, in the short distance

She might not get away so fast!

Qianlong’s mouth was slightly slightly, and it was too late to stop Huayue Pavilion, but he was also a little curious in his heart, wanting to see if the young man in front of him was the backer behind Zhao Mansion.


Hua Yueting appeared behind Ning Qi with a shimmering dagger, but the sharpest part of the dagger fell on Ning Qi’s neck, but… this time, even Ning Qi’s fur was not broken. , Hua Yueting’s eyes showed a trace of horror, and she looked at Ning Qi in disbelief.

With this move, she is sure to kill an existence of the same level as her, if that existence does not have any defensive means!

“So naughty?”

Ning Qi smiled and squeezed the dagger. The next moment, the dagger became extremely hot and turned into fiery molten iron on the spot. Huayueting only felt a pain in the palm of her hand, so she quickly stepped back and looked down. The palm of her hand was already full. It’s blisters!

“Even the Flower Palace Master can’t hurt him. This won’t be the powerhouse of the Grandmaster Realm?” Chi Fei and Wu Zhong were in shock. The people of Zhao Mansion saw this scene, and their eyes were even more admired. That’s terrible!

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