Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 2018: Dark horse

The Dark Horse of Chapter 2018

The high platform of the Lucifer tribe.

The three members of the elders’ pavilion were already a little uncomfortable. One hurriedly got up and left, while the other two looked at each other, and both saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

Even if they were young, they didn’t have such a strong combat power when they were young.

“I don’t think we should wait any longer. When this time of competition is over, I will recruit him to the elders’ pavilion, and I will personally accept him as a disciple.”

Another elder said through the voice that he was in the middle of the Earth Demon, and he was a realm higher than Penn, and as a member of the elders’ pavilion, his status and status were not comparable to Penn’s, so he was naturally confident to accept Ning Qi. As a disciple, as for Payne’s side, he is sure to let him shut up.

“I don’t think this is so good. You already have a lot of disciples. I don’t have any. Let me teach him.”

Another elder spoke through the voice.

“Are you robbing me?”

“You robbed me.”

“Then everyone, don’t **** it. Elder Brown has already gone to inform the Great Elder. I don’t think we both want to accept him as a disciple.”

Not long after, Elder Brown, who had hurriedly left before, returned to the high platform. Seeing the other two people staring at him, Elder Brown said in a faint voice: “The elder said, this son must be taken into the elder. Ge, but he is going to ask Master Lucifer for advice.”

“What? Lord Lucifer?”

The two looked at each other in shock.


Perhaps Ning Qi’s points skyrocketed too fast. Finally, not only the Demon Race Tianjiao of Lucifer High Platform discovered this, but the rest of the Demon Race in the audience also saw it one after another. , These demons looked at Ning Qi’s scene in shock, with a hint of disbelief in their eyes.

“Who is that guy? How come the points are higher than Emperor Xing Tianyan?”

“Hey, I remember him, he seemed to be on the stand of the Lucifer tribe just now.”

“The Lucifer tribe? Is it possible that this person is a secretly cultivated arrogant talent of the Lucifer tribe. Wait, you get 100 points at the beginning of killing a demon? Cheating! This is blatant cheating!”

Many demons were furious and looked at each other.

“It’s not cheating. Didn’t you find out that he has been killing enemies by higher ranks all the time?”

Finally, some Demon Race has discovered the law. According to the rules of the Demon Race’s Tianjiao battle, you can indeed get more points for killing enemies with higher ranks. It is precisely because of this rule that many Demon Race Tianjiao have not given up. The second demon tianjiao battle.

“Tier-level kill?”

“Let me go, this guy is too abnormal, and his points have already exceeded 10,000. It seems that he is going to break 20,000 this time? That Xing Tianyan Emperor can’t keep up with his horse shooting!”

“Damn it, I put ten thousand middle-grade magic crystals on Xingtianyan Emperor!”

In the audience, a certain human demon wailed in Dzogchen.

There are not a few demons who are in the same mood as him. As long as there is a fight, there must be a gambling game. In this battle of the demons, the reward for winning the first day is one million middle-grade magic crystals and one piece The middle-grade magic weapon seems to have a high award, but in fact, the bet received by the peripheral dealers at this moment has already exceeded hundreds of millions of middle-grade magic crystals!

The high platform of the Xingtian tribe, the high platform of the Chiyou tribe, the four top giant cities, and the demons above have also discovered the dark horse of Ning Qi.

The expressions of the major elders suddenly became a little ugly. The Xingtian tribe even directly questioned the elder in charge of Ning Qi’s area, but the other party said that he did not open the back door for Ning Qi, and all the points were real and effective. Yes, this makes everyone unbelievable.

“Brown, what the **** is this guy?”

Chi You Tiansha asked directly in front of everyone, with a suspicious gleam in his eyes.

Swish, countless pairs of eyes suddenly fell on Brown, after all, he is the strongest elder of the Lucifer tribe present at the moment.


Brown laughed and said nothing.

When Chi You Tiansha saw this, he coldly snorted: “Fucking mystery! Although this child has a high score, it is only a higher level. As long as he meets Chi You Hanzhong, he will undoubtedly die!”

As soon as these words came out, the Xingtian tribe immediately breathed a sigh of relief, yes, as long as this son dies, then the number one in the Demon Race Tianjiao battle will still be Emperor Xingtianyan!

One day has passed again.

Finally, the entire demons in the arena found Ning Qi, a dark horse far ahead in terms of points, and while letting them fall through their glasses, almost all demons were looking forward to Ning Qi’s fall! Those admirers of Emperor Xing Tianyan, Chi You Hanzhong, Duolan, etc., looked at Ning Qi’s eyes, full of malice, and prayed secretly in their hearts, hoping that when Ning Qi met their idols, he would be suppressed. kill.

Originally, when Ning Qi hadn’t come to the fore, there were already many demon Tianjiao who were not high in points, but they were well-known by everyone. Many Demon Ages existed, and they even had the idea of ​​accepting disciples. When Ning Qi was born, these arrogances suddenly appeared eclipsed, and once again forgotten by everyone. The Earth Demon Period that had planned to accept disciples existed, and this thought in his mind was removed.

They want to wait a little longer to see if there will be other surprises. As for Ning Qi, they didn’t think about accepting disciples, but when they thought that Ning Qi was behind the Lucifer tribe, they knew they would even Speaking, I am afraid that the Lucifer tribe will not release people.

“Dawn, Young Master Beixuan may not be able to be famous this time, the first Tianjiao, haha, the demon race Tianjiao battles over the years, the first Tianjiao’s name, how can it not be the third Big tribe, the four top giant cities? Maybe Yanshan City will become famous this time too!”

Ping Tian, ​​Kong Yan and others showed a trace of excitement on their faces. If Ning Qi can get the title of First Tianjiao, it will also be of great benefit to them. Family, don’t have to sigh down!


Dawn muttered to himself.


The outside world knows that Ning Qi’s points are the first, but within the cave days, the two sides can’t see the points, so no one knows that Ning Qi’s current points are already a lot ahead of Emperor Xingtianyan. Seeing Ning Qi from afar, he also chose to ignore it.

It’s not that they know that Ning Qi’s cultivation is very strong, but that they disdain to kill Ning Qi, and even the demon stage is not reached. They may not be able to get a little point even if they kill. After all, the existence of people who can come to participate in this Demon Race’s Tianjiao battle is more or less, they have some identities!

Only Tianjiao, who also didn’t even reach the human-devil period, would rush up with bright eyes when they saw Ning Qi, waiting for their end, naturally death.

Just when Ning Qi felt a little boring, he met Davis’s personal disciples, about 20 people, from the early stage to the late stage of the human demon…

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