Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 1653: Sprouting

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-three chapters sprouted

“It really is the land of the gods.”

A gleam of joy flashed in Ning Qi’s eyes, but he was slightly puzzled. How could this mud ball plant the Purple Void God Tree? Does it need to be broken before it can be used?

“Brother Ning, this is the soil you are looking for? Does it have any effect?”

The old man approached with curiosity, and almost touched the mud ball with his nose.

Ning Qi turned over his palm, collected the soil of the gods, and smiled at the old man Jin: “I want to plant a tree, and I need this soil.”

Planting a tree?

Old man Jin is very curious, and he is very curious, but now Ning Qi has already surpassed him too much. Obviously, there is no way to coerce and tempt him, which makes him tickled.

Getting the land of the **** ruins, Ning Qi asked Old Man Jin to find him a room, then his figure disappeared in the room, and he came to the top practice training ground.

“System, can the soil of the **** ruins be crushed before it can be used?”

Ning Qi asked the system.

After waiting for a long time, the system didn’t answer. Ning Qi took out one of the mud **** and observed it carefully. Apart from the extremely faint celestial aura, it seemed to be no different from ordinary soil.

Ning Qi exerted a slight pressure on his fingers, but found that the soil patterns of the **** ruins remained unchanged. How powerful is Ning Qi? Just that moment was enough to squeeze a piece of fine gold into an iron piece, but this mud ball did not change at all. Its hardness and toughness had reached an extremely terrifying point, no wonder it could be passed down from the ancient times to the present.

A faint look flashed in his eyes, and Ning Qi decided to use a three-point force this time.

Still the same!

Five points!

With a click, there was a slight crack in the mud ball.


The crack spreads all over the mud ball.

Until Ning Qi used a lot of force, folded his palms together, and madly kneaded the mud ball, the mud ball broke apart and turned into mud, but it was far from the level of’fine powder’ that could be used. .

In order to turn the mud ball into fine powder, Ning Qi spent a full day and night, carefully grinding it, and finally, a small puddle of dark black soil was added to his palm. The appearance of the soil is somewhat different from before, as if it is composed of a small black crystal, which is different from ordinary soil.

“It’s almost…”

Ning Qi murmured to himself, and took out a mini flowerpot, which he exchanged from the system. It cost a dragon slaying crystal. According to the earliest previous algorithm, one dragon slaying crystal is equivalent to 10 million dragons slaying. Coins, this flowerpot is naturally not a thing, it has special effects that can double the growth rate of plants.

Pour the Divine Ruins soil in her hand into it, just enough to fill the small flowerpot, and then Ning Qi took out the seeds of the Zixu Divine Tree, planted half and half exposed.

“The next thing is Azure Water and Shamisen Real Flame.”

The corners of Ning Qi’s mouth rose slightly. He had prepared these two things in advance.

“The system, exchange one hundred drops of azure water, exchange for ‘Sanwei True Inflammation Body’.”

One drop of azure water is worth one hundred Dragon Slaying Crystals, one hundred drops is 10,000, and the three flavors of true inflammation body is worth five thousand Dragon Slaying Crystals. After exchanging these two things, Ning Qi’s Dragon Slaying Crystals are completely emptied, leaving only dozens of them. Used to redeem the top practice training ground.

The Sanwei True Flame Body is a fairy clan exercise method, with a total of six layers. The level of the exercise method is not too high, but the attack power is also considerable. After all, the power of the Sanwei True Flame cannot be underestimated.

After Ning Qi exchanged it, he automatically cultivated one of the layers. With a thought, a faint cyan flame appeared on his body surface. Wherever he stood, the stone under his feet was burned into colored glaze in the blink of an eye. Turning into powder, Ning Qi condensed the shamisen flames on his body, leaving only a flame in his palm.

Next, Ning Qi took out another crystal bottle, only the size of a palm, the azure water inside was also very strange, not fused together, but separated drop by drop, distinct.

Gently pour out a drop of azure water and drop it on the seed of the purple sacred tree. When the soil of the **** ruins absorbs this drop of azure water, the originally extremely faint fairy spirit suddenly strengthens by several hundred Double, the tiny black crystals also emit a faint black light, covering the seeds.

Ning Qi sat cross-legged with the flowerpot in front of him, and the shamisen true inflammation in the palm of his hand approached the seed. At this time, the black light covering the seed gradually dissipated, and instead absorbed the shamisen true inflammation in Ning Qi’s hand.

Ten days have passed, Ning Qi has been maintaining this position, and when he found that the soil of the **** ruins was a little dry, he dripped a drop of azure water again.

“System, how long does it take for the seeds of the Purple Void God Tree to germinate?”

“According to the different strengths and weaknesses of the azure water, the earth of the gods, and the true flames of the three flavors, the time of germination is also unknown.”


Ning Qi sighed in his heart and kept his posture like this. He added a drop of azure water every ten days or so. After the first year, the seeds of the Purple Void God Tree remained unchanged, but The spirit of the fairy spirit surging in the soil of the ruins became more and more vigorous.

The second year passed, the seeds of the Zixu God Tree still did not germinate. At this time, only 20 drops of the azure water remained.

Time passes.

At the end of the third year, after Ning Qi poured the last drop of azure water from the crystal bottle, the seeds finally changed a little.

This made Ning Qi a little excited, he watched this scene intently.

A crack suddenly appeared at the top of the seed, and then the crack was slowly opened, as if something was about to break free.

This process continued for another half month. Ning Qi finally saw a tender green sprout sticking out of the seed. Seeing this scene, Ning Qi breathed a sigh of relief, with a trace of her face showing With a smile, this time I finally didn’t waste my energy. The seeds of the Purple Void God Tree have germinated. In the future, it will only need to be continuously irrigated with the azure water, the shamisen flames, and the soil of the gods will be able to thrive!

However, at this time, there is a new question before Ning Qi. Except for the next azure water, it is impossible for Ning Qi to stay here day and night, do nothing, put himself Use it as the sun to shine on the Zixu God Tree.

Thinking of this, Ning Qi’s eyes lit up slightly. The next moment, his figure disappeared from the top practice training ground, together with the mini flowerpot.

In Ningqi’s realm of good fortune, there is a small valley with extremely beautiful scenery, which is like a fairy tale world, with towering trees growing, and some gorgeous flowers can even grow to four or five meters high, and one meter. How high is the big mushroom, there is a stream in the middle of the valley, and there are fish leaping up from time to time in it.

Not far from the stream, there is a large courtyard. When Ning Qi walked to the courtyard, Nuwa appeared at the door for the first time, with a pitiful look on her face: “Leader, you are here to pick up the girl. Was it out?”

“Uh…that’s right.”

Ning Qi smiled and nodded, Nuwa heard the words, and her face suddenly showed joy. At this time, the women also felt Ning Qi’s breath and walked out of the yard one after another.

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