Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 1631: I am enough

Chapter 1,631, I am enough


Lei Wenjuan and the three of them looked at Ning Qi dumbfounded.

The guy who said that Ning Qi was ruthless before, trembled in fear at this moment, thinking that Ning Qi heard his complaint and came to him to avenge him!

“What is the name of your suzerain?”

Ning Qi said lightly.

“Wu, Wu Yin…”

The three said in a daze.

“Let’s go.”

Ning Qi smiled.

“Where are you going?”

The three don’t seem to react.

“Go to the Setting Sun Sect.”

Ning Qi smiled.

“What? Senior promised to help us to survive this disaster?”

Lei Wenjuan’s eyes showed ecstasy, and she couldn’t believe it!

“Which direction is the Setting Sun Sect?”

Ning Qidao.

After the three of them pointed in a direction, Ning Qi stretched out his hand and waved, the celestial aura immediately enveloped the three of them, and then the four of them disappeared in place.


Blood River Immortal Dynasty, Great Wild Mountain Range, where there are many sects, there are hundreds of large and small sects. Among them, the strong and the weak are different. The weak sects are only half-step good fortune. The strongest ones A sect, with the creator of the Three Tribulations, has always been the power of the weak in the spiritual world, so those weak sects will pay tribute to the powerful sects and live by them.

The Setting Sun Sect, which rose three thousand years ago, was just a creator who had just stepped into the Calamity at that time. The Setting Sun Sect established by him was quite famous in the Wild Mountains, but among hundreds of sects. , Can only be ranked third, but in the following three thousand years, the Sect Master of the Setting Sun Sect broke through to the creator of the Second Tribulations. Therefore, the power of the Setting Sun Sect rose sharply, and there were a few rare mineral veins under its command. The Setting Sun faction, which did not get too many resources, began to burst into infinite vitality like the rising sun.

But also because of this, the Sunken Sun Sect has offended many sects, and those sects secretly swallowed their voices in view of their master Wu Yin’s strong skills. In addition, the Sunshine Sect to which the Sun Sect is attached, the Tianxinzong, is one of the seven top-ranking sects in the Great Wild Mountains. One of the sects, so even though there are some grievances on weekdays, they are all resolved peacefully. At most, the disciples of the sect are fighting against each other, and there is no big fight.

The days like this began to change more than ten years ago. The Tianxin Sect offended a passing master, the whole sect was destroyed, and the major sects that depended on the Tianxin Sect were all incorporated by other sects, including the Setting Sun Sect, but , The Setting Sun Sect had some feuds with the sect’Jiuquzong’ which included him. That sect was going to leave the veins and resources of the Setting Sun Sect, but it didn’t mean to support the Sun Sect. A former enemy, a Come here.

After more than ten years of fighting, the master who died in the hands of Wu Yin, the overlord of the Setting Sun Sect, was no less than five creators, but the number of the dead disciples of the Setting Sun Sect was tens of thousands. Now that the disciples are withered, even the elders have escaped because of this, leaving only a few loyal disciples.

The monks in the Great Wild Mountains know that the Settlement of Sun Sect is not far away from the extermination of the sect, and just six months ago, the Blood Demon Sect, originally located in the northern part of the Blood River Immortal Dynasty, suddenly moved to the Great Wild Mountain. Xiu was taken abducted by the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect. He didn’t know his life or death. Upon learning of this, Wu Yin came to the door and fought forcibly with the Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect, each time he was defeated.

Now, the Blood Demon Sect has released words to let the Setting Sun Sect destroy the Sect on the day when the Yin Qi is most abundant every year!

Originally, for foreign sects like Blood Demon Sect, even if the monks of the Wild Mountain Mountains were unwilling to help the Setting Sun Sect, they would stop the Blood Demon Sect from doing things here, but one day, a news spread throughout the Wild Mountain Range, the Blood Demon Sect. The sect master of was once an outer disciple of the Nine You Demon Sect, and had an inextricable relationship with the Nine You Demon Sect. Suddenly, the first-rate sects of the Great Wild Mountain Range passed down orders to restrain the sects from offending the Blood Demon Sect. !

All around the Setting Sun Mountain Range where the Setting Sun Sect is located, blood-colored banners were erected at this time. The banners were fluttering in the wind. The monks in the distance could clearly see a blood demon with grinning teeth embroidered on the banner. It is the banner of the Blood Demon Sect, with a full 108 sides.

On the top of a mountain in the distance, tens of thousands of monks gathered densely. Their sole purpose was to see how the Blood Demon Sect destroyed the Setting Sun Sect.

“Wu Yin, today is a cloudy moon and a cloudy day. It is the day your Sun Sect destroyed your sect. Don’t you want to find the female cultivators in your sect? Bring me here and let Sect Master Wu Yin see if they are Not them!”

A figure stood in the void. This person was wearing a black robe and his head was covered by a cloak. So far, no one knows what the blood demon sect master looks like, whether it is a male or a female. The only thing he knows is his repair. For only half a step, you can break through to the Creator of Three Tribulations!

In the mountains below him, there are black figures standing. These people have cold faces and a cruel smile in their eyes. They are disciples of the Blood Demon Sect. very similar.

Not long after, a few disciples of the Blood Demon Sect flew over holding a few pillars and thrust them heavily on the top of the mountain. The monks who came here to watch the theater in the distance saw the scene on the pillars and took a bite in their hearts. With chills, many people showed unbearable expressions in their eyes, and others showed angry expressions, as if they were going to rush over, but were stopped by the people around them.

On several pillars, each hung a tortured female nun, who was not wearing a coat, and some important places were already bloody, bones were visible, and the head was hanging down, slowly rising and falling. It can be seen from the chest that they still have a breath.

“Blood Demon!”

A roar of anger came out from the Setting Sun faction, and then a figure broke through the air and confronted the black-robed man from a distance. After his gaze fell on the female cultivators, a trace of sadness and anger flashed in his eyes. The color.

“Why? You are not the only one left by you, Sun Sect, right?”

The Sect Master of the Blood Demon Sect Jie Jie laughed. Apart from Wu Yin, there was no other movement from the Setting Sun Sect. It seemed that everyone else had disappeared. Only Wu Yin was left alone in the huge Setting Sun Sect.

“I am enough.”

Wu Yin looked at each other coldly, squeezing these words out between his teeth.

“Who said that! Sovereign, we are here!”

Several screams sounded, and at the same time, dozens of figures flew out of the mountain where tens of thousands of monks had gathered, and fell behind Wu Yin.

Some of these people’s cultivation bases are only in the immortal state, and some are only in the Dharma state, and they don’t even have a strong person in the creation state. However, their gazes are with a hint of warfare, and they are staring firmly. With that black robe man with extremely cold aura!

“What are you doing back for?”

Wu Yin looked at these people angrily.

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