Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 1491: Search

Chapter 1491 Searching

The reaction of the Immortal King Ganges was very quick. After Liekong was beheaded by Ning Qi, he immediately closed the entrance and exit of Daoyan Immortal City through the relationship in his hands. This can be done at the price of, otherwise the entrance and exit of Daoyan Immortal City will not be so easily closed at all. Above him, there are even stronger Immortal Kings that need to be managed.

The entrance and exit were closed, and the staff under the King Ganges frantically searched for Ning Qi’s trail. After questioning, the defenders were sure that they had not seen Ning Qi go out. This made the Fairy King Ganges more affirmative, Ning Qi still has a great chance of still hiding in Daoyan Immortal City.

Pudu Immortal Palace.

The third disciple of the Immortal King Ganges, Ye Zhenzheng, stood in front of the Immortal King Purdue respectfully.

“I heard that Liekong was killed?”

Pudu Immortal King said lightly.

“Exactly, so the master ordered me to come here to ask Immortal King Purdue and the origin of killing the monk Liekong.”

Ye Zhengong said.

“Hehe, ask me where he came from? Immortal King Ganges didn’t think that the monk had anything to do with me? This is a misunderstanding.”

The corner of Pudu Immortal King’s mouth evokes a faint sneer, “Go back and tell Ganges, who killed his disciple, let him find someone, don’t want to plant my Pudu Immortal Palace.”

“Pudu Immortal King, Master has no intention of this. It’s just that the monk used to shine in the selection contest in your hands, so I want to ask about this person’s details.”

Ye Zhen is neither humble nor overbearing.

He is the most qualified disciple of the Immortal King Ganges. Even the senior brother and the second senior brother can’t compare to him. He has only cultivated for more than a thousand years, and he is much younger than Liekong. At this age, he became the creator of the Three Tribulations. Ye Zhen is quite famous in Daoyan Immortal City. Naturally, he would not be too afraid of Immortal King Purdue. In his heart, he had a very determined idea, that is, to give him a few thousand. In a few years, he will be able to become an immortal king, on the same level as Purdue immortal king and others.

“As I said, I don’t know anything about this person. In fact, if it weren’t for your newly promoted junior brother, I’m planning to accept this person as a direct disciple. I didn’t even let him enter the Void Realm. If I was more aggressive, I would set up a ring to fight him. What do you think?”

Pudu Immortal King’s voice is getting colder.

“It’s a presumption to come this time. I will retire first.”

Ye Zhen arched his hands expressionlessly.

After he left, Immortal King Pudu said to himself: “Interesting, Mu Lingqing should be the creator of the Three Tribulations? He was beaten to faint with a punch. What kind of progress has this child’s cultivation level reached? How? What a pity… What a pity…”

For a full month of martial law, Immortal King Ganges launched various methods, but failed to catch Ning Qi. The only useful news is that he has learned from the Alchemist Alliance that Ning Qi is Xuanye Immortal Chao Jiangnan. The ruler of the city is now suffering from two murders. One of them is that Ning Qi killed the disciple of Emperor Bodhi, Pill Venerable Mad Dragon. Second, he suspected that he killed Li Chengtian, a disciple of Tianjiao of Jiuyou Demon Sect, where the murder happened. It’s in the evening pill.

In addition, there is another piece of news that makes him feel that he does not know whether it is true or not. It is the battle between Ning Qi and Pill Emperor Mu Ye. This news has no substantive evidence and cannot be judged true or false, but everyone with a discerning eye Know, it must be an exaggeration!

The Fairy Palace of the Ganges River.

“Master, if this son is really the leader of the alchemy alliance, it is better for us to negotiate with them and let them turn to someone.”

Ye Zhen stood behind the Immortal King Ganges and whispered.

Mu Lingqing lowered his head and said nothing.

The Immortal King Ganges has two other apprentices, but this time they entered the retreat. The death of Liekong is still important to the point where the Immortal King Ganges wants to call them out.

The Immortal King Ganges looked cold and silent for a while, and then said faintly: “Tell me to go down, we don’t pay attention to this matter anymore.”

“What? Master, is the little brother dead in vain? How would the world treat you, Master…”

Mu Lingqing was startled slightly, and said quickly.

Ye Zhen looked at the Immortal King Ganges very calmly. Based on his understanding of his master, what he said must be reasonable.

“Liekong’s original Rotating Indestructible Pill was made by Emperor Bodhi Pill. I used a great favor, but unfortunately, he is now dead. It was a waste of most of my efforts. The murderer must have Captured, but now the Bodhi Pill Emperor is already furious and is sending people to look for this child. We are going to ask the Alchemist Alliance to hand someone out. It will inevitably be annoying. It’s better to wait for them to get caught.”

The fairy king of Ganges said lightly.

Pause, “Just spread the news. When the Alchemist Alliance catches that kid, it will definitely come to me.”

“The disciple understands!”

Mu Lingqing was a little surprised.

Ning Qi killed the Crazed Dragon Danzun. This is already a very shameful thing for the Alchemist Alliance. It is better to not say a word than to come to ask someone at this time and be treated as a stone in the well. At that time, Emperor Bodhi Pill caught Ning Qi, and there is no reason not to notify the Ganges Immortal Palace. After all, it is the monks of their Alchemist Alliance who killed the new disciples of the Ganges Immortal King. In this way, Emperor Bodhi will definitely be because of Heng. He Xianwang shut up and appreciates now.

Take a step back and say that Ning Qi is in charge of the Alchemy Alliance. Even if he kills someone, even if he can’t catch it, the Alchemist Alliance will give an explanation. As for the price, it will definitely satisfy the Ganges Immortal King.

At the same time.

Twilight Pill.

In a large hall, Shen Bai, Gongsun Ziyun, and Wu Dong stood side by side, sitting on a chair not far away, sitting in two figures.

One of them is Pill Emperor Mu Ye, but he is sitting at the next head.

On the first chair of the grandmaster, sitting on an old man with white hair and beard, long eyebrows, hanging down from both sides, to the chin, but his face is quite ruddy, full of energy, but he has a kind face. Because of a faint killing intent, people dare not look directly at it.

This person is the master of the mad dragon pill, Bodhi pill emperor, and the strongest pill emperor in the alchemy alliance! Creator of the Eight Tribulations.

“This is the case. During this time, I received a notice from Daoyan Immortal City, saying that it was Ning Beixuan who killed the new apprentice of the Ganges River Immortal King, Lie Kong.”

The emperor Bodhi Dan was in retreat before, and he didn’t leave until a few days ago. When he heard the news of the death of the mad dragon Danzun, he came to the evening night Dan vein for the first time.

“Oh? A new disciple of the Immortal King Ganges? Earlier, he asked me to refine a Rotating Immortal Pill for him. It is said that he was taking it for him. Is it also killed by Ning Beixuan now? “

Emperor Bodhi Dan raised his eyebrows, and looked at Emperor Mu Ye in a faint look.

“This is what the news says. As for the truth and falsehood, I can’t find out below, but it has been sent to the local alchemist alliance to supervise and cooperate with my manpower to search for the traces of this son near Daoyan Immortal City, as long as he reappears. , It must be suppressed!”

Twilight Pill Emperor Road.

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