Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 1405: Sell Dan

Chapter 1405 Selling Dan

“All right then.”

Guilao nodded disappointedly. He originally wanted to use this auction to stimulate the old drunkard. You are too big for a pill, and I am too big for a pill! However, Ning Qi didn’t want to hold an auction, and he had no choice but to help Ning Qi contact the monks in Daan City who could buy this pill.

“Controlling Ning, in addition to our Alchemist Alliance’s very detached position in Daan City, there are five other forces, namely the City Lord’s Mansion. The City Lord Gu Jianfeng of Da’an City is said to have abdicated from the Shenlu Army. For the unpredictable, it is a half-step fortune-level existence, it is no problem to come up with 200,000 Lumen Immortal Coins, and the leader of the Huangzi team of the Shenlu Army, Liu Feifan, he should also be able to come up with 200,000 Lumen Immortals. In addition, the three major families here, the Huang family, the Zhao family, and the Ding family, can all come up with this Lumen immortal coin. As for the others, I will send someone to send a message to contact us. There should be three or four people. Take out this money.”

After that, the old man, seeing that Ning Qi was a little curious about the classification system of the Shenlu Army, explained it again.

The God Deer Army is divided into four levels: Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang, and there are only more than 20 people in the Tianzi team, all of whom are outstanding among the creators of the first calamity. The leader is the creator of the second calamity, which is equivalent to the five sect masters. , The cultivation base is unfathomable, and it is the strongest existence in the creator of the Second Tribulations of the Lumen Immortal Dynasty.

The rest of the land team, led by the ordinary creator of One Calamity, led a group of half-step good fortune existences to guard the five most important areas of the Lumen Xian Dynasty. The team on the Thousand Mines Mountain is the Shenlu Army. The ground team plus more than a dozen mysterious teams!

According to the old man’s words, all the sects in the Lumen Immortal dynasty are not enough to sweep the 300,000 gods and deer army once. Otherwise, how can those sect masters obediently pay tribute to the Lumen immortal every year?

“I’m going to tell you all the time.”

Ning Qi smiled.

“Well, I am also going to buy one too big pill, no, no, two! I don’t know how to manage…”

Guilao looked at Ning Qi with a grin.

“The old man can do as many as he wants, and sell as many as the outsiders. Baicheng and the others have saved a lot of Lumen fairy coins over the years? Since they are their own, the old man who sold you is too big to pay. Dan, naturally, I have to make a discount, a hundred thousand Lumen immortal coin.”

Ning Qi smiled slightly.

“One hundred thousand deer gate cents?”

The old man took a deep breath. He knew that Ning Qi would have a discount, but he didn’t expect that Ning Qi would give them a half discount at once, regardless of whether Ning Qi was buying people’s hearts or not, changing it to Langya Danzun. There is no such big handwriting!

Soon, the three of Baicheng also got the good news. If it was 200,000 Lumen Immortal Coins, they might not have made it together, but if it was 100,000, everyone would have bought it, and there was quite a surplus. This one is too great to take the pill. Except for the old man, Baicheng and their cultivation base will definitely increase greatly. With good luck, they may directly break through to the late stage of the Dharma Stage Realm!

A few days later, Ning Qi refined the remaining immortal grass and elixir in the practice training ground to make a great pill, plus the remaining 18, a total of forty-three. He plans to take Sell ​​out thirteen pills, and take the remaining 30 pills by yourself, which can also increase your cultivation base by three thousand years.


“What? Too great to pay for it?”

In Da’an City City Lord’s Mansion, Gu Jianfeng showed a hint of astonishment on his face after receiving the call from the old man, and then rushed out of the City Lord’s Mansion in ecstasy and headed towards the Alchemy Alliance.

This scene also happened in the Huang family, Zhao family, Ding family, and the Huangzi team of the Shenlu Army.

In the meeting hall, five monks with deep breaths are sitting opposite each other. Except for Gu Jianfeng and Liu Feihua who are half-step good fortune-level existences, the cultivation bases of the three Patriarchs of the Huang Family, Zhao Family, and Ding Family are only Dharma Realm. Dzogchen, at the level of Great Sage Xuanzhen, so the three of them sat relatively back, looking at the two of Gu Jianfeng with a hint of flattery.

“Let you all wait a long time.”

Guilao and Ning Qi walked into the reception hall together, followed by the three of Baicheng.

Gu Jianfeng couldn’t wait to say: “Old Ghost, is there really a big reward, a two hundred thousand Lumen immortal coin, right? I want it all!”

“Ancient City Lord, do you want to swallow it alone?”

Liu Feifan said with a smile but not a smile.


Gu Jianfeng looked at Liu Feifan coldly.

Gu Jianfeng abdicated from the Shenlu Army, and Liu Feifei still served in the Shenlu Army. The two had had some enmity, and they naturally fought each other.

The three Patriarchs looked at each other with a slightly ugly expression. Their cultivation is weaker than the two. If the two are going to swallow them, they probably won’t have their share.

“Okay, one for each person is too big to pay for it. You can’t ask for more, you don’t have to.”

Ning Qi said lightly.

“Who are you? What qualifications do you have to speak out?”

Liu Feifan’s cold eyes suddenly fell on Ning Qi.

“Everyone, General Manager Ning is the new manager of the Alchemist Alliance here, Captain Liu, please pay attention, who are you talking to?”

Gui Lao first introduced Ning Qi with a smile, and then looked at Liu Feifan with cold eyes.


New manager?

The five people were all startled, and then Liu Feihua looked at Ning Qi suspiciously, and saw that he was only in the middle stage of the Dharma Phase Realm, and he felt a little disapproved.

It’s Gu Jianfeng. He bowed his hand to Ning Qi in a respectful manner, and then curiously asked: “I don’t know if this is too great for a pill, but it came from Ning Tong?”

“That’s natural. Except for Ning, who in the Lumen Immortal Dynasty will refining too great to return a pill?”

Guilao gave a faint smile.

When Liu Feifei heard the words, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly handed over to Ning Qi: “But it is Ning Tong who is in charge and is rude.”

The three Patriarchs also got up and saluted, their eyes full of curiosity. I can’t think of how long it will take before the Alchemist Alliance’s leadership position in Da’an City has changed.

Ning Qi ignored Liu Feifan, but nodded towards Gu Jianfeng with a smile, and said faintly: “The old ghost has already said very clearly before the transmission, I wonder if you can bring Lumen Xian coins?” /

Liu Feihua saw that Ning Qi ignored him, and felt a little angry, but Ning Qi’s status was much higher than that of a yellow team captain in his mere district, and the opponent was able to refine Tier 8 pills, which made Liu Feifan very much. Shocked, he didn’t dare to show dissatisfaction on the surface.

“Bring it, bring it.”

The Patriarchs of the three families spoke first and took out a Qiankun ring. The old man came forward to accept the Qiankun ring, glanced at it, and Chao Ning Qi nodded.

Ning Qi smiled, took out three porcelain bottles and handed them to the three of them. The three of them opened it with a little excitement, and a strong fragrance suddenly poured out of them.

“Well, is it possible that my Alchemist Alliance will give you fake pills?”

The old ghost said dissatisfied.

“Dare not dare.”

The three patriarchs laughed, put away the pill, and then left. Although they are already in the Dzogchen state, they are still far from the peak limit. Too great and the pill can make up for these gaps for them. , In order to avoid long nights and dreams, just swallow it when you go back.

Liu Feifan also obediently took out the Lumen Immortal Coin, and then left with the pill. Gu Jianfeng wanted to buy more, but Ning Qi tactfully refused.

“Together with the ghosts and theirs, a total of 1.8 million Lumen Immortal Coins, a trip to the palace, should be enough.”

Ning Qi put away the Qiankun Ring, and smiled in his heart.

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