Sundering Nature Chapter 47: Deputy Curator, the fastest update to the latest chapters in Vientiane!

Chapter 47, Deputy Curator (Can students who are watching pirated editions go to the vertical and horizontal collections? It is not easy for newcomers to distribute books, please support.)

An old figure, supported by a man, pushed away from the crowd. He is not very old, he looks more than 60 years old, but his face is pale and old-fashioned. Although his eyes are shrewd, his expression is weak.

“This?” Li Yiming shook the jade bracelet in his hand towards the other party, vigilant, and held Liu Meng’s hand tightly. Liu Meng stepped back half of his body and put a hand behind him.

“No, it’s the one you’re wearing.” The old man smiled kindly, and walked towards Li Yiming faintly, his eyes rested on Li Yiming’s space bracelet.

“No.” Li Yiming refused decisively, even more vigilant, depending on his space bracelet? Under the calm face, brewing has begun, and with the third-order speed, he is sure to hit the opponent’s vital point first when the opponent makes a shot.

The old man’s kind smile stiffened, as if he didn’t expect someone to reject him. The hand that had been stretched out was awkwardly stopped in the air. For a while, he seemed unable to adapt. He coughed violently, and the sound was dull and hollow, like a shabby one. Blower.

Porcelain? Li Yiming subconsciously stepped back two steps, trying to stay away as much as possible, lest the old man couldn’t get up in one breath and he was corrupted.

The man accompanying the old man patted the old man’s back quickly, and stared at Li Yiming angrily.

“I was abrupt.” The old man finally let go, stopped coughing, and smiled apologetically at Li Yiming.

“This is Lao Ye, the deputy curator of the Shangbei History Museum and the chairman of the National Collectors Association.” The accompanying man explained behind him.

Associate Director of Shanghai History Museum? Chairman of the National Collectors Association? The crowd is about to disperse and gather again. Is this old man with enough background? Could this enthusiastic young man’s bracelet be a treasure? And some passers-by who have been on the antique street for many years have recognized Ye Lao and stepped forward to say hello.

Li Yiming’s heart was shaken, and his expression became weird at the same time. He just robbed the museum the night before, and met the deputy curator today? By the way, this old man has a big heart, the museum has been stolen, and is still in the mood to go shopping?

This old man is the deputy curator of the Shanghai History Museum and a well-known collector across the country. But six months ago, he stopped working at the museum because he was diagnosed with lung cancer six months ago. Currently undergoing chemotherapy, the sparse gray hair on the head is caused by chemotherapy. I received the news early this morning that the museum was stolen. He was so depressed that he knew that even if he went there, he wouldn’t be able to help. So he asked someone to accompany him and walked around the antique street, strolling around the place where he had been around for a long time. Down emotions. He just happened to see the scene of Li Yiming buying defective products at a high price, and he took a few more glances out of his appreciation for the young man. But when he accidentally saw the bracelet in Li Yiming’s hand, he was puzzled. This bracelet is simple in shape and simple in carving. It can’t distinguish the material from a distance. I have done antique appraisal for a lifetime. After paying attention, I saw the ring on Liu Meng’s hand, very ordinary silver jewelry, modern. It is full of feeling, but the carvings on it are exquisite and well-made, judging from the silver rust, it looks like an old object, and the carvings on it seem to be seen in an ancient book. These two young people are not simple…The curiosity of collectors has been adjusted.

“It has something to do with me?” Li Yiming refused to stay thousands of miles away. He didn’t dare to relax before he knew what the other party was coming from. This is a secret world, not to mention the space bracelet that the other party wants to see, although it is energetic. The brand is bound, and others can’t use it if they take it, but there is no need to take this risk.

The crowd onlookers brightened up. Good guy, they knew that this young man was not simple, he just looked like a bad guy, and now facing the big brothers in the collection industry so tough, everyone has guessed about Li Yiming’s background.

“Then I can see how this girl wears it on her hand

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) ring? “The old man’s expression has not changed, he has resumed his role as the deputy curator, so he has to look at the ring first.

“Sorry.” Li Yiming refused again, depending on the two things the same result.

“Young man, I have no ill intentions. I just saw the treasures out of nowhere. I spent my whole life in literary and play appraisal. I couldn’t help but want to see the good things.” The old man smiled and explained, and he blamed himself for being abrupt, if It’s really a treasure, how can the other party easily let him play with it? Comparing your heart to your heart, your good things will not easily pass.

“I’m really sorry, we still have something to do.” Li Yiming’s tone eased when he saw the other party posing low, but he still refused to let go. The space items were too involved.

“Don’t rush to refuse, the old man is sincere. You see, this is not a place to talk. Let’s find a place to sit down. Let’s get acquainted and get acquainted. Ye Lao’s vision is recognized in the industry. It’s good for you to talk more.” The accompanying man hurriedly stopped Li Yiming. Since Ye Lao was diagnosed with lung cancer, he has never seen an elderly person so enthusiastic about a collection.

“A few, the shop has a small storefront. How about you sitting here? I’ll give some tea.” The owner of an antique shop facing the street greeted him enthusiastically. This is also a clever person. I have been watching for a long time. When I heard Ye Lao’s background, he immediately moved his mind. Antiques are an industry touted by everyone. My favorite is all kinds of stories and legends. There are stories about this matter today. This story spreads in my store, and it will be of great help to my business, not to mention just selling Ye Lao’s favor, which will pay a lot. So he ordered his buddies to take out the tables and chairs from the house, put them at the door, and greet a few people to take their seats.

The tables and chairs are placed at the door. One is because the city’s gods’ temples are so rich in land and money. The facades of ordinary shops are not too big and can’t squeeze a few people. If people are invited into the house, who will tell the story? Haven’t seen the people around you have been playing more and more? Advertising, this is a marketing tool.

“Young man, accompany the old man to sit for a meeting. See that you are also a warmhearted person just now. You can sit for a while without delay.” The accompanying man saw the boss’s greeting, afraid that Li Yiming would turn around and leave, and immediately whispered to Li Yiming. .

“Okay.” Seeing the old man’s sick face, Li Yiming couldn’t help but refuse.

Several people were seated, the boss was particular about it, and quickly served tea, and he didn’t forget to put down the awning at the door, an outdoor teahouse alive and well.

The surrounding crowd was surging. Several security guards from Antique Street pushed away the crowd and walked in. The already lively market suddenly gathered a wave of people. The security guards couldn’t even think about it. The man accompanying Ye Lao quickly greeted him. The security seemed to Recognizing him, the two sides talked a few words, the security nodded with a smile, and began to persuade the pedestrians to leave. In fact, most passers-by watch the excitement. Many people hardly know what happened. They just go up when there are too many people. Under the persuasion of the security guards, the onlookers quickly dispersed, leaving only a small part of the collection. I stayed with genuine interest, wanting to see the treasures in Xia Ye Lao’s mouth. The security is not good to say anything, leaving two people, just in case, the others continue to patrol.

The boss standing at the door looked at the security guard helplessly, and did not abandon the base. It is enough for a few old friends to stay. They are the backbone of the advertisement. He simply crossed his mind, asked the guy to move a few more chairs, greeted everyone to sit on the side, and the teahouse was opened. He bet that the security guard would sell Ye Lao’s face and would not stop it.

“Young man, your surname.” Ye Lao is in a good mood, his face is cheerful and not anxious, and his patience in playing antiques is very good. Just now he was delighted to see hunting, and he lost his mind due to his illness.

“My name is Li Yiming, this is Liu Meng.” In essence, Li Yiming still respects the elderly very much, but the secret situation is special.

“Oh, Yiming, my girlfriend is very beautiful, your relationship is very good.” Ye Lao complimented, warm

(To the end of this chapter, please turn the page) I looked at the two people’s unreleased hands from beginning to end.

Liu Meng Hongyun’s face was full, and Li Yiming shyly stared at Li Yiming, withdrawing his hands to roll up the corners of his clothes. Li Yiming rubbed the jade bracelet awkwardly.

“Let me take a look at the jade bracelet you bought at a high price?” Ye Lao’s conversation skills are very high, distracting first, and then it will be easier to start from the side.

“You just laughed.” Li Yiming handed over the jade bracelet. Although this bracelet was equipped for the Taoist, it was of little value, and Li Yiming couldn’t continue to be hypocritical.

Ye Lao did not reach out to pick it up. Instead, he took a small bag from the accompanying man, took out a piece of black flannel from it, spread it flat on the table, took out a pair of deerskin gloves and put it on, and then took Li Yiming’s hand. I took the jade bracelet.

Two words, pay attention to it.

“Good color, high light transmittance, mellow and plump, few impurities, and very high continuation methods, it is an old object, worthy of your heart.” Ye Lao commented very tactfully, not saying value, but Said to be worthy of Li Yiming’s good intentions.

“Really antique?” Li Yiming was surprised.

“It cost you thirty-five thousand to treat him as a fake?” Ye Lao laughed, the young man was funny.

“I think it’s pretty good-looking, you can see, what age?” Li Yiming was also curious, buying an antique for the first time, it has a certain commemorative significance, and it is the best to figure out the ins and outs.

“The age, it’s hard to say.” Ye Lao took off his deerskin gloves and stroked the breaded gold carvings with his fingers. The carvings were so worn that it was difficult to identify with his eyes. But when Ye Lao touched the jade bracelet with his hand, he suddenly stopped and frowned.

“What’s the matter?” Li Yiming was curious, but he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

“This…” Ye Lao looked puzzled, took two deep breaths, looked up at Li Yiming, looked at the man who was accompanying him, and looked down at the jade bracelet again. Put the jade bracelet on the flannel, inhale and exhale, then pick up the jade bracelet, inhale and exhale, repeat several times, then the expression changes greatly.

Several Tibetan friends who were onlookers were taken aback when they saw this scene. Wouldn’t this bracelet also be a treasure? Have you missed it?

“Do you sell this bracelet?” Ye Lao suddenly said, his expression was not like a patient with terminal cancer, but like a bridegroom waiting for the bridal chamber on the wedding night.

“Huh?” Li Yiming’s heart burst, frowning, won’t he really make his guess?

“Can this bracelet be given to me?” The old man’s face flushed, and his eyes showed a bright light.

“Are you sick?” Li Yiming said cautiously. Seeing the old man’s expression, Li Yiming thought of the effect of the bracelet: first-order virus purification. This effect is tasteless in his own hands, but it can be in the hands of ordinary people…

“How do you say it?” The accompanying man was furious and dared to talk to Ye Lao like this. This young man didn’t seem to be so uneducated.

The surroundings were also shocked. The young man’s temperament changed too quickly, first with a mallet, then a bad guy, then a high cold, and now he swears at the old man.

Ye Lao raised his hand and pressed it, soothing the angry accompanying man, looking at Li Yiming solemnly.

“You know?” Ye Lao’s tone was serious.

Li Yiming nodded cautiously, but his heart was anxious. Will the protector equipped in the hands of ordinary people trigger a chain reaction?

“How did you find out?”

Li Yiming shook his head and said nothing.

“Hey, I have cancer, advanced stage.” Ye Lao’s expression declined. Seeing Li Yiming didn’t explain, he didn’t ask questions. He just looked at Li Yiming’s eyes with a hint of begging.

The people around you are all weird, what are they talking about? Isn’t this young man being angry with Ye Lao? What is the origin of this bracelet? Can the master of the collection world be so low-pitched? Everyone became curious.

(End of this chapter)

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