Sundering Nature Chapter 312: Devil Soul Armor, the fastest update to the latest chapters in Vientiane!

Chapter 312 Demon Soul Armor

As Li Yiming opened his eyes, the skin on his body shook slightly, shattering like porcelain, exposing the bronzed skin inside, with clear muscles all over the body, but flashing with the unique brilliance of jade.

“Finally merged…” Li Yiming sighed softly in his heart. The three souls and seven souls were complete, and the confusion and emptiness in his heart were absent. For the first time, Li Yiming felt the truth of life, and subconsciously clenched his fists. Kind of desire to look up to the sky and howl.

But when Li Yiming opened his eyes, his face changed drastically. Looking around with solemn expression.

This is not Upper North City…or rather, it is not anymore.

No clouds can be seen in the sky, thick black mist is like liquid, spreading throughout the space, thick ink flowing down without any breath, gathering an ink lake that can’t see the border under the feet.

And under his feet, except for the ground that is less than one meter around, everything else has already melted. Even this one-meter radius is slowly dissolving.

“This is the ghost gate?” Li Yiming’s eyes flashed, his right arm raised horizontally, and the runes printed on his wrist flowed, a golden long sword appeared in his hand, the hilt of the sword with nine stars and beads, the seat of the hand guard A mighty lion head roars fiercely, depicting a water wave and flow pattern sword blade spit out of its mouth. If you look closely, you will find that the appearance of this lion head is exactly the same as Bai Ze’s body.

Li Yiming lights up his sword, and the space around it trembles slightly, and a ripple spreads around with Li Yiming as the center. Like a strong wind blowing at the bottom of the lake, the dense sea of ​​ink squirmed.

“What about the ghost gate? Let me detach you all today.” Li Yiming raised a confident smile at the corner of his mouth, flipped his wrist, the lion heart sword was buckled upside down, but his slender body swayed in place.

Bent your arms and lift your palms, point to the side of a virtual step, close your knees and calm your waist, sink your shoulders and top your hips…

If Liu Meng was here, he would laugh out loud in surprise. Li Yiming, who stood up with a sword because of his high spirits, actually danced at this time.

Li Yiming, who is sleek, slowly narrowed his eyes and stared straight ahead. There was nothing in front of him except the dense darkness.

But in Li Yiming’s eyes, a figure of rich **** appeared dimly.

That is the back of an old woman. She is kind and casual, calm and calm, with her hands hanging around her naturally, walking forward step by step as if she were walking in the afternoon…

One step…Two steps…Three steps…Only nine steps were taken, and the slightly swollen body paused for a while, slowly dissipating.

This picture has appeared in Li Yiming’s mind countless times, as if it was carved into the depths of Li Yiming’s soul with a carving knife, and it was only at this moment that Li Yiming truly understood the essence of these nine steps.

This is not footwork or swordsmanship.

Nine-step sword is a mentality…

Walk as you like, swords at will, this is the nine-step sword…

Wu’s mother’s nine steps at the beginning only showed an attitude, free, casual, calm, calm…

Li Yiming misunderstood. He had taken Wu Ma’s life and good fortune pill, his talent: Wu Kong awakened. He once thought that this pitted talent was to balance his passivity against the sky, because there are too many uncontrollable factors in Wukong, dance with a song, and get random abilities. God knows that after dancing a song on a combat adventure, what he got is What ability?

But now he finally understands that the original uncontrollableness was due to his incompleteness and the incompleteness of his soul, which caused his talent to not fully awakened.

And now…

The eyes follow the hand, the hands follow the heart, the heart joins the qi and walks, and the qi fascinates… The short dance came to a halt, and Li Yiming’s expression was shocked, and he solemnly lifted the left corner and gently touched the ground.

“Om!” As Li Yiming’s footsteps fell, another invisible ripple rippled, blowing the surrounding thick ink to squirm left and right, only then, a figure sword pointed forward, rushing into the sea of ​​ink without hesitation.

The figure disappeared in a flash, plunged into a dense fog, but staring at it, Li Yiming still stood in place.

The second figure walked out of Li Yiming’s body, tapped under his feet, swung the sword horizontally, and quickly rushed into the sea of ​​ink while the thick ink was separated. And this figure is also Li Yiming…

The third way…the fourth way…countless avatars walked out of Li Yiming’s body, one by one, they sank into the sea of ​​ink silently.

Nine-step dance with one’s heart: the first song: a glimpse of the stream…

Li Yiming’s true talent: Wu Kong…Heart dances the universe, everything is empty.

After a dance, his ability is not random, but to follow his mind. When this song ends, he has thoughts, meaning is what he gets.

From then on, Li Yiming has gathered thousands of methods in one body, truly jumping out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements.

“Let me see what is hidden inside the famous ghost gate.” Li Yiming raised his brows, his sword in the air, staring coldly at the black mist.

Countless avatars flew in all directions, exploring the mysterious and weird void. Suddenly, all the avatars of Feiyue paused together, and turned to the position of the main body in surprise.

“No malice?” Li Yiming said hesitantly, and the lion heart sword across his chest slowly lowered.

The perception is full, and the clones are scattered, but the thick black fog gives Li Yiming feedback, there is no hostility. Wherever the clones pass, the fog will always avoid naturally, like a fish entering the sea, and the flow is abnormal. .

Li Yiming slowly raised his left hand and leaned toward the thick ink in front of him. At the same time, countless clones made the same movements.

Ink squirming in the palm of the hand, quietly and well-behaved like a child, the rich lifelessness even makes Li Yiming feel soft and kind like a hot spring.

“Huh?” Li Yiming’s mind was shocked, and he calmly looked forward, the thick black mist slowly separated, and in the middle, a cloud of pitch-black liquid didn’t wriggle, but gradually solidified.

“Finally showed up?” Li Yiming raised his brow and pointed straight ahead.

The squirming ink gradually fell, spreading to the ground, like a black and opaque mirror, and in the mirror, a figure was slowly floating.

Netherworld stepping boots, soul-suppressing five square armor, ghost face lock helmet… Li Yiming quietly stared at the black armored demon in front of him, and a strange flash of eyes flashed in his eyes.

The guy who was covered in black armor and surrounded by dead spirits gave him a very strange feeling.

The powerful aura is exuded, but without a trace of hostility, a deep breath of death lingers, but it reveals an inexplicable kindness.

“Kacha! Kacha!” Li Yiming thought, but the black armor in front of him walked towards him with heavy steps.

“Pretend to be a **** and play a ghost.” Li Yiming snorted, lifted the sword and turned, and slashed hard at the front. A dark golden sword gas broke through the black fog and flew towards the black armor. This is a ghost gate, even if there is no hostility, Li Yiming does not dare to let the black-clad man who had been condensed from the death air come to his body.

“Huh?” With a sword cut, Li Yiming sank, waiting for the black armored person to counterattack, and the scattered clones quickly returned to the cage, surrounding the black armored person layer by layer. But the howling sword aura passed through the black armored man, as if the black armored man was not an entity…

Li Yiming was surprised, but the black-clad man’s footsteps did not stop, and he continued to approach with heavy steps.

“Thunder burst!” Li Yiming groaned for a moment, pushing horizontally with one palm, and a beam of thunder light drilled from his palm and shot towards the black man.

“Boom!” The earth-shattering explosion spread throughout the void, but the thunder light dissipated, and the black armored man still walked forward unhurriedly, and even the dead air around him was not affected by a trace.

“Phantom?” Li Yiming frowned deeply.

Finally, the black-clad man stopped three meters in front of Li Yiming, and the two hollow eyeholes in the hideous ghost face helmet were deep and weird.

Li Yiming held his long sword, pointed the tip of the sword straight to the center of the opponent’s eyebrows, and thunder condensed in his left hand, waiting for a surprise attack with a black man, but his footsteps did not retreat in the slightest.

Since stepping into the ghost gate, Li Yiming has told himself that he will never retreat from then on.

The momentum of the whole body is constantly rising, and a ray of invisible arrogance rises on the surface of Li Yiming’s body. This is his unyielding will after fusing the remnant soul. This is the shocking aura formed after he slaughtered thousands of creatures.

“Huh?” Li Yiming was stunned again. The black man in front of him who had never said a word suddenly opened his arms, the empty door opened, but his arrogant head slowly lowered.

“Surrender?” Li Yiming’s eyes flashed with surprise.

Not only the black man, but the death spirit that enveloped the world also trembled slightly, as if for a moment, the world was declining, and the remaining piece of land on which Li Yiming stood was raised three feet.

“So that’s it!” Li Yiming’s eyes burst out/cleared, with a flat sword on his back, coldly raised his left hand, and grabbed it forward.

This lifeless black armor is empty inside, and what lies sleeping and lurking in this secret realm is just a set of armor. Or in other words, this secret realm was created by this armor.

This is the armor of evil thoughts, full of murderous and bloodthirsty.

Now, this suit of armor is affected by the resentment and resonance of the remnant soul for thousands of years, and is drawn by the evil spirit of his own slaughtered thousands of creatures, revealing his true body, and has chosen to surrender…

Maybe, it’s been waiting, maybe, just want to leave here, but everything has nothing to do with Li Yiming, all he needs is strength, the power to change his name against the sky, and turn things around.

“Come on.” Li Yiming’s eyebrows glared, countless avatars were shattered, a soaring evil spirit ignited, and he firmly buckled the top of the black armor’s head.

In an instant, the black armor melted with ice water, spreading like ink along Li Yiming’s arm all over his body.

“Boom!” The rising evil aura was once again ignited, forming an invisible tornado, and the boundless lifelessness between the heavens and the earth rushed toward the center and sank into Li Yiming’s body.

“Roar!” At the moment when the ghost faceplate covers his cheeks, Li Yiming screams up to the sky, a pair of dark red eyes lit up in the ghost face fangs, pitch black like ink, without any gloss, covering the whole body, boundless. The evil spirits have reached the apex.

“Yousha Demon Soul Armor…” The deep voice echoed the world, like a whisper from the ancients, looking at the void of death around him, Li Yiming’s mouth curled up with a smile that despised the people.

If I am in a demon, what can I do?

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