Sundering Nature Chapter 3: The viaduct collapsed, the fastest update to the latest chapters in Vientiane!

Get used to it… I looked at the place where Maserati parked yesterday and now there is a Hyundai parked, and it looks like people have already left. Go up and take a look, you still have to face it, at least you have to organize your own things and take them away.

Li Yiming went upstairs, opened the door, and entered the room. There was no one inside.

One-bedroom bachelor apartment, the monthly rent is 3800. If you and Ji Xiaoqin are both dancing professionals, you can often pick up some performances and run venues. Li Yiming’s family background cannot rent this kind of apartment during college.

The room is a bit messy. The art students have a congenital defect in organizing the house. Li Yiming looked at the familiar room, a little startled, he walked to the trash can beside the bed in a wicked manner, glanced inward, and then sighed in relief…A clean trash bag, there is nothing in it…

Li Yiming didn’t dare to check the sheets, sat down on the sofa with his eyes absent, and turned on the TV. At this time, making a little noise would make him feel less lonely…

The news was broadcast on TV. It seemed that a newly built viaduct on the outskirts of the city had collapsed and caught up with the peak traffic period. Many people died. Various departments were carrying out rescue operations. It seemed that it had just happened.

This kind of news is very common, economic and social, which project does not cut corners? From the tender to the approval document, there are gray expenses, which must be calculated into the cost. How can the engineering company make money if it does not work on the construction? The difference is just the degree of darkness.

Li Yiming sighed, didn’t pay attention to the disaster scene on the TV, and looked worried. There are half a pack of unnamed cigarettes and a delicate lighter on the table, which should be left by Guo Xiang……

“Men don’t drink, women don’t; men don’t smoke, and they shouldn’t kiss their fathers…” Thinking of the philosophy of Brother Panties, Li Yiming smiled self-deprecatingly, and took a cigarette from the cigarette case and tapped it.

A bit astringent, a bit choking.

Looking at the smoke from his mouth dissipate, Li Yiming sighed again. Nope, just go away. Graduation is the rule of love on campus. It is unrealistic for Ji Xiaoqin to follow her back to her hometown of Belvedere. She should have thought before, otherwise, when she asked her to find a job together, she would not always shirk it. Yesterday’s interview did not seem to be a big problem. It shouldn’t be difficult to find a stable job in my hometown on my own terms, and find a local girl to live a safe life.

Pack up my things, catch the last bus back to my hometown, and from then on, this city and the people in this city have been put to an end. Many people like to make things clear, but in fact it is not necessary at all. It is just a awkwardness to make it clear in person. Since it has happened, why bother to embarrass yourself and others… Brother pants is right, this… is the rule…

Men’s maturity is not more and more realistic, but more and more accepting of reality. Probably after “dead” once, Li Yiming seemed to feel that he had matured in an instant. Since anger and hatred are useless, then learn to observe the world with a good eye and be gentle with people. From the standpoint of Ji Xiaoqin, she has the right to pursue her own life and what she thinks is happiness, morality…that is the standard by which people measure others…

Thinking about everything, Li Yiming stood up, ready to pack his few luggage, but as soon as he moved, the black box in his pocket slipped out and fell to the ground…

This thing… scenes from the teahouse came to mind again, and the curiosity that deliberately avoided came to my mind again. Li Yiming bent down to pick up the black box and sat down on the sofa again.

Black box

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) I don’t see any materials made of it, light and simple, fine workmanship, a bit like a high-end spectacle case.

I haven’t been in a hurry to check before, but now Li Yiming hesitates to open the box…

Are they really glasses?

There is a pair of fashionable sunglasses lying in the box, with black frames and brown lenses connected to the left and right. Li Yiming picked up his glasses and put them on, unconsciously glanced at the changing mirror next to him.

Cool! A bit of a masculine temperament!

I lowered my head and found that there were two other things in the box, a round pie ball the size of a fingernail, made of rubber, and pinched soft. There is also a small thing like a lighter.

What is this? Buy glasses and get a lighter? Li Yiming picked it up curiously, there was a button on it, Li Yiming pressed…

The picture in front of me shook for a while, and then…one…two…three…four…

The teahouse group of four came out in front of him one after another. The four of them all wore sunglasses and looked at him suspiciously. Qing Qiao Qiao was a little excited, and often there was something in his ears in a panic.

What’s the situation? Li Yiming was stunned, took off his glasses in horror…The picture disappeared…Bring…Four puzzled faces appeared again. Glasses frowned, Granny Wang squinted her eyes, Yu Jie Qing Linglong’s mouth moved, as if she was saying something…

There was a faint sound from the small ball on the table. Thinking of Qing Qiaoqiao’s previous actions, Li Yiming subconsciously picked it up and put it to his ear.

“Mr. Lee?” A green voice came from inside.

Damn! Real-time call virtual image? High-tech. Li Yiming has seen this scene in a Hollywood blockbuster. This shocked Li Yiming deeply.

“Mr. Li?” Qing Linglong called again. Granny Wang’s face already showed impatience.

“Huh?” Li Yiming hasn’t recovered from the shock.

“Mr. Li, I will contact us after we are apart for a while. Anything to find out?” Qing Linglong saw Li Yiming in a daze, with a little bit of dissatisfaction in her tone.

“…” Li Yiming really didn’t know what to say? He has more doubts now.

“Sister, look, watch his TV.” Qing Qiaoqiao suddenly spoke in silence.

TV? Li Yiming stepped over the virtual video and fixed his eyes on the TV. The TV was still reporting on the rescue of the viaduct collapse. This is a major event, and it is estimated that it will be followed up and reported for a period of time.

“Glasses, can you check it out?” Qing Linglong said solemnly.

“Give me 10 seconds” the man with glasses said, lowering his head, and quickly operating a tablet in his hand. The impatience on Granny Wang’s face quickly dissipated, with a slight surprise written on it.

“The 208 Elevated Suburbs in the suburbs collapsed 42 minutes ago, and the damaged section reached 423 kilometers. So far, 52 people have been confirmed dead and the wounded are still being counted.” In less than 10 seconds, the magnetic voice of the man with glasses sounded. .

“An accident? Or a clue?”

“The 208 elevated railroad was completed in April of this year. It lasted 2 years and 7 months. The acceptance was completed in June this year and it was officially put into use on June 24. From the official opening to traffic today, there are still 9 days in two months. One A project of this scale, no matter how cut corners, will not collapse at this time.” The glasses man said slowly while looking at the tablet.

“This must be a clue, well done, Mr. Li. Everyone should pay more attention to this direction and keep in touch.” Yu Jie Linglong said with a smile.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page), the virtual figure slowly disappeared.

“The old man looked down on you before.” Granny Wang nodded and disappeared with her glasses.

Li Yiming took off his eyepiece and stared at the TV in a daze…

Clues? What clue? What’s the clue? Can anyone tell me what happened?

Brother pants, invitations, teahouse, weird foursome, high-tech…

Li Yiming’s mood is a bit complicated. He realizes that he might be involved in something amazing. While this makes him a little looking forward to it, he is also a little excited. In the era when Hollywood blockbusters are all the rage, every child will fantasize about himself. Is different. But then he felt very uneasy again, that was the fear of the unknown.

Since I came into contact, there is no reason to let it go. At least I should understand what it all is.

Li Yiming quickly made a decision. After all, he is a passionate young man. He has not yet reached the age to avoid danger on his own. When encountering novel things, he will always have the idea of ​​finding out.

What can I do next? Li Yiming was confused again.

Take out the phone and check the time. It’s 5:20 in the afternoon.

Eat first, and then respond to all changes without change. Li Yiming is a little proud of his decision. From all indications, the weird quartet…no, it is the mysterious quartet that must be engaged in another great thing, and they seem to regard themselves as one of them. Gave myself a chance to get close to the truth.

I don’t want to pack up anymore. At this moment, Li Yiming’s feelings about the Ji Xiaoqin incident have suddenly faded a lot. This is what people often say to divert attention. Picking up the invitation and the black box, stuffing it into the shoulder bag, carefully put the “lighter” into the pocket, and put on the eyepieces (my sister said to keep in touch), Li Yiming hurried downstairs, and when he walked out of the bachelor’s apartment, Li Yiming seemed to hear I am saying goodbye to my past life, farewell to memories, farewell to love, and farewell to the ordinary.

But things backfired. Once out of the corridor, Li Yiming was instantly pulled back to reality.

In front of him stood a person, a woman, she was lively and lovely… She was generous and dignified… She was Ting Ting Yu Li… She was a small bird… She carried Li Yiming’s longing for love… She recorded With the traces of Li Yiming’s youth…

Ji Xiaoqin, a simple off-shoulder white T-shirt, a short pink skirt set off the legs, and exquisite sandals set off the slender calf and Li Yiming’s favorite ankle. With a hint of astonishment and a hint of shock, he stood in front of Li Yiming in such a pretty manner.

“Why are you here?” Ji Xiaoqin asked. As he said, a hint of surprise appeared on his face, with the tip of his tongue pressed against his front teeth, and he walked towards Li Yiming with Li Yiming’s most obsessive smile.

“I came yesterday.” Li Yiming blurted out, watching Ji Xiaoqin walking towards him, Li Yiming’s heart trembled, this person in front of him…this face in front of me…this smile in front of me… Li Yiming took a deep breath and looked at the two handbags in Ji Xiaoqin’s hands, very ordinary shopping bags, which contained newly bought clothes, but Li Yiming had only seen the trademark on it in idol dramas.

“Yesterday? I…” The smile on Ji Xiaoqin’s face disappeared, three points of doubt, six points of panic, and one point of guilt…

The two stood opposite each other, keeping a relatively safe distance. A Li Yiming would not be difficult to give up the distance to kneel and stay… A Li Yiming would not fight against his body to violently hurt others…

(End of this chapter)

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