Sundering Nature Chapter 295: Retreat, the fastest update to the latest chapters in Vientiane!

Chapter 295 Retreat

Mother Wu left, leaving nine shallow footprints on the ground. The building around the teahouse was under construction and development a while ago. The road was covered with mud and dust. The nine footprints left by Wu Ma looked clear.

Li Yiming squatted seriously on the ground, his solemn face covered with sweat.

“Don’t come here!” Li Yiming suddenly shouted, stopping an uncle who was about to pass by on a bicycle.

The uncle shivered all over and almost fell off the bike. After parking, he looked suspiciously at the ground in front of Li Yiming. Is there nothing?

The uncle cursed inside and stepped on the bicycle again.

“Don’t come here!” Li Yiming shouted again, with a grim face and a stern expression.

“I’m sick.” The uncle cursed, turned a corner, and walked away far away.

“Chen Jiawang.” Li Yiming turned around and shouted.

“Here, boss.” Chen Jiawang, who had been secretly following in the store, hurriedly appeared.

“Quickly, take things to surround this place.” Li Yiming ordered seriously.

“Enclosed? Here?”

“Yes, these footprints on the ground, be larger, be careful, don’t let people touch them.” Li Yiming said anxiously.

“What’s the matter?” Fang Shui’er, who saw the movement, also followed. Wu’s mother was a legend. Fang Shui’er had been following secretly before, and she didn’t even feel eavesdropping on the conversation between the two, but she couldn’t guess at all. When the two had talked about something, Li Yiming squatted seriously on the ground after seeing Wu Ma leaving.

“Nine-step sword.” Li Yiming didn’t hide it, but explained it seriously.

“Mother Wu’s nine-step sword?” Fang Shui’er stopped for an instant, and then backed a few steps, staring at the ground without blinking.

When Chen Jiawang saw this, although he didn’t understand what the nine-step sword was, he also realized that these few footprints were unusual, so he hurried into the teahouse and moved the big tables and benches out. When he moved things, Fang Shui’er and Li Yiming had been guarding them carefully.

“It won’t work, boss.” Almost emptied the restaurant, Chen Jiawang struggled to surround his footprints under the curious gaze of passers-by, but looking at the simple layout, Chen Jiawang couldn’t help but speak.

“This is the middle of the road, and there is construction on the side. Even if we watch every day, what if it rains? You can’t build another canopy, right? Besides, it really needs to be built, and the city management does not allow it. , This is not ours.” Chen Jiawang grabbed his head and said distressedly.

“It’s not ours, then buy it.” Fang Shui’er on one side frowned, and said domineeringly.

“Buy it?” Chen Jiawang was stunned. This is the road…

But Fang Shui’er took out his mobile phone without waiting for Li Yiming to answer.

Li Yiming seemed to be indifferent to the outside world, still squatting on the ground, staring at the footprints unblinkingly.

The next day, a group of strange engineering teams came, and carefully set up a simple work tent at the entrance of the teahouse.

Tuo Li Yiming made a fuss for the Yunyu Group. The Yunyu Group was in a mess. In just one night, Fang Shui’er got a little touched. This section of the road in front of the teahouse was really bought. In the afternoon, the municipal government The approval letter from the Planning Bureau was sent.

This old road was originally planned by the Yunyu Group, and even the compensation for surrounding residents has been in place, but everyone has changed the house.

Seven days later, a rough room was built on the periphery of the simple work tent, with “Project Department” written on the outer wall, and a row of anti-collision bars was added to the corner.

Wu’s step nine swords…It’s not too much to empty the entire city, Fang Shui’er thinks so.

As for Li Yiming, from the moment Wu Ma left, she squatted on the spot and never got up again. He has seen Wu Yun’s three forms of heavenly swords, and he even learned one of them by chance. He knows exactly how powerful it is, and this nine-step sword, which is louder than the three forms of heavenly swords, may become his rescue in the future. The key to the next willow dream.

Li Yiming is in retreat, but the teahouse is busy day after day.

Li Yiming took the base camp of Yun Yiyuan. The weird thing is that Yun Yiyuan has not said anything so far. The news spread like wildfire. Coupled with the fact that the Star Alliance, which was extremely active a while ago, suddenly disappeared, which inevitably led to deliberate and unintentional speculation that Qingshui Thatched Cottage has risen…

The two great powers of the Taoist Guardians disappeared, and the remaining guardians focused on the Qingshui Caotang. Various versions of legends were born.

In recent years, the world has changed. After waiting for a while, someone finally came to the door and took the initiative to seek refuge. Without the guidance of heaven, in the troubled times, a powerful place to live is the demand of all Taoists.

Without Li Yiming, Fang Shui’er became the agent of Qingshui Caotang under Bai Ze’s order. With the strength of the holy rank, Fang Shui’er deservedly deserved it.

Of course, the reason for the excitement is not because of the gathering of Taoist protectors. Don’t forget Fang Shui’er’s other identity, an international superstar.

The news that a sister in the entertainment circle retired and devoted herself to the development of business in Hangzhou also caused an uproar in the entertainment circle.

For a time, the major media and fan groups also surrounded but not scattered.

The reputation is not good, this is no way.

Fang Shui’er simply integrated the resources of the newly added guardians, ate all the surrounding development land of the Yunyu Group, and started to develop the new city with great momentum.

The Yunyu Group did not resist at all, and the business handover was extremely smooth. By the way, many other industries in Hangzhou were also taken over by the protectors. This also confirmed the rumors that Qingshui Caotang was also far away.

Qingshui Caotang is developing vigorously, but in another place, it is densely covered with clouds.

“Li Yiming’s recent moves are a bit big…what the **** is he going to do?” Inside the barracks, the chief frowned and looked at Pan Junwei.

“I don’t know. He hasn’t shown up for a long time.” Pan Junwei shook his head solemnly, unable to connect the current situation with the young man he saw in his mind.

“Or, let Lin Lu come in contact again? Your pressure seems to be a little bit heavy recently.” The chief tapped on the table, and his eyes swept across the pile of materials lying in front of him.

“You have the final say.” Pan Junwei nodded, his pressure is indeed great. Although the artificial guardian plan has made breakthroughs, but I don’t know what happened recently. It turns out that spooky events still happen occasionally in various places. , But now it is endless, more exaggerated than some of the secret realms he had experienced before.

Just three days ago, the monster massacre at the border of the North Sea almost happened. He sent at least half of his personnel to eliminate the threat. If this continues, the public may not be able to hide it for long.

“Okay, then I will contact Lin Lu in a moment, I hope there is nothing wrong with Li Yiming. By the way, what about Yun Yiyuan? There will be no conflict with Li Yiming. We now have no time to take care of them. .”

“Don’t worry, he doesn’t dare.” Pan Junwei sneered, Holy Order is invincible, isn’t it just for Li Yiming? One Li Yiming is enough for him, plus Bai Ze and Fang Shui’er…

“That’s good.” The chief nodded slightly, and his eyes remained on a wooden box on the desk unconsciously. No one knew the origin of this box, but the orderly soldiers who were close to the chief knew that the chief never opened the box, but he would carry it wherever he went.

“Have you heard from Mr. Wu recently?” The chief said again.

Pan Junwei looked up at the box and shook his head slightly. He knew that there was a work glove covered with oil in the box.

Tiandao Wu Yun… Do you really want to protect the common people? Or don’t have a plan?


“Old Li, how is it?” Qianmian opened the door and asked directly before Li Huaibei entered the door.

“Every one is the same, the five veins are broken, and the marks disappear.” Li Huaibei shook his head with a solemn expression.

“How much time do we have?” Qianmian sighed slightly, and his eyes fell on a slate in the crystal cabinet. This stone slab was the one that Chen Quan first discovered. The giant ape roared in the sky, the fire and phoenix soared in the middle section, and the man at the bottom stood on the flying lion with a sword, but under their feet, there was a world of purgatory…

The three characters on this stone slab are easy to speculate, but from this picture alone, it is impossible to speculate about their relationship. Is it the ape who exterminates the world and the fire and the phoenix resist? Or Sword Slash the Sky Monkey to suppress the world?

And the other two slabs…

Thousand-faces shook his head helplessly, he was even more reluctant to think about those two pieces.

“According to the current situation, there is not much time left for us, and Pan Junwei and the others can’t last long.” Li Huaibei took out his eyes and clicked irritably.

“But before the boss retreat…” Qianmian naturally understood Li Huaibei’s suggestion. The Star Alliance possessed huge resources. At this time, they were secretly lurking, looking coldly at a wave of soldiers transformed by animal blood. Protect the things that should have been guarded by them…

“Perhaps, this is what the stone slab said.” Li Huaibei stared coldly and slammed the door arrogantly. Before leaving, he looked at the stone slab in the cabinet meaningfully.

That stone slab, a man’s long sword pierced the heart of a woman in palace costume…

“He is just angrily, don’t take it seriously.” Li Huaibei left, Tianyan who was sitting in the wheelchair quietly speaking.

“I know, oh, I’ll go and see in the mountains again.” Qianmian curled his lips and walked to the door irritably.

Opening the door of the room greeted a glamorous woman.

The woman saw Qianmian and nodded slightly, but Qianmian turned her head away in annoyance and left quickly.

“Sister Ying.” Tianyan said softly, and the visitor was the Yingmei who had sought shelter at the beginning. Li Huaibei brought her back because of Tianyan’s relationship.

Ying Mei did not say anything, turned to look at Qianmian who was leaving, gently closed the door, walked slowly to Tianyan, solemnly took out a transparent sealed bag, gently placed it in front of Tianyan, and sealed it. Inside the bag is a blank note that looks extremely ordinary.

“Why? Can’t find it?” Tianyan smiled slightly, raised his hand to pick up the sealed bag, and carefully pressed it on the palm of his hand.

“I used all the resources I can use…” Ying Mei said halfway, and stopped solemnly.

“I told you, you couldn’t find out.” Tianyan’s expression became more and more gentle.

“If this person is not your fiction… Then he… is the one who helped Wu Jia change his fate!” The silent Yingmei suddenly lowered his voice and said, staring at the pale pupils of the sky. .

You guessed it! Ying Mei raised her brows, and looked at Tian Eye’s stiff body, a strange smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

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