Sundering Nature Chapter 175: Select, the fastest update to the latest chapters in Vientiane!

Chapter 175 chose “What? Are you really going to see it?” The woman’s voice suddenly rose, staring at the driver with incredible and suppressed anger.


“Well, I went to watch it and watched it all night.

They look better than you.

“The driver didn’t seem to notice the woman’s rekindling aura, and Mu Na continued to speak.

The woman’s chest undulated violently, her fingernails shone with cold light, and her slightly trembling body slowly pressed down. In the distance, Liu Meng suddenly had an illusion that the one standing in the door frame was not a middle-aged woman, but An ancient fierce beast… “They are beautiful, with tender skin, watery face, long and thin legs, and lips with lipstick like candied dates. Whenever I see these, I always I think of you…” The driver lowered his head, holding roses in both hands, but his tone gradually calmed down.

“Miss me? Thinking of my ugliness, my shortness, and my fatness, right?” The woman gritted her teeth, her nostrils were so big, a thick black nose loomed with intense panting… “No …” The driver raised his head and looked at the fat woman in front of him with blurred eyes.

“Seeing their smart eyelashes, I would think of your bloodshot eyes when you got up early; seeing their firewood-like waist, I would think of your back against a gas tank; their legs wrapped in silk stockings would make I think of you kneeling and wiping the floor; the colorful nail art in that picture reminds me of washing, cooking, chopping wood, and lifting water…” The driver said, his eyes were red, and he subconsciously stepped forward and grabbed the woman. Callused hands.

“I’m sorry, if I have money, you can be like them…” The driver lowered his head, bit his lip and looked at the old hand in front of him.

“Dead ghost, where did you learn it?” The woman suddenly slapped her hand and slapped the driver’s face with a slap, but with this slap, there was no momentum. It was not so much a hit, it was a touch. Follow this With a slap, the woman’s hand stopped on the scratch on the driver’s neck.

“Does it still hurt?” The woman’s eye sockets were also moist, and she gently stroked the scratches between her fingers.

The driver didn’t speak, but shook his head dumbfounded.

“Now that you know it was wrong?” The woman stood on the steps, gently pulling the man’s head towards herself, and she was the mother who spoiled her only child.

The gentle tone is different from the previous one.

“I shouldn’t think that you are not shy or that you can’t dress up…” “Okay, how much does it cost?” The woman interrupted the man’s statement, carefully snatching the rose from the man’s hand .

“Five yuan.

I bought it in the morning, stuffed in the trunk, so…” “You are stupid! The one at the corner of the street only sells for three yuan.

Come in! “The woman rolled her eyes at the driver and dragged the man into the/bungalow.

Looking at the lightly closed wooden door, Liu Meng slowly stood up in the green belt, without a sudden realization, no enlightenment, no relief, and no relief at all.

She heard the conversation between husband and wife clearly. The man disliked the woman and didn’t dress up. There was a dispute and a fight. The woman scolded to watch the woman go to the street. The man really went, and then the man understood…very A simple, very trivial story, such a story may happen every moment, but this man almost died by his own hands, just because he took a look at himself.

Because of my own suspicion, because of my own suspicion.

An ordinary family, maybe they are not happy, maybe they are not happy, they will argue, quarrel, fight, and make troubles

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page), they will fight because of trivialities, they will start with firewood, rice, oil and salt, but they still have the wind and the moon, even if it is just a withered rose; they still have the vows of each other, even if those love words are clumsy and unsatisfactory. .

It was such an ordinary family, but it was almost destroyed by his own hands.

In the secret realm, the guardian can do whatever they want, and the guardian is above the laws of the world. For the creatures in the secret realm, the guardian is the master and the god… They raised their hands and turned the clouds. One thought of them can kill life, and a little doubt can be sentenced to death, but if it is really the case? What is the significance of the existence of the Taoist? As far as the balance of the heaven is concerned, the protector should be the one who should be eliminated most… Liu Meng walks in the secluded community, arms around his chest, hugging himself tightly, an inexplicable chill enveloped him, and his high heels slapped the ground. The “click” sound became colder and colder.

No! Liu Meng’s footsteps suddenly stopped, and his eyes stared at the darkness ahead in amazement.

“I have a question…” Liu Meng took out the headset from his pocket and spoke solemnly to the intercom.

“Liu Meng? What’s the matter?” The answer was the man with glasses.

“Our task is to kill all the people who deserve to be killed. I have asked before, who is the one who deserves to be killed. Your answer is to kill the wrong person, not let it go…” Liu Meng stood in the dark, His eyes were cold.

“Who should kill, I can’t judge, judge by law? Or judge by morality? But in any case, I can be sure of one thing: to kill innocent people indiscriminately, is it someone who deserves to die?” There was silence inside, and everyone who heard Liu Meng’s words stopped their movements.

“The **** man…repay us…” Liu Meng took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and asked for the last sentence.

The spectacle man did not answer Liu Meng’s words, he took off the spectacles on the bridge of his nose again, bent over and picked up a black box by his feet, and gently slid his palm on the metal panel.

Beard stopped the speeding motorcycle and pressed one hand on the fuel tank, with a grim expression under his beard.

Qing Qiao Qiao looked up at her sister in surprise, only to find that Qing Linglong looked dumb, staring at the flashing traffic lights in front of him in a complicated manner. It was already the green light, but the white Land Rover was stagnant, letting the horn behind him remind him. out.

Li Huaibei grabbed the wine glass on the table, pondered for a long time, raised his head and drank it. Under the surprised gaze of the bartender, he opened the seventeenth bottle…Xing Jian stretched his waist slowly, Standing up from the ground, swaying along the willows along the river, a strange smile appeared on his face.

“Finally opened up. For the protector, killing has never been difficult, but the hard part is to choose…” Xing Jian gently turned off the phone, gathered his sleeves, and wandered under the willows of the river bank. Seen from a distance, it’s otherworldly…… Li Yiming raised his hand chicly, and a ball with glazed brilliance left his hand, leaping towards a mountain tortoise crawling in front of him.

The ball of light hits, and the huge mountain tortoise flies in the air and dissipates in the air.

Li Yiming hummed an unknown tune, stroked the bib with both hands at will. This unique bib, after Li Yiming ate a colorful sunflower, the color changed from bright red to pure white. And the ball of light just now is also an additional ability brought by the sunflower.

Along the way, Li Yiming has been quite relaxed and comfortable, with valleys, caves, sewers, mountain turtles, lava, and sunflowers.

Li Yiming is completely silent in his childhood memories,

(To the end of this chapter, please turn the page) Even many times, Li Yiming was a little bit reluctant to deal with the roaring mountain turtles. After all, his childhood was spent in their company.

Looking at the stone bridge in front of him and the castle behind the stone bridge, Li Yiming knew that he had come to an end.

The stone bridge was built on the edge of a cliff, and lava was sprayed from the bottom of the bridge. On the other side of the stone bridge, stood this lonely castle.

It is a castle, rather than a long castle-like bunker.

The castle is not big, three stories high, one door and five windows. In the tallest window, there is a pretty figure with beautiful hair and delicate facial features. It has complex expressions, expressing comfort, worry, expectation, and Shy…less fiber? Li Yiming curled his lips, did not expect her “princess” to be her? Originally Li Yiming thought it would be Fang Shui’er.

Removing his gaze from the window, Li Yiming looked at a dragon tortoise standing in the middle of the stone bridge. This is an evolved version of the mountain tortoise. It is five meters away and is covered with barbed spines. The back of the turtle is even more exuding. The luster of the metal, especially the head of a roaring dragon, is majestic and domineering.

Finally boss… Li Yiming looked longingly at the fierce dragon turtle, with a trace of nostalgia and anticipation in his eyes. In the distant memory, he had only seen this dragon turtle once, and that was with the brother next door. I only saw it with the help…The battle started. With childhood memories, Li Yiming bravely rushed to the dragon who took the princess away…Well, there was no suspense in the battle. The dragon tortoise fell into the bottom of the bridge and was heated by hot lava. Engulfed, the castle disappeared, and the young and presumptuous princess descended from the sky. Li Yiming leaped high, hugged the princess, and fell from the sky like a couple of gods.

“You are rescued, my princess.

“Li Yiming looked at the girl in his arms and raised his eyebrows playfully.

“Thank you, my prince.

“Shao Xian blinked his big eyes and looked at Li Yiming obsessively. With a sudden force on the hand holding Li Yiming’s neck, he raised his head and greeted him.

With his four lips touching, Li Yiming didn’t even respond quickly, and a soft tongue stuck into his mouth, dexterous, moist, warm, naughty… Li Yiming closed his eyes subconsciously. Is this the plot setting? It seems that after the clearance of “Super Mario”, there is indeed such a scene, but the pixels of the game of that era are very low, and it is not very clear to see.

But when Li Yiming found that the body temperature of the girl in her arms gradually increased and her body became softer, Li Yiming was a little embarrassed. Li Yiming is a man and he knows exactly what this means, but he also knows the original setting of “Super Mario.” The age group is four years old, and there is absolutely no possibility of such a plot.

Forcibly suppressing the evil thoughts in his heart, Li Yiming raised his head with difficulty, and looked at the young girl in his arms full of spring in earnest.

“You can be regarded as coming out.

” A dry voice suddenly sounded behind him. Li Yiming turned around in surprise and found that the original underground cave had disappeared. He stood in a valley full of ivy, and in the distance was a rugged valley. Chen Quanman Standing behind him with a face of abuse.

Looking over Chen Quan, Li Yiming found Yu Runhai’s back like a meat ball. By his side, Fang Shui’er was holding a can of milk, drinking with one mouthful, and meeting his own gaze. After a sweet smile.

“Okay, it’s impossible for others to come out, let’s go.

“Yu Runhai turned around coldly, glanced at the shy Shao Xian in Li Yiming’s arms, and spoke indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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