Sundering Nature Chapter 135: Lianyun City (Part 2), the fastest update to the latest chapters in Vientiane!

Chapter 135 Lianyun City (Part 2)

The wheelbarrow swayed, and Li Yiming in the car walked towards the towering city gate with the enthusiastic coachman and the old man. ????? Three big scarlet characters were carved on the top of the city gate, which seemed to be written in a small seal. Li Yiming recognized it half-heartedly: Lianyuncheng?

Unexpectedly, the city gate is not guarded, but a huge stone lion is placed on each side. This pair of rough stone lions is very different from the huge snake statue in front of the city gate. It looks very lifelike, one looks rough, and the appearance of the stone lion is different from the stone lions Li Yiming saw in the past. This pair of lions are full of hideous and evil faces, and they are not hydrangea, but like The head of a certain monster, with blood dripping under its head…

Walking through the city gate, the scenery inside the city is refreshing. Looking at it, it is prosperous. Even in the early morning, people of all colors are still bustling, mediocre, greeting each other, and each busy with their own affairs, the atmosphere is really good Harmony is abnormal.

Looking at the buildings in the city again, compared with the majestic city walls, they are too small and jadeite. The green courtyards are connected to each other, upright, square, horizontal and vertical, wide and flat. The road was cut piece by piece. Looking around, there is still a vague outline of the city wall at the end of the line of sight. It seems that all the buildings in the city are a template and quantity

“Brother, where is your home on the street?” Seeing Li Yiming looking around, the coachman asked kindly.

“I…” Li Yiming’s brain was twitching, looking for excuses.

“Send this child to me first. I’ll see his injuries.” The old man who followed interrupted Li Yiming’s answer and looked at Li Yiming with concern.

“I have work…” Li Yiming didn’t dare to speak any more, and thanked him perfunctorily. He didn’t even know how to call the other person. Depending on the situation, the old man seemed quite respected. If he shouted something wrong, he would explain it even more. Trouble, he now needs to watch more, listen more, and talk as little as possible. ? And when looking at the scenery in the city, Li Yiming always has a kind of weird mood, there seems to be something wrong…

It’s awful… Li Yiming’s heart suddenly trembled, and he stared at the crowd of people in surprise again, the doubt in his eyes suddenly realized, and a trace of hidden worry in his eyebrows slowly rose.

He thought of the weird emotions he had come from before, the dress of the people in the city…

As expected, everyone here is dressed in ancient costumes of Han and Tang Dynasties, which is not inconsistent with previous judgments. It’s just that…the material and color of the clothing…it turned out to be all Qingyi linen…the Liu Meng…

“Quick! Quick! There is a divine envoy, and the divine envoy came to Lianyun City, right at the south gate.” While Li Yiming was worried, an exclamation sounded on the street, and a tall and thin man ran from behind excitedly Come, repeat a sentence constantly.

“Envoy of God?”

“At the South Gate?”

When passers-by heard the words, they put aside their work, some rushed to the city gate quickly, and some ran in the opposite direction, shouting the same words.

Liu Meng? Hearing the shouts of passers-by, Li Yiming moved in his heart and counted the time. This was the time when Liu Meng and the others entered the city, but the envoy… Besides, it was just a simple shout from a passer-by that the whole city moved? No one doubts it at all?

“A **** envoy came…this…” The driver of the cart showed hesitation on his face, stopped, turned his head and looked at the city gate behind him. From the wide street, he could clearly see the flow of people. One after another concentrated in that direction.

“This little brother…” The old man shook his head, a momentary struggle appeared on his face, and then he was replaced by regret. Obviously, in his heart, Li Yiming’s situation is more important than the divine envoy.

“The arrival of the divine envoy is a big event, thank you both, I am much better now, and I can go home by myself.” Li Yiming saw the hesitation of the two and immediately spoke. He was worried that he could not find a chance to get out.

“You…” The coachman was obviously a little excited. ??????? Want to read the book

“I’m really fine, and I have already entered the city, I can handle it myself.” Li Yiming hurriedly added one more sentence.

“Okay, you rest first. If you feel okay, go home by yourself. If not, we’ll be back in a while. Turn left ahead, under the archway of Xuanwu Avenue, and the third one from the left. I’m there. Sitting in the hall, if you feel any discomfort after returning home, come to me as soon as possible.” The old man turned around and looked at the more and more crowds. He looked carefully at Li Yiming again and gritted his teeth to explain.

“Okay, you must come to you if you have any problems.” Li Yiming said, not looking up at the city gate behind him, giving the two people in front of him a psychological hint.

Seeing the two walking away, Li Yiming got off the wheelbarrow that the coachman repeatedly emphasized to keep, carefully stood the wheelbarrow to the side of the road, looked around, and rushed into an empty alley.

After several turns in the alley, Li Yiming sensed the release, locked a courtyard with no one, leaped gently, climbed over the wall, and entered the courtyard.

As soon as his feet landed, Li Yiming looked around for the first time. A very ordinary courtyard, with blue brick floors, loess walls, three houses and six houses, one kitchen and one well. There are two long bamboos in the corner of the yard, with a few sets of Tsing Yi linen trousers scattered on them.

Li Yiming quickly took a set, no matter whether it was dry or not, he quickly put it on himself, and found a wide belt to wrap his bald head. After putting on neatly, Li Yiming’s heart was slightly settled, and there was a lot of green bushes. The cramped feeling of a little red gradually disappeared.

With the heart of Liu Meng’s change, Li Yiming hurried to the wall. When he was about to turn over the wall, he subconsciously glanced at the closed door. Li Yiming suddenly stopped and stared quietly at the pair. Painted wooden door…

No door bars?

Li Yiming flashed away and came to the wooden door. Sure enough, the inside of the wooden door is bare without bars and locks…

Li Yiming tried to pull it slightly, and the door opened…

Carefully closed the door, Li Yiming looked back at several houses, with a trace of doubt in his eyes, walked quickly to a house in the courtyard, and pushed gently, the door opened…still unlocked…

All the houses in this yard, including the gate, are all unlocked? It’s not that it’s not locked, but it’s not locked at all.

Don’t close your account at night?

Li Yiming secretly remembered this information in his heart, leaped over the wall, and walked quickly in the direction of the city gate.


“You saved me? Where is this?” Shen Jianming woke up leisurely and found himself lying in a decorated antique bedroom, because there was no light turned on, the room was a little dark, and in front of her, Standing a girl and a half, there was a person standing beside the window behind the girl, but because of the backlight, Shen Jianming couldn’t see her clearly for a while.

“Help? You a disciple, you…” Seeing Shen Jianming wake up, the girl glared at Shen Jianming with her fist clenched.

“Li Rong!” The figure near the window gave a soft yell to stop the little girl’s anger. Listening to the voice, she was a woman, and she was not too old.

“Huh!” The little girl snorted, stepped back, revealing the woman behind her.

Shen Jianming’s eyesight gradually adjusted to the dimness of the house, and he looked at the woman carefully. She was a very young girl, not tall, a little fat, and freckles could be seen on her round face. The straight long hair hung down to his waist, watching him quietly, not beautiful, but it made people feel very comfortable. The peaceful smile made Shen Jianming, who had been used to the rain of bullets, a little flustered.

“Are you an outsider?” The woman spoke leisurely, her voice not very pleasant, but her tone was very gentle.

“A foreigner?” Shen Jianming asked suspiciously.

The woman did not speak, but pointed to the side of the bed. Shen Jianming looked around and found that his combat vest, his pistol and dagger were neatly placed on the bedside, and he was awakened suddenly. Shen Jianming reflexively lowered his head to look at his body.

The strong chest muscles are mixed with thick chest hair, and a linen blanket is covered below the waist. For a while, Shen Jianming didn’t know whether he was chaste or not…

“Your clothes are strange, unlike those in Lianyuncheng, and your knife is very sharp. Li Rong was almost injured when she was finishing it.” The woman leaned forward slightly and spoke slowly again, gently. The tone is like a mountain stream, silky and smooth, fresh and delicate.

“I…” Shen Jianming settled down, only to realize that the two girls in front of him were wearing ancient costumes, with long shirts and quaint bedrooms. The harmonious and natural scene made Shen Jianming not think much at first, but the other side was like this. Say…


“It’s a big game…” The man with glasses hung on the fork of an ancient tree, looking solemnly at the huge thunder eagle statue in the distance. Behind the statue is a simple and majestic city wall with a towering arch in the middle. Supporting the vicissitudes of this city.

“What did you see?” Chen Quan looked up at the spectacle man on the tree, but he was wary again in his heart. At this height, it is not difficult for him to go up, but he is definitely not as easy as a spectacle man. This guy is sure Is it a computer hacker?

“Are you a tomb robber? An ancient tomb?” The man in glasses loosened his hand holding the tree pole, his body floated down like a leaf, and gently touched the ground. The drop of more than ten meters didn’t even leave a trace of footprint.

“Well, it should be written on the information.” Chen Quan glanced at his feet without showing a trace, and replied casually.

“Then you should have seen a lot of ancient tombs.” The man with glasses sat down on the ground, pulled out a computer and a handful of steel **** from his backpack, and arbitrarily operated on the computer.

“I have seen a lot of people, big and small, what do you want to say?” Chen Quan saw the man with glasses sitting down, and simply sat beside him, staring at the man with glasses curiously. Regardless of the spectacle man’s skill, at least they are in a group for now. The more powerful the spectacle man’s skill, the better it will be for him. Moreover, the spectacle man has saved his life.

“I don’t know how big the largest tomb you have ever seen, but there is an ancient city in front of us with at least tens of thousands of people. Are you interested in trying it?” The man in glasses casually threw a handful of steel **** in his hand. On the ground, the steel ball trembles slightly, making bursts of cracking sound. A group of small mechanical dragonflies flew out of the steel ball struggling, and disappeared into the depths of the jungle under Chen Quan’s surprised gaze.

“Ancient City…”

(The data is horrible, go to Taoist temple for a few days to meditate, Jiangxi Yichun Pavilion Zaoshan: Dawanshou Chongzhen Palace, Lingbao School Patriarch’s Gate, friends who like Taoist culture can go and see, different from tourist attractions, calmly nurture others , If necessary, I can post the picture to the readers.)

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