Sun God Marvel Chapter 962: Heroes are short of breath

“You see clearly, what is it?”

The broken Bruce Banner looked at the little spider with flames around him, and couldn’t help but eagerly asked him.

There is a reason why he asks this question. In this thick fog, it is not just ordinary people who are blocked in his vision. He also cannot see clearly what is shrouded in thick fog. This made him suffer a lot in the previous battle. However, things finally turned around. And this turning point appeared on the little spider beside him.

The little spider has no eyes when it changes into the form of a ghost knight. And how does he see things in this form? Banner asked this question, and the little spider’s answer to this question was that he used a special sensor to determine the surrounding conditions.

If it is a creature, he can see things like souls. And if it is an object, it is a variety of gray pictures piled up. Although this argument is abstract, it is extremely useful as long as you are used to it. Just like now, even with such a thick layer of fog, the little spider can still see what is happening in front of him through this special visual sense.

And when Banner began to ask him, he immediately reflected what he saw.

“It’s a snake. Damn, a big snake, much bigger than the one I met in the beginning. What the **** is this, Titan Python?”

The Titan Python is a kind of prehistoric snake that lived 58 million years ago. It can grow to more than ten meters in length, and can treat many prehistoric ferocious Beast as its own food. However, even the Titan Python is probably not as huge as the one in front of it. It even said that it was the gap between the earthworm and the long snake.

Just this huge head, I am afraid that there are two or three trucks as huge. With a big mouth, he even wrapped up the bridge of a broken bridge directly. And the little spider is watching with his own eyes, the soul of a woman who is reddish in his eyes, and the man who is not much different, driving in a car directly from the mouth of the big snake all the way in, straight through the stomach, and finally is The end came to a death.

Become a ghost knight, and the little spider also has a lot of strange abilities. For example, now, he can judge how much sin such a person has by looking at the color of a person’s soul. For example, the color of the men and women that he just saw is the color that would kill many talents. Because from the perspective of the soul, people and people are really equal. So once killing, the color change is also the most obvious and the fastest.

So, although the little spider has the ability to rescue those two people. But in the end, he chose to give up. This is somewhat incompatible with his original nature. But as we often say, people grow up. When he became a ghost knight, he could look directly at the crimes committed by people. He will naturally inevitably grow up.

It is difficult to say whether this change is good or bad for him, but this change has become an established fact anyway. And in the final analysis, he and Bruce now have no extra time to consider these ideological issues. Saving people is the key to their consideration.

The Bruce immediately frowned when he heard another monster appearing in front of him. Although it was only a few hours apart, he and the little spider had experienced more than ten battles.

Most of these were conducted with some terrifying monsters. Although it was a victory in the end, it also greatly consumed their physical strength and spirit. So if he can, he doesn’t want to fight any more unnecessary battles. What’s more, now, they can’t say that they are alone, and they can be carefree.

At this moment, behind them are probably hundreds of ordinary humans with terrified looks. They were rescued from those terrible monsters. And since they were rescued, then in the principle of saving people to the end, sending Buddha to the west. They can only take them around until they are sent to a safe area.

However, where can it be safe? Looking at the fog in front of them, both of them began to have headaches. From the time of separation, the two men were doing their best to save their lives. And because of the work they are doing, they can more clearly realize how bad this country is.

A large English country is dying almost at a rate that can be distinguished with the naked eye. Faster than anyone’s imagination. Even if they have tried their best to save people, compared to those who died, they can save even a fraction.

This is a terrible thing, and it’s also something that makes these two superheroes happy. However, they cannot choose to give up now. Because there are so many people depositing hope on them.

This is a heavy burden, but since they chose to carry it, they can only continue to carry it.

“Apart from the snake, who else is there on the bridge?”

Bruce asked this question, the purpose is very clear, that is, if there are people there, even if they are no longer willing, they can only go to fight with the big snake. They are here to save people, it is impossible to have any deterrent behavior because of difficulties.

Just like before, they just took a dozen people to escape. It is because of this kind of rescue on the way that the team has repeatedly expanded to the present level. This kind of thing naturally increases the burden they bear in disguise. But as they thought, since they chose this way, there was no reason to give up.

But this time the situation finally made him feel a little lucky, because the little spider just shook his head and replied to him.

“There are no more people! The bridges are all blown up, and those people must be thinking about finding the way to other places.”

“Damn, what the British government is doing!”

As the bridge was blown up, Banner couldn’t help but scolded. Although he is also clear, this is a last resort to prevent the spread of disaster. But this does not mean that he can accept such an approach.

Because on this side of the bridge, it is said that there are still more than one million people struggling in the mist. Once the bridge was blown up, it was almost equivalent to giving up half a million of London’s life and death. Such a behavior is that he is a little naive person who is unacceptable.

However, no matter how naive the mind is, he has to admit one thing. That is his idea is very ridiculous, and this behavior that he was cursed is the correct behavior. Because this is a practical way to prevent the situation from deteriorating, and letting him think for himself is just asking for trouble.

After all, he is not the kind of person who can make a choice, otherwise he will not be in this place now.

“Forget it. Peter, what should we do now?”

After hearing the question, the little spider glanced at the ordinary people behind him. Their extremely eager eyes gave this young man a feeling of numbness on his back. Even with it, his voice became dull.

He knows that this is a situation caused by huge pressure. Because he decided not to say anything but the life and death of these people. Therefore, he must be cautious and cautious before he can make a decision. And like now, he thought for a long while before he could only say so to Banner.

“I can go to the banks of the river to see if there are any ships. I think they should have occupied the nearby port now. As long as they can find the ships, take these people and believe that they are safe. Get a basic guarantee! “

This statement makes Banner dissatisfied, because he is very clear that there are still many people waiting for their rescue in this abandoned urban area. He subconsciously wanted to object, but when he heard the cheers and weeping of the people behind because of the spider’s words, he immediately closed his mouth and swallowed everything he wanted to say ~ IndoMTL .com ~ What happened today is not only a huge challenge for them, but also a nightmare for these ordinary people to tremble in their bones. Now, an opportunity to break free from this nightmare is in front of these ordinary people, how can they not feel excited and happy? But at this time, if he does not agree with this approach, and force them to rescue more people, then even if he has a life-saving grace for these people, I am afraid it will inevitably attract some grievances.

Most people are very realistic creatures who love what they love and hate themselves. Think about others, save others, let the hero do that kind of thing.

Almost everyone thinks so. But they do n’t know that sometimes the hero cannot carry everything. Just like now, even Bruce Banner has that thought. But in the end, there was only a long sigh, and the hero was short of breath.

“You go, I protect these people. Find a way to send them to a safe place as soon as possible. If we can, we will go to rescue others to come back.”

He finally agreed with the little spider, and the little spider acted immediately.

It did n’t take long for him to bring good news. A small freighter stopped nearby, and they only had to walk a few steps to get past.

This news has brought tremendous momentum to many people. Although it was said to have been exhausted to the point of exhaustion, these ordinary people got on the cargo ship that the little spider said at an exaggerated speed.

The cargo ship started sailing, and many people started crying. They thought they finally got rid of this nightmare. But in fact, is the situation really what they thought? (To be continued.)


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