Sun God Marvel Chapter 959: Commanding the first…

The decisions of the monsters are directly related to the life and death of ordinary people in this country. Now it seems that the situation has evolved towards the most dangerous situation.

If we say that before, these demons and evil spirits still used the thought of restraint and used the human beings in this thick fog as food in a limited amount. So now, they are completely killing. But killing and eating are two different things. That kind of gap is like comparing the casualties of a cold weapon war with the Second World War.

In less than an hour, Birmingham, with a population of over one million, was completely reduced to a dead city. This is the second most populous city in the UK, and under the magical powers of many ferocious gods, the people in this city can’t even make a decent resistance. Has completely disappeared.

Faced with such a situation, the Avengers who had made temporary contact with the City of London had never expected it. They feel strange, even unbelievable, that a city with a population of one million has lost contact in an instant. However, the City of London’s explanation is very powerful and convincing.

“The contact between us and Birmingham City Hall, the police station, the hospital, the library, and all the places with communication equipment has been interrupted. If one or two situations are fine, but all things are like this, That can only show one problem. The situation has deteriorated to its worst point.”

The Mayor of the City of London reported to General Ross concisely. Judging from his expression, he himself is actually very unbelievable.

This is a very sensible and capable person. After the fog falls, they can realize the seriousness of the situation as quickly as possible, and organize to persuade the people to leave their homes and take refuge in important places protected by armed forces. His prestige and ability are not lacking at all. And being able to realize the importance of keeping in touch and contact the Avengers as quickly as possible at this critical time shows that he also has enough wisdom.

In terms of performance alone, this guy’s abilities have already surpassed the current prime minister of the United Kingdom. If you can survive the current difficulties safely, then you can believe that this guy must be the best candidate for the next prime minister. But can they overcome this difficulty? To be honest, the mayor may not believe him very much.

So at the moment, looking at the General Ross in front of me, hesitating and stopping. He immediately said to General Ross with a wry smile.

“I know that you may have doubts about what I have said, or you may think that the interruption of this connection is only a temporary problem. But I can only say that everything is best to think in the worst direction. I am At the beginning, agreements were reached with other cities. Every half an hour, the three nearby cities have to make cross-safety verifications to ensure that the city can guarantee basic safety under the circumstances that everything is unknown. However, Birmingham The city has been lost for more than half an hour.”

“Not only the city of Birmingham, but also the cities around him began to fall. The message we got here is that before the city fell completely, someone sent a distress signal. Although it is very weak, it is real. And this also means that this is an attack, not an accident. So General, you should know what this means!”

“I know, of course I know!” Frowning a few words to himself, General Ross said to the mayor. “Your Excellency, if I say that we need to transfer all the asylum seekers to the Port of London. Do you think it is possible to evacuate through the ships there?”

“Evacuate all?” asked a little bit surprised. The mayor immediately called his subordinates and asked them carefully. After waiting for a while, he turned around with regret and said to General Ross.

“Unfortunately, General. I asked about the situation near the port. Adding all the ships together, we can only evacuate more than half a million people at most. This population is relative to the entire population of London, which is more than 7 million. Even the number of asylums who have been registered is only a drop in the bucket. This plan does not work. General, I dare not even tell the citizens of your plan, because it will inevitably cause a mess. “

“But if the city of Birmingham is dead. I am afraid that London will not be much better. There is no problem now, this is just a sign. It may not be long, it may be a few hours. This city You will follow in Birmingham’s footsteps. Your Excellency, you should consider for more people to live. Not for the order of this city. You should be very clear that this city, even this country, is finished. !”

General Ross couldn’t help waving his arms, wanting to add strong words in this way to let the man who currently controls the order of the city cooperate with his actions. But for what he said, the mayor just stretched out his hand calmly and blocked everything he said.

“I know what you mean, General. But this is not a reason for me to disrupt the only remaining order in this city. Maybe your intentions are good, but you have to understand that there are nearly a million people in this city. Life safety is maintained on this order. If I publish the bad news about Birmingham and your evacuation method, then these millions of people will become out of control Beast, and desperately flee toward the port. That kind of chaos will expand the casualties indefinitely, and may even cause unknown danger.”

“So, compared to your plan. I would rather control the stability of all this, and then pray that the army can come over and clean up the situation as quickly as possible. This is the only thing I can think of at the moment to ensure that most It’s a safe way. General, I hope you can understand my difficulties.”

With a long sigh, General Ross nodded in agreement with everything the mayor said. He knew that from the position of the mayor, everything he did was indeed the most correct choice. Whether it is for the city itself, or for the safety of the citizens in this city. His ideas are not bad at all.

But, is such a result really good? He doesn’t think so. In fact, as the mayor himself said, everything is going in the worst direction. Then he thinks that this city and even this country will inevitably follow in the footsteps of Japan.

He thought he should do something, and this thought made him act immediately, and said to the mayor.

“Your Excellency, since you want to stay here and wait for the support of the army. Then I have no right to deny your right to do so. But as the special operations department of the Skyhammer Bureau, I hope to get your permission and let us We will be stationed temporarily near the Port of London and coastal ports and provide assistance to all urban refugees. We will be evacuated by boat in five hours. If any citizens are willing to leave with us, I hope you will not stop them.”

“You look at me too high, Lord General.” Shaking his head, the mayor’s face showed a wry smile. Then he gestured behind him to General Ross. “What I can control now is the people behind me. Other places, including those other shelters, may not listen to me now, so let alone those citizens who are still surviving in the mist. If you If I can give them a way to survive, I will thank you very much.”

He stretched out his hand to General Ross when he said that, as if he wanted to say goodbye to him in this way. However, before General Ross reached out his hand, a neatly dressed but panicked man had trot all the way to Mr. Mayor’s side, and hurriedly said to him at the same time.

“Mr. Mayor, it’s not good. We have lost contact with several temporary shelters on the other side of the river. The police station received a call for help, but we have no staff to send out!”

“Is there no one to send out, or no one dares to go?” Angrily waved, the mayor looked at the projected map of London above his head. At this moment, the places that represent shelters in the northwest of London have been marked in dazzling red. And just like some kind of infectious disease, with the emergence of these reds ~ ~ almost the entire northwestern region began to change color.

Urgent alarms and rushing phone calls rang almost non-stop in the command center temporarily set up in the city hall. What this means is that the worst is happening.

Closed his eyes vigorously, the mayor who stood up in distress can only ask his assistant like this at this moment.

“How many people are there? Immediately list the demographics of shelters where the situation has occurred.”

“Your Excellency, there are more than 700,000 people in total. This is the total population of areas that have completely lost contact. We have no way to count the areas where things are happening.”

“Tell those who can still receive our signal, we will blow up all the bridges above the Thames within an hour to slow the spread of the danger in the fog. Let the commander of the shelter organize as soon as possible Retreat. There is only one hour, and after an hour, they can only go to the gods to pray!”

Said this in a calm tone, and the mayor’s order immediately stunned the assistants beside him.

“But, sir! There is also Buckingham Palace there! Her Majesty, the royal family, and the ministers of the House, are they still on the other side of the river?”

“I said, for an hour!” He opened his eyes suddenly, and the mayor’s tone suddenly became decisive. “I don’t care what her status is! The minister or the queen. I only give them one hour. After an hour, if I can’t retreat to the river, then I can only give them up. I won’t be because Their identity has sent millions of people to the door of hell. Do you understand what I mean?” (To be continued.)


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