Sun God Marvel Chapter 892: Deadly Recovered Chapter

The one who came to Natasha was a woman who could be seen to be a Slav at a glance, with a strong face and a strong body. If Natasha is an elegant cheetah, then this woman is a majestic lioness. This can also be reflected in her words.

The sound of the urn is urn, and the speech has a strong nasal sound. And most importantly, she still speaks Russian.

Romanoff, I want to have a chat with you!”

For many years, Natasha, who hadn’t heard anyone talking to herself in Russian, was taken aback when she spoke, and then nodded, pointed to the open-air seats of a cafe on the street, facing it in Russian. She replied.

“Yes, go there. I don’t think you would want to stand here and stand out with me all the time.”

Natasha’s answer made the woman frown, but she finally nodded hesitantly and agreed with Natasha’s proposal. The two people just sat in the corner of the pedestrian street. Although their intention was not to be noticeable, the effect was not very obvious in fact.

Natasha is the kind of beauty of the highest quality, and because of her recent refreshment, her appearance is a little different and gorgeous. This is not only for men, but also for women. So even if you are sitting in an inconspicuous corner, there will always be some passers-by who involuntarily focus on her.

This is normal for Natasha. A beautiful woman is born to be noticed, and she is used to it. But the woman across from her was not used to this. Because she is not the popular type. Women whose arms are thicker than ordinary men’s calves are unlikely to be very popular, especially when such thickness is completely supported by muscles.

But this woman obviously didn’t care about other people’s eyes, so she quickly ignored these and said to Natasha.

“This is what you want. If it is, we should be able to start now.”

“Of course.” Grasping the initiative is the most important part of the agent’s psychology. Although someone came to her, Natasha didn’t want to give the initiative away. So she responded with such a sentence, but did not immediately answer the woman. Instead, he called the waiter and ordered two cups of coffee. Sipping slowly in front of this woman.

Such behavior naturally made the face of the Slav woman opposite her look angry, but she still suppressed her temper and waited for Natasha’s follow-up.

Looking at the woman’s reaction, Natasha already had a preliminary judgment in her heart.

A little self-control, but his temper is still a bit too big. It shouldn’t be any senior spy, otherwise there won’t be such obvious performance. Tagging the woman a deal-friendly label, Natasha began to speak to her unhurriedly.

“Since you know who I am, I think you and the guys behind you should have learned more about me. So in exchange, should you also tell me who you are and let me Do you also have a preliminary understanding of you?”

“Sarabova. You can call me that way.”

Roughly slammed her hand on the small table in front of her. Not only was this woman wearing masculine clothes, she was also very masculine in her behavior. And this also made Natasha couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows. Such a woman, I am afraid, would like to do something more than to start her mouth.

Thinking this in her heart, Natasha continued to ask calmly.

“Well, Sarabova, can you tell me what you want to do? I think we didn’t know each other before. If you want to find a job or do something else, should you consider Isn’t someone right?”

“Don’t think about using this capitalist method to confuse me. I didn’t come to you for these superficial things, Romanoff.” After a cold snort, Sarah Pova patted her hands vigorously. table. The strength in her hand was not small, and immediately caused these small tables to groan overwhelmedly. And hearing this voice, the waiter who was watching couldn’t help showing a toothache expression.

He originally came to see the beauty, but he didn’t expect that the female tyrannosaurus who sat with the beauty was actually like a female tyrannosaurus. If such an obvious act of destroying private property was normal, he would have come out to stop it, but now, he doesn’t even have the courage to step forward.

Because just by looking at your body shape, you know that your small body is definitely not enough for others to play. Maozi’s combat effectiveness is well known all over the world, and even Maozi’s women should not be underestimated. He didn’t want to try how far his combat effectiveness was from this female man.

The silence of the waiter does not mean that Natasha must be silent. In fact, Natasha guessed the woman’s identity as soon as she heard the tone of the woman’s words. This surprised her a bit, but on the surface she still had a smile and indifferent expression.

“This is a private place, please be careful not to damage other people’s things casually. Also, capitalism? It’s been a long time since no one heard someone say this in Russian. This tone is the same as before the disintegration of the Soviet Union. It was like the time, but depending on your age, it seems that you shouldn’t be from that era either.”

“Soviet mothers will never die, you will remember this for me, Romanoff.”

When she heard Natasha’s words, Sharapova’s muscles twitched, and the expression on her entire face became fierce. But this time she didn’t hit anything again, but warned Natasha with a very serious look.

Hearing this warning, Natasha nodded carelessly, but her hand was slowly reaching into her handbag. And Sharapova didn’t seem to see this, she just looked into Natasha’s eyes, and after seeing her nodded, she continued to speak to her.

“As for my identity, you don’t have to guess too much, I will tell you. As the former black widow of the KGB, I think you should know the super fighter plan of the Soviet secret forces. I am the product of this plan. One of the super fighters who have been frozen for more than 20 years. Now I come to you for a very simple purpose. We need your support to help us restore the glory of the Soviet mother.”

Sharapova’s direct words made Natasha raise her eyebrows immediately. She knew a little bit about the Soviet super soldier program. Because she herself can be regarded as a product of this plan. And based on the information she got back then, this plan does seem to have a deeper department, and this department seems to have indeed developed a different super soldier.

You must know that in the US-Soviet competition back then, it was a life-and-death fight on all levels. Naturally the same goes for the Super Soldier plan. Unlike Captain America, which already has a finished product in the United States, the Soviet Union has always been overwhelmed in this regard. Therefore, the Soviets have also made a huge loss in developing their own super fighters and set very high requirements.

The American Super Soldier program requires only being able to be invincible on the battlefield. Just like Steve Rogers, it is enough to reach the limit of what the human body can achieve. The Soviet Union believes that this completely fails to reflect the compulsion of our great Soviet Union, and that our super soldiers must overpower the Americans.

So the Soviets selected the most elite group of people from the military, spies, and government departments, hoping to build the strongest super soldiers based on them. Not only is it necessary to be able to compete with the Americans in terms of combat effectiveness, but also to be able to crush the standards of the Americans in terms of professional quality.

Natasha knew the slogan of making super soldiers at the time. What is required is to be proficient in at least 20 languages, to be able to be invincible on the frontal battlefield, and to be invincible in espionage work. Disrupting a small country’s power overnight and letting it fall into a state of complete anarchy is considered to be qualified.

Seriously, when I heard this, Natasha always thought that this was the government department blowing the air, just like the big Ivan, it was 50 million tons, but 100 million tons were blown out. But now it seems that this is indeed a bit of ostentation, because this Sharapova’s performance does not seem to be the point where it can disintegrate a small country’s power through spying and assassination.

But Natasha didn’t mean to underestimate her, because she knew a very basic truth. That is, things made in the Soviet Union may have moisture ~ but they will never have too much moisture. The two superpowers in the world are not blown out, they are always blown out.

She has developed a deep fear of this female super soldier in her heart, and this fear comes more from the pressure that her former motherland brought to her. But this does not mean that she will succumb to it.

“Why did you choose me? I am not a big man, and it is almost impossible for me to provide you with any substantial help.”

“Intelligence and contacts. I believe you must have accumulated a lot of things in this area over the past two decades. I also believe that you must know a lot of Soviet people who want to restore the glory of the motherland to the motherland. Natasha Romanoff, Since we have chosen you, we naturally know how much power you can generate. So don’t think about avoiding, and don’t think about covering up. I have only one sentence, the motherland is calling you, what is your answer!”

From Sharapova’s eyes, she clearly had great hopes for Natasha. But to her disappointment, Natasha did not nod her head as she had imagined. Instead, after hesitating for a while, she simply and directly rejected her.

“Sorry, I don’t have this interest. The Soviet Union is dead. This is something smart people can see. I miss my country a lot, but I don’t miss the **** who destroyed the Soviet Union in the past. Therefore, I will not cooperate with you. I even said that I would like to know who asked you to come and find me.”

Without a sound, he took out a pistol from her handbag, and Natasha pointed it at Sharapova’s head and said to her seriously.

“Tell me who sent you? Hydra, or Skyhammer?” (To be continued.) ()

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