Sun God Marvel Chapter 873: Social conflicts and court conflicts

For the citizens of the entire United States, there has been little change in the past few days. Except for the addition of a first lady, they did not feel that their country was different from the past.

A stable security environment, normal work and vacation time, and a permanent tax day. Everything seems to be back to its original appearance, and even seems to be better. Almost all of this can be attributed to the current Stark government, as well as the intelligent machinery promoted by the Stark government.

The United States, a country with a good appearance. Public order has always been one of the most serious problems in this country. Those unemployed nomads, those who do not want to make progress, spend all day idle, do evil, and only want to cheat on relief payments have always been the problem of this country. Not to mention the gangs of black people, Russian Ross people, and Italians.

This country has never been as beautiful as others thought. Except for those at the top, most lives are inevitably subject to various threats.

However, this is before. With the spread of smart machines, even the long-stricken America has begun to usher in new changes.

Cracking criminals, this will be a difficult problem in the face of previous national governments. Because it’s not just manpower, force, and those possible sacrifices. What’s more, most of the black-related groups in this country are related to the interests of a large number of people.

Think of how many states in the United States legalize cannabis and drugs to know how deep the interests involved are. The federal government has not dared to crack down too much on those black-related groups because it is worried that it will make you feel bad. However, all this is not within the scope of Ultron.

Its core program is to serve humanity, which is a broad proposition. And the protagonist in this proposition is the vast majority of humans, not the minority of humans. Therefore, his actions will not take into account the feelings of some people. And this obviously has a huge impact on the fixed interest chain.

Intelligent machines coming off the factory ’s production line overwhelmed the determination of any gang involved in the conflict with absolute quantitative advantage. And when the vast majority of people who could n’t see the situation were arrested by the wits in the name of law enforcers, the rest were unable to panic and panic after all, and began to seek other methods to prevent the situation from deteriorating .

And they found out immediately that things were not as simple as they thought.

In the past, if their organization was cleansed from the federal government, then money and benefits are undoubtedly a weapon that can open up various links. There are very few people in this world who cannot be bought. Even if the people above are determined to make a big decision, there is no guarantee that those executives will not be bought by others. And even if they work together to bring the criminal gang to court. The lawyer who received the money can also rely on his three-inch tongue to give them the last chance.

This kind of thing has been verified countless times. In the United States, as long as there is money, there are hardly any problems that cannot be solved.

But now, this trick is not working.

The executors are intelligent machines made of steel. These mechanical lives do not have any material needs, and they cannot be moved by interests at all. Going further up, it is even more useless. Ultron dominates all intellectual weapons, and following his own basic rules, he will not be affected by borers in humans, thus changing his determination.

In his view, it is his duty to fight criminals and maintain the stability of human society. No one can blame him on this issue. So he completely cleans up the pests in this society in an orderly way according to his own ideas. Just like a scavenger, he uprooted his black gangs one after another, and pulled out the one-time officials who were once expensive.

Such a move has touched the interests of many people from the beginning. This kind of behavior is obviously intolerable for those people. However, it is difficult for them to make any accusations against Ultron, because this is an intelligent system, not a human. So they can only reflect this to the creator of Ultron, President Tony Stark.

But now Tony is most concerned about the interests of these people. The safety of the earth and the threat of Hydra are the key points of his concern, so he directly ignored the ideas of these people, and this has led to the accumulation of more and more contradictions.

Like an erupting volcano. Before it erupts, it will inevitably experience a series of kinetic energy savings. It wasn’t until an incentive emerged that all this could explode completely. With the successive annihilation of the gangs involved in the underworld, and an underworld emperor known as the underground emperor gold and was arrested by the arsenal with a strong means, those who were touched by the interests finally made up their minds to do everything To prevent this behavior of Ultron.

Know that a gangster like Jin and this level always needs some special status to integrate into a normal society.

When he was involved in New York, he was the most well-known real estate developer of New York. The entire **** kitchen can be said to be his site. And when he withdrew from New York and developed his influence into the Los Angeles area. The famous Beverly Hills and a large area around him were also swallowed directly into his belly with a tiger-like spirit.

With his accumulation, he can be among the highest society. Even if he does not count the underground forces he possesses, only those companies on the bright side can directly affect the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people and the flow of billions of funds. Once such people are arrested, it will be a huge earthquake for the whole society.

In the face of morality, benefits are more important. Even if Ultron holds the undoubted evidence in his hands, the human court cannot make a correct judgment against such a guy like Jin. There is too much support behind them, and this support has reached a point where the law cannot be tried fairly.

This partial behavior makes Ultron‘s actions unsuccessful. But Ultron does not have any meaning to give up. He is an intelligent life, and the execution power of intelligent systems is absolutely superior to humans. He will not be discouraged, nor will he give up. For him, the court’s trial was just a mistake. If it is wrong, then it is absolutely necessary to repeat the operation once.

So for the court, some funny scenes appeared in front of the public. It was the forefoot who took the gold and left the dock when the judge acquitted him. Then he took a big circle, pressed him back on the dock, and charged him with the same crime. A lawsuit was issued.

This behavior is tantamount to hitting the face of the big people who hold the entire California court, and the action of Zhiji also makes all people who feel that their interests are violated because of their actions unacceptable. Therefore, when the Zhiji did this for the third time, the defense lawyer who represented the mouthpiece of the interest group behind Jin could no longer bear it. In front of the court and countless media, he cursed at the Zhiji.

“You **** machines. Don’t you understand? The court has already pronounced the result, you can’t change anything by doing so. Stop your stupid behavior, otherwise I will represent my client and all The collective whose rights have been violated by your behavior appeals to the White House. It is required that you all be thrown into a waste recycling factory and be rebuilt! “

This angry roar cannot touch the nerves of Zhiji at all. The third time, he pressed Jin’s shoulder directly, pressed him firmly on the dock, and repeated to the judge above.

“The defendant, Jin Deng, has been confirmed as the main messenger of the illegal interest group. The group has illegally sold drugs, guns, and murder. All the suspects have been arrested. Please ask your judge to try!”

As a judge who was deliberately selected. When they first heard this, they sneered in their hearts. And the second time, he couldn’t help but breed anger. As for the third time, in addition to their anger, they began to gradually spread panic.

Laws like this are majestic. This is also the reason why these judges are able to stand high in the courts and show off their power. But when it is questioned and denied again and again, its majesty will continue to be discounted and eventually trampled into the dust.

This point, the Supreme Court of the Federal Government has already experienced Zhou Yi. Therefore, the courts of the California government do not want to experience this feeling again on a group of machines. When the buzz of discussion continued from the jury and auditorium, the judge in charge of the stage immediately banged his hammer hard and said aloud to the Zhiji.

“The court has tried, and the final result has been unanimously determined by us. As a law enforcer, what you should do is to comply with our decision and maintain the dignity of the law ~ ~ instead Questioning our decision here. I order you to release Mr. Jin Bing immediately! Immediately, immediately! “

The courts that have begun to panic want to use their rights and majesty to forcefully control the movement of intelligent equipment. But they overlooked a very serious problem, that is, Zhiji is not subject to any government. He is a new system, a new thing in order to maintain the security of mankind and ensure the stability of human society in possible changes.

Even Tony Stark, who is the president, ca n’t order them, and even a court in a state ca n’t do that. So immediately, the court got a response from Ultron.

“I refuse, sir. According to the Federal Constitution, the trial of this court has completely violated the requirements of the Constitution. Moreover, an unfair trial has been taken for the evidence of the fact. , I hope that the court will re-adjust its attitude and publish a new trial result for the accused. “

This answer put all established procedures in a deadlock. And as the scene became more and more chaotic, people’s discussions made the supposedly majestic court instantly become a noisy market. The angry judge could only slam the hammer in his hand and shouted.

“Adjournment, adjournment!” (To be continued.)

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