Sun God Marvel Chapter 812: 3 originals.

Tony is very smart, he knows that Zhou Yi cannot help him indefinitely. If that were the case, he would have solved all the problems for himself a long time ago, instead of letting himself worry about inadequate layout as he is now. So he directly started to ask Serena’s bottom line, from which he judged what Zhou Yi meant.

After hearing Tony‘s question, Serena immediately spoke to him bluntly.

“The master let me know how to help you. I have set three basic principles for this.”

After finishing this, she didn’t wait for Tony to put forward any views on these so-called three principles, and she stated the contents directly.

“First, it cannot affect the innocent. I will only help you deal with some people in the Avengers. Others are not within my consideration.”

“Second, it won’t hurt anyone’s life. I know that the master has some friendship with people in the Avengers, so I don’t plan to make it difficult for the master. I can help you subdue them, but I won’t help. You killed them.”

“Thirdly, I only help you once. This time I was only willing to do it at the command of the master. Of course, this opportunity is under your control, but after this opportunity is used up, I will not take any more. Do you understand what I mean?”

I have to say that Serena’s conditions are a bit harsh. But considering the inhuman strength she possessed, this condition seemed normal. It’s like a nuclear bomb. Although everyone knows that this is the ultimate weapon, there is no reason why I will throw this thing out like a jelly bean as soon as a war is fought.

That is too exaggerated, and the consequences are too serious. Smarter people would never do this. Of course, Tony will not do this either.

So after thinking about Serena’s three conditions, he immediately nodded and said to Serena.

“Yes, I have no opinion on these three principles.”

“Very well, now you can tell me how I can help you.” Serena nodded and continued to talk about exchange with Tony.

“It’s very simple. You will be hidden in the crowd when the time comes. Once there is a situation, I will call you on the spot. Then you can directly subdue the guys who are beyond the scope of my handling.”

Tony is wise, he did not let Serena take the lead, nor did he expose her directly. Instead, she was treated as a back hand, a final safety device. Concealed and safe, it can play a decisive role when the situation is out of control. This can be said to be very important.

As for this arrangement, Serena clearly saw something. But she didn’t object, but just nodded, and then turned around to leave here.

Seeing that she was really going to leave, Tony suddenly seemed to remember something, and asked her back.

“Miss Serena, can I ask you a question?”

Selina didn’t answer, but she stopped and tilted her head slightly to reveal a listening posture. Looking at her performance, Tony already knew what she meant, so he immediately asked her.

“Why do you want to be called the Zhou Yi master? I mean, you can go further with your ability. Why put yourself in this position.”

“Because the master gave me a new life, I willingly serve him as a servant.”

Selina left the room without looking back. Realizing the meaning of her words, Tony smiled bitterly.

“Really a guy who has lost his luck.”

I don’t know who he is talking about, but after such a gossip, he suddenly relaxes. Prior to this, in order to prevent accidents in court, he had exhausted his efforts. Now because of Serena’s intervention, everything has been perfectly guaranteed, and he immediately let go.

At this time, the feeling of exhaustion and fatigue poured into his body like a tide. Feeling this uncomfortable feeling, Tony immediately pressed his head and groaned intolerably.

Since becoming the president, his body has gradually deteriorated. A large part of the reason is because he is really overworked. In any case, he is a mortal body. In the case of a normal human body, there must be some problems with this high-load operation. So naturally, he is no exception.

Because of overuse of the brain and long-term nervousness, he didn’t know why he contracted a headache. This is not a big problem, but it is very torturous. Tighten his nerves, it’s okay when he is busy at work, once he relaxes, he immediately tortured his nerves like a tarsal maggot.

This is not a problem that can be solved by endurance, so immediately, Tony pressed his communicator and called to his secretary.

“Hurry up and call Maria for me.”

As the secretary of Tony at work, he naturally knows what’s wrong with Tony. So immediately, he found the person Tony was looking for and took her into the Tony room.

And the blonde girl who just came in, carrying the medicine box, saw the pained look on Tony‘s face, and immediately showed a solemn look. She first took out a quick syringe from her medicine cabinet and injected the contents directly into Tony‘s neck. Then, when the look on Tony‘s face began to ease, she immediately supported Tony and leaned on the chair, and then pressed his temples and gently kneaded the sides of his head.

While kneading, she also said to Tony in a complaining and blaming tone.

Tony, I warned you that your current physical condition can no longer maintain such a high-intensity work. You need a reasonable rest time. Otherwise, even if the medicine I prepare is very difficult It’s hard to relieve your pain.”

“I know, Maria.” Tony, whose face began to calm down, winked at his secretary, which made the secretary leave the room a little unhappy. After she left, Tony immediately put his head on the chest of the female doctor behind him, and said to her in a sighing tone. “But I can’t help it. The responsibilities on me are so heavy that I have to go all out. If I don’t go all out, I can’t solve these problems at all. Then there will be a mess, a real mess. “

“No matter how big the trouble is, it can’t be worse than your falling down right now.” There is no complaint about Tony‘s unusual movements. The female doctor called Maria is always maintaining her gentle kneading movements. Of course, she didn’t mean Tony at all. “I know that your current job is very important. But no matter how important your job is, it cannot be more important than your body. If you fall, you will not be able to do anything. You are not a child, and you should be aware of this. Yes.”

“I know, I know what you mean. Maria! But you must understand that there are some things I must do.”

Closed his eyes, Tony‘s expression began to struggle. Under normal circumstances, he does not show any weakness in front of others. It can be said that, except for his former girlfriends Pepper and Zhou Yi, he has always shown himself with a confident and tough attitude. But in front of this woman, his attitude rarely softened, turning into a fragile and helpless appearance.

“How many years did you find the deaths of my father and mother tortured me? I thought of them in my dreams for countless nights, and thought of every day I spent with them. It was a regret in my life, and I can never recover it. The loss. And now, the **** who caused all this is right in front of my eyes, how can I hold it, how can I hold it!”

Speaking of this, his emotions became agitated again. This made the female doctor behind him immediately hugged his head and quietly comforted him.

“Don’t get excited, don’t get excited, Tony. It will be fine, everything will be fine.”

The soft voice and her caring attitude obviously controlled Tony‘s emotions. He sighed long, then turned his head, and looked directly into the eyes of the female doctor behind him apologetically.

“Sorry, Maria, I worried you again.”

“I understand how you feel. Really, Tony, I know the pain in your heart. Promise me that when you solve this problem, you will relieve all the burdens of your heart. Listen to my words and take good care of Condition your body, okay?”

The female doctor no longer insisted on her previous statement, but made some tolerant compromises with Tony. And this immediately put a smile on Tony‘s face. Sometimes, understanding is the best gift. In fact, when the female doctor expressed the intention of retreating like this, Tony felt that the relationship between them was even more advanced.

This is a good thing. At this time now, there is someone who can understand you, think about you, and share the pressure and pain of your body with all your heart. That was nothing more beautiful, so Tony immediately reached out his hand, hugged the female doctor’s waist, and said moved to her.

“Thank you, Maria. And, when I have solved all this, please marry me.”

I can let Tony say this, but it’s not easy at all. You must know even the Pepper back then did not have this honor. From this we can see what position this female doctor occupies in the heart of Tony.

Hearing Tony‘s words like this, Maria’s face immediately showed a surprised expression. However, this expression froze very quickly, and even the movements of her hands became stiff.

She hesitated, and at the same time she lowered her head, and whispered to him in Tony‘s ear.

“I’m very happy, Tony. But my identity is there, I can’t be your wife.”

“I don’t care!” After saying this, Tony immediately turned his head and fixed her eyes on Maria’s green eyes and her tongue that was exposed like a snake letter. “My words are my guarantee, my oath. I don’t care what others say, or what they think. I just want to tell you, I love you, Maria. I won’t marry anyone except you! “

This vow is really touching for a woman. So Maria smiled immediately and buried her face tightly in Tony‘s arms. At this moment, she really felt very happy. But after the happiness passed, she inevitably felt worried. Others don’t know, she may well understand that all this is probably not as simple as Tony thought. (To be continued.)

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