Sun God Marvel Chapter 810: Parents’ heart.

During the gag, Zhou Yi has calmed Ida‘s emotions. And seeing the women who were talking and laughing again, he always complained, a woman’s heart, a needle in the sea. It’s a wise saying.

Of course, these words did not escape the ears of a few astute women. So standing up, Ida, who was still ill-fated, pointed to Zhou Yi‘s nose and snorted coldly at him.

“Why, do you have an opinion on us?”

“No, no. How dare I!” I grabbed Ida‘s hand, and while quietly caressing her, he also made a small gesture of winking at her. This made Ida immediately lose his temper, and can only withdraw his hand bitterly, and at the same time make a sullen expression at Zhou Yi, but secretly it is a charming and charming expression.

This expression naturally made Zhou Yi secretly happy. Ida is a little harsher, but he always has a way to make her tame like a kitten. This can be considered a rare achievement.

They are flirting, and the others are not happy. In any case, there is still a competitive relationship between everyone, even if this relationship is getting weaker and weaker. But it doesn’t mean that they can get along in harmony with each other completely, there is no trace of grievances. That is impossible. In fact, as long as it is a ideologically independent existence, it is impossible to achieve complete harmony with another existence. If there is, it must be in fantasy.

So right now, Jean said to these two people unceremoniously.

“Two people, if you want to flirt, please go back to the room at night and continue? Now we are still here, aren’t you obviously trying to stimulate our psychology?”

“Sorry, sorry.” Even Jean had made a condemnation of this, and Zhou Yi naturally did not dare to continue. He pretended to cough twice, then straightened his face and said. “Let’s talk about business matters. Talking about business matters will not arouse people’s disgust.”

“Business? Is there anything else you can talk about now?”

Glanced at Zhou Yi disgustedly, and Ida said irritably.

Since settled in Radiance City, Zhou Yi has actually become a loafing guy. Almost all the company’s affairs were thrown to Ida, and Jean was also responsible for the steel city. The adjustment of the forces behind the scenes is the work of Lilith, and the other zero-zero generals have been included by Serana and the newly added Susan.

It can be said that he is really not responsible for anything now. If you insist, it means picking up your children when you are bored, or making lunch and dinner. This is basically what a housewife does. To some extent, Zhou Yi has actually become a housewife.

This is why Ida despises him so much when he says to talk about business. Because he really hasn’t done business for a long time.

“Okay, okay. It’s also my fault. After two days, I will change classes with you. You rest for a few days, and I will go to the company to sit for a while.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Zhou Yi gave Ida more rest time in this way. And then, he immediately added it again.

“But to be honest, I do have something serious to talk about. It has something to do with Jean!”

“Something to do with me?”

When Zhou Yi mentions itself, Jean feels a little bit inexplicable. Because she really didn’t know what she hadn’t done well and needed Zhou Yi to intervene.

Looking at her incomprehensible look, Zhou Yi sighed and pressed her shoulders while speaking to her warmly.

Jean, take some time, let’s take Xiao Zhou Yu out to play for a while, just as our compensation to him.”

“What do you mean by this?”

The matter was related to her newly acquired son, Jean naturally couldn’t be indifferent, so in a moment, her expression became solemn.

You must know that the appearance of Xiao Zhouyu made her feel like a spring was poured into her heart. It can be said that this special son has become the most important treasure in her heart. She didn’t allow anything to happen to him. If there is, then no matter what kind of existence it is, there is no way to escape.

This is Jean‘s confidence in herself, and also her inverse scale. She would never allow anyone to touch this.

Zhou Yi can understand this feeling, because if it is him, he will make the same choice. But this time is different, this time things can’t be solved by simple means. So he could only press Jean on the shoulders, while preventing her from making any excessive actions because of anger, while explaining gently to her.

“Listen to me, Jean. It’s not what you think it is, but it has something to do with us. So first control your emotions, listen to me to finish, and make things clear, okay?”

Zhou Yi‘s soothing effect is still effective, although there is still an ugly look on his face. But Jean has already begun to restrain his temper and become calm. In this case, Zhou Yi immediately explained to her.

“The reason why I said I would take Xiao Zhou Yu out for a few more days now is because I want to wait for the past few days to send him back to the time and space where he is.”

“What, no!” Upon hearing this, Jean immediately changed its color and refused to Zhou Yi without hesitation. And this reaction was completely within Zhou Yi‘s expectation, so he could only persuade Jean with a wry smile.

“Listen to me, Jean. I did this for a reason? I know that you like Xiao Zhouyu very much, and I like him very much. But it is important to know that after all, there is still a layer between him and us. The estrangement. If you force him to stay by your side, you will only harm him.”

Zhou Yi, do you know what you are talking about?” At this moment, Jean, who was already angry, didn’t even want to call his usual nickname, so he called out his full name. And this also meant that she had resisted to the limit in her heart, and if she teased it a little bit, maybe he was going to make some impulsive actions.

However, even so, Zhou Yi pressed her shoulders hard, and at the same time showed a more serious face than her.

“Of course I know what I’m talking about. But Jean, this is for our children, I have to do this.”

“You have said and done so with Susan, and made so many guesses. Then since this kind of thing will happen to me, why doesn’t it happen to Xiao Zhouyu. You have to know that he came from the future Yes, everything about him comes from between you and me who still have nothing. If your conjecture is true, do you know what will happen?”

Zhou Yi‘s stern tone immediately made Jean aware of something. But this kind of consciousness tangled her heart inevitably.

If they say that their conjecture is true, if the same existence in different time and space is confused, which leads to confusion and loss of each other’s existence, then it will obviously be a fatal threat to Xiao Zhouyu. You know, the current Xiao Zhou Yu hasn’t been born yet. He is limited to a non-existent or an existence that is about to be born. This allows Xiao Zhou Yu, who has now appeared in this time and space, to completely take the existence that represents him as his own, and think that it is a more serious problem.

If Xiao Zhouyu were here, would another Xiao Zhouyu who should have been conceived still appear? This is an unknown problem, but if you follow your guess, the result is undoubtedly the worst kind. That is the possibility that the little Zhou Yu who is about to be born will no longer exist, and once he ceases to exist, then the already existing little Zhou Yu here will no longer exist.

The past and the future are so complicated and magical. The connection between them can be said to affect the whole body. It cannot tolerate the slightest sloppy and twists. In the face of this magical power, even if Zhou Yi and Jean are able to destroy the world, there is no other way.

They are very powerful. It is not a problem to reverse time and space and destroy the stars. But some things really cannot be solved by power. No matter how great the power is, it is impossible to dominate the human heart. Similarly, no matter how strong the power is, it is impossible to let everything follow one’s own will.

At this point, Zhou Yi had a very clear understanding when she saw the ending of Thanos, and Jean had actually realized this, but there were some flukes in her heart.

“Is there really no other way?”

When Jean asked these words, her expression inevitably became weak. This is actually almost impossible for the current Jean. Because the power she possessed allows her to overcome all difficulties and obstacles, under this premise, it is impossible for her to be weak at all.

But no matter how powerful the power is, it can’t change the fact that she is a Although she has not been conceived like an arduous pregnancy in October, looking at Xiao Zhouyu, she has already germinated a mother’s Heart.

All mothers in the world love their children. Any mother, rich or poor, will give her children the best things. They love their children selflessly and can dedicate almost everything they have. For their safety, no mother can take any risks.

So, after struggling painfully in her heart for a long time, Jean nodded hard at Zhou Yi.

This is difficult and painful. Zhou Yi can feel the same way. So he immediately hugged Jean, held her tightly in his arms, and comforted her softly.

“Don’t be sad, Jean. We will eventually see Xiao Zhouyu again. As long as we work hard, destiny will eventually give us this lovely child. So what we have to do now is treat him well. Let him enjoy the happiness and warmth we give him as much as possible by our incompetent parents. Let us shape a beautiful memory with him. Okay?”

Weeping silently, Jean grasped Zhou Yi‘s arm tightly, but his determination was already firm in his heart. (To be continued.)

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