Sun God Marvel Chapter 804: Retreat as a memory secret

? Tony issued an announcement on the news. He has already captured the World Wanted Winter Soldier, who is at large, and will begin his public trial in three days.

As soon as this news was released, it immediately ushered in a sensation throughout the United States. For the fellow Winter Soldier, many people didn’t know who he was or why he was wanted at first. But in Tony‘s commentary, every American knew him and gritted his teeth, hoping to strip him alive.

They already knew exactly who the unforgivable crime was on Los Angeles TV! This killed hundreds of people in an instant, which indirectly led to the United States launching a war against Mutants, and the sluggish guy completely detonated the hatred in the hearts of Americans.

does n’t even need anyone to fan the flames, the crowds spontaneously appear on the streets, and they vigorously call on the government to send the executioner to hell.

This news is naturally unable to escape the eyes and ears of the Avengers. In the face of such a situation, every avenger’s face became ugly.

Anyway, the Winter Soldiers are their former comrades, and they have all fought side by side. Now, the government and the people treat him like this, they feel a little uncomfortable in their hearts. But even if they weren’t very comfortable in their hearts, they forced themselves to endure.

because they know clearly,

The Winter Soldier did commit such crimes. The accusations by the government and the people were not wronged by him. Even if they were teammates, there was no way to defend him.

So they can only hold back their grievances and watch the trend of the parade continue to expand. At the same time, I was worried about how such a situation would be discovered by the captain.

Captain doesn’t know the news yet, because the captain is still drunk. When they found the captain during the day, they found that this guy who had never been drunk actually fell in a bar, drunk and unconscious.

The barman at said he had never seen such a drinkable guy. And everyone here knows why the captain is so drunk that he is drunk.

Watching his friend go to death but there is no way, it is indeed something that can drive people crazy. In this case, it becomes understandable to drink and worry. In fact, they were very happy that the captain could drink so drunk, because if he was awake, then the pain obviously had to be increased by a few points.

And when they were glad that things were n’t terrible in the end. The captain’s voice suddenly rang from behind them.

“What are they doing?”

“What? No, it’s nothing. It’s just a group of people who are against Stark.”

action quickly Quicksilver immediately turned off the TV. But the captain stepped forward and turned on the TV again. The slogans of the parade, and the bright red news headlines all show the core of the problem. As long as he is not blind and he can read, then it is impossible to understand what these people are doing?

This gives everyone a bad idea. But soon, they discovered that things were not the same as they thought.

The captain turned off the TV calmly and then sat down without a word. This calm move made the Avengers feel a little weird and worried. In their view, this seemed to be an expression of greater sorrow than death. So, someone immediately cared about him.

“Captain, aren’t you?”

“It’s okay, it’s just a little hesitation!” His eyes were scattered on all the avengers present, and the captain stood up suddenly and said to them. “I just made a determination. Sorry, Mates. I will leave you for a while.”

After he said this, he did not wait for any answers from the Avengers. I left this temporary base straight away. Looking at the captain who just walked away, the remaining few looked at each other, and they all found deep anxiety in each other’s eyes.

“Damn it, the captain will not want to go to the court.”

The straightforward Quicksilver made this question first. Regarding his idea, none of the people present responded.

Captain ’s thoughts are obvious to Yi (easy), even a fool can see what he wants to do alone. And this is exactly what they worry about.

Once it hits the court or intercepts the prisoner halfway, it will lead to irreparable serious consequences. Because this is clearly against the country and all people. It is trampling on law and justice in the face of countless people. This behavior, even with the reputation of the captain, will not end well. It is already the best situation to become a rat that everyone shouts and beats.

And if this is a trap set by Stark, the situation will only get worse.

In their view, Stark is now a lunatic. If he falls into his trap and is caught in his hand, it is definitely a bad enough thing.

Therefore, it cannot fall into the hands of Stark anyway. Neither they themselves nor the captain will work.

With this similar idea, several avengers glanced at each other, and reached a consensus in the heart silently. The Avengers are a team that deserves to advance and retreat together. Now that the captain has made such a decision, as teammates, they should also stand beside him and share all of them with him.

‘s very simple idea is also a manifestation of the Avengers’ bondage. However, they never imagined that all this was calculated by others.

Mephisto secretly watched every move of the Avengers and smiled expectantly for this upcoming show. As a devil, he can’t wait to see the faces of these so-called superheroes after seeing the captain’s changes. That must be fun, isn’t it?

At this moment, almost all the guys hiding in the dark are playing with their little abacus. But for the big guy Zhou Yi, they don’t care about it at all.

For them, the special situation that happened to Zhou Yi is the more important thing. In order to figure out why this happened, they have questioned many guys.

And now, they are questioning the last insider.

“Scott, I need you to tell me what happened at that time. You know what Tianqi did and what is the source of that shadow?”

Jean. Grey stood in front of Scott, and asked impatiently, looking at this guy who looked at him with an idiot looking at him.

While looking at the person in front of him that made him think about it, Scott ignored the expression on her face and rushed up excitedly.

Jean, you are finally back. You are finally willing to come back to me!”

such crazy words immediately made Jean Ge Lei frown. She stretched out her hand and pushed Scott directly onto the wall, letting him hang like a mural. Then he spoke to him word by word.

“Stop your non-divided thoughts, Scott! There is no longer any relationship between us. Answer my question, and then I will disappear from your front. This is our only relationship now, Do you understand what I mean? “

“No, no, it’s not like that.” Shaking his head desperately, Scott, who was completely unbelievable about Jean‘s statement, rejected everything she said. “We have children, Jean. We have children. Nathan, our child, he came from the future. He proved that it is still possible between us. Jean, you will come back to me. That **** Does n’t have a place for you, you will still belong to me in the end! “

Poor Scott did n’t even know that Nathan was just a child of him and the clone of Jean Grey. He is still doing that kind of unknown dream, dreaming that Jean will return to his side.

And his beautiful dream made Jean Gree feel disgusted from the heart. He was fed up with this guy’s disgusting attitude, and he understood that there was nothing that could be asked from this guy’s mouth. So she immediately flicked her hand and flicked Scott into the corner of the room. Then he left here without looking back.

The steel door closed slowly under the heavy mechanical sound. And the shouting behind him became gradually inaudible. Facing the Jean Gree who came out of it, Hank sighed her ruthlessness and sent a deep sigh to the madman imprisoned inside.

Scott is an infatuated guy, but he is in love with a woman who should not fall in love. Then, he revealed himself to become this disgusting look.

Who is the person who made the mistake? Hank does n’t have that thought any more. He only knew that the things of men and women were really frustrating.

I haven’t talked about a few loves in my life. Hank feels very philosophical. This made Jean, who can watch people’s hearts, frown. But she suppressed the anger in her heart and asked him.

“Where is that Nathan? I want to chat with him?”

“Is the question of the shadow?” asked curiously, Hank reiterated his opinion again. “I told you that this shadow has nothing to do with Mutants. In contrast, I am more willing to believe that it is a manifestation of some stronger power and will ~ ~ And, even if it is from the future, A guy named Nathan, you ca n’t get anything you want from him. He ’s been brainwashed by Apocalypse, and now he ’s just an idiot who does n’t know anything. ”

“I know, so I want to take a look at myself.”

interrupted the chatter of Hank. Jean‘s attitude was so tough that he took himself to the cell where Nathan was held. While there, she quickly saw the guy who owned the son of Scott.

As Hank said, he is almost an idiot. The brain that has been thoroughly cleaned has almost no self-conscious response. But his memories are still there, those about the future, and this is what Jean wants to see.

“Let me see what the future will look like!”

With this kind of thought, the power of the phoenix began to surge, and her consciousness began to quickly penetrate into Nathan ’s brain. A completely different future is thus revealed in front of Jean Gray.

And at this moment, she discovered that the biggest difference in the world! (To be continued.)

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