Sun God Marvel Chapter 772: Tony should be the first.

Is there a problem with the omnic? Will Tony have troubles? This is inevitable.

Be aware that when the alliance was established, Tony had promised so vowedly. The omnic will not obey anyone’s orders. It belongs to all mankind and will only serve all mankind. But before long, the omnipotent obeyed his orders and set foot on the S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier. In such a situation, if Tony cannot give a reasonable explanation, then all countries in the world that have purchased omnics will not give up easily. That is bound to have a huge impact on Tony and the entire United States.

Now, what Tony has to do is to prevent this from happening. So soon, an emergency meeting was held between the Allies. As soon as the meeting started, some countries immediately attacked Tony.

“President Stark, I think you need to give us a reasonable explanation. Why do omnics board the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. without permission? Don’t you know that this is absolutely prohibited?”

If it is normal, Tony will explain everything step by step. But now, he really doesn’t have the time to appease other people’s emotions, and he has to take the time to give his own explanation. So he replied quite strongly.

“Of course I have my explanation. Now, I hope you can give me some time and let me explain my explanation. Before that, I know you have many questions and many concerns. But listen to me. After that, everything can be resolved.”

“First of all, I want to tell you. The omnic will be dispatched on S.H.I.E.L.D., which is a big part of my factor.”

When he said this, someone changed their complexion and made a noisy sound. In response, Tony frowned and shouted.

“Listen to me, gentlemen. Things are not what you think they are.”

“The omnic will violate the ban and appear in S.H.I.E.L.D. because there is a serious problem inside S.H.I. I can assure you that the omnic has an absolute ego, I have no command of his behavior, nor any ability to command him.”

“The mouth is on you, President Stark. At this time, you can say whatever you want. Call Ultron out. We have to ask ourselves for this kind of thing.”

As soon as the voice fell, someone immediately said to him mercilessly. Compared with such a prominent identity as the President of the United States, these people are more willing to trust the answer of the intelligent system. In their view, Americans want to like to play tricks and not keep their promises. So if you want to know the truth, it’s better to ask Ultron yourself.

He snorted coldly. Although he was very unhappy, he took a step back and directly connected Ultron. Soon, a big yellow ball of light appeared in front of everyone and sent their heartfelt greetings.

“Good evening, gentlemen. Is there anything I can do for you?”

Ultron, tell us directly why you appeared on the S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier. Did someone order you to do this?”

“Commands?” As ordinary people heard something incredible, some doubts appeared in the accent of Ultron. “Gentlemen, you should know that I am not restricted by any order. I have not received any so-called order.”

“Then why did you appear on the aerospace carrier? Don’t you know that it’s forbidden?”

“The reason why I entered the aerospace carrier was because Mr. Stark provided me with an important piece of information. I was tracking a special murderer and entered the aerospace carrier with the advice and help of Mr. Stark. Above. According to the special incident agreement, when tracking certain criminals with major threats, you can temporarily break some inherent restrictions and intervene in a special unconventional environment. So I don’t think I violated any prohibitions, did I? ?”

Ultron‘s answer is really serious, and if you follow what he said, then these people really have no place to blame him. However, these people are not willing to give up so much. Some of them asked immediately.

“What kind of murderer needs you to go to a place like S.H.I.E.L.D. to arrest him. Tell us the truth.”

“This matter involves Mr. Stark‘s privacy, if I need to speak out. I need to seek his opinion.”

“I will do this by myself!” After hearing Ultron say so, Tony walked up directly and said to everyone. “What I want to capture is Lieutenant Barnes of the Avengers, who is the original Winter Soldier of Hydra.”

As soon as the name came out, many people frowned. The Avengers, this organization is really a somewhat sensitive existence for them. Because most of the members are superheroes, and superheroes are unstable existences for politicians like them. They like to use them, but when it comes to liking them, that’s not necessarily the case.

“The Winter Soldier? I remember that the Avengers’ Captain America once reported about him. This is a veteran of World War II who was once brainwashed, and now he has recovered himself. Why, how did he provoke you?”

“I want to arrest him because he committed a real crime.” When it comes to this question, Tony has red eyes. “He killed my parents in the most cruel way. I got tangible evidence, so I made a request to Ultron, hoping to get his help, and use his power to catch this dangerous guy. .”

Hearing that the incident involved Tony‘s parents, these people immediately showed a clear and sympathetic look. They also understood why Tony was so irritable and tough on this matter. If it is any one of them, they will react like this.

So, no one has questioned his approach. On the contrary, someone asked curiously.

“What happened? Did you catch him?”

This question made Tony think of the final result, and this naturally made his expression and answer become cold.

“It’s a pity that these lawless madmen escaped from my hands because of the protection of the Director of S.H.I. Everyone can give me some help. All over the world, members of the Avengers are wanted.”

For anyone who is an ordinary person whose parents have been killed, none of the national leaders here will be willing to offend a group of superpowers for this. But Tony‘s identity is different. On the premise that he is a child of the victim, he also has the most special identity-the President of the United States. And this identity made the Winter Soldier’s killing of the Howards more serious.

From an ordinary murder case to a more serious crime, there is no doubt that anyone who does such a thing to the family of the country’s leader will be treated like this. Because he is no longer targeting an individual, but the face of a country, the face of a class.

The state will not allow such criminals to exist, and the governments of other countries will not allow such guys to go unpunished. Especially under the premise that no country is willing to offend a special guy like Tony Stark because of this.

So soon, all countries expressed their opinions. They are willing to support Tony‘s move. However, some people have raised new questions about this.

“President Stark, if we say that we want the Avengers, who will replace them and continue to be the vanguard of the attack on Hydra?”

“Don’t worry, gentlemen. Without the Avengers, we can form a new Avengers team. As long as there are superpowers in the world, a team like Component will be a piece of cake. And revenge. Compared with the wild dogs that do not obey the command, a group of hounds who are more obedient and more willing to accept commands and orders are not more suitable for our choice?”

I have to say that this sentence of Tony has touched the heart of many people. For a long time, the detached attitude of the Avengers has been a heart disease of the leaders of these countries. No one wants to see such a group of dangerous guys uncontrollably and completely free. They are more than letting them run around. I want to put them in a cage and chain them. In order to ensure their safety. It’s just that they have been taking pictures of Tony all the time, and they have to let go of this idea.

Now, Tony is the first to change their tone, and they are naturally happy to see things change in the direction they hoped. Seeing that almost everyone agreed with their ideas, Tony grinned and continued.

“In addition, there is one important thing…”

Soon, the emergency meeting between the Allies came to an end. And Tony also exited the holographic conference room of the Aerospace Aircraft Carrier and went straight to the temporary waiting room.

At this time, Fury and one of his cronies were monitored by the hands of Tony. Not just them, but the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D. Anyone who had a relationship with Nick Fury were all relieved of their posts and controlled. It can be said that the angry Tony directly uprooted the power of Nick Fury without leaving it at all. Destroy everything he has managed for decades. Therefore, facing Tony that came out, Nick Fury couldn’t have a good face.

“Why, have you comforted those guys?”

“You don’t need to worry about this, Nick. Instead of worrying about this, you might as well care about yourself.”

The cold words showed Tony‘s current attitude towards Nick Fury, and for his attitude, Nick Fury just squinted his eyes slightly and said calmly.

“I don’t think this is a problem to worry about.”

“No, this is exactly what you need to worry about. You betrayed me, Nick!” Tony‘s face twitched, trying to make a smile. But because of the restlessness in his heart, his entire face collapsed and turned into the most hideous and terrifying rage. “And now, it’s time for you to pay the price.” (To be continued.)

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