Sun God Marvel Chapter 639: Practice chooses any means

Blenn Hill Germany, Thor has its own reasons. One of the most important reasons is the identity of Brun Hill.

She has become the nominal king of Asgard after accepting the warrior and **** allegiance. At least, before Odin woke up, she was the only orthodox. Thor did not want to overthrow her. In fact, he was also very happy to maintain the orthodox status of Brun Hill.

He did n’t think he would be more suitable to become a king than Brun Hill, and he did n’t want to let Asgard go through twists and turns for a throne in this stormy period. So his choice has become very simple, that is to maintain Asgard and its current king. It is precisely because of this that he must stop the stupid act of Hill Germany.

However, the Valkyrie who has reached this stage can stop it without talking about it. Swaying his hand directly, freed from the entanglement of Thor, Bren Hill Germany walked out firmly. At the same time there is no shortage of warnings.

“Do n’t stop me, especially now.”

“Wait a minute, when you do this, don’t you ever think about what to do with Asgard? Don’t forget, you have become a king, do you fulfill your responsibilities as a king? “


Hearing this word, Bren Hill was stunned. But she soon moved.

He held out his hand to the sky, and a meteor-like light flew out. Odin’s old weapon, the symbol of kingship-Gungnier appeared in her hand. And then, she just put the meteor gun to the ground, and then walked toward the palace of Hella without looking back.

“If you are talking about the meaning of this thing. Then I gave up. I have fought to the last moment for Asgard. Now, I want to fight for myself!”

“Bren Hill Germany?”

Thor wants to say more, but the next moment, the scarlet light is like a sharp blade chopped on the land in front of him.

“Do n’t stop me, this is the last time!”

Another warning, the Valkyrie immediately disappeared in front of the two under the shroud of scarlet light. In response to her behavior, Thor immediately dragged her tired body and stood up.

“No, she can’t just walk away irresponsibly. She must stay, we must stop her!”

“No, let her go.”

Unlike Thor ’s eagerness, the Rocky who has been supporting him at this time is expressing a completely different idea.

“This is her own decision. You can’t stop him if you stop it. So, instead of this, let her go like this.”

“Loki, what do you mean!”

“It’s easy!” Gonniere took a look at his eyes, and Loki showed him his thoughts clearly. “Asgard is not much left now. If Bren Hill does not want to assume this responsibility, then let someone who can take this responsibility. After all, there are better choices than him.”

“Loki, you …”

At this moment, Thor really does not know what kind of expression to face Loki. He wanted to scold Loki for this idea, but he had to admit that she did have his reason. He even thought that he was the better choice.

These chaotic thoughts make him blame and impulsive. After a long period of hesitation and wandering, he finally fell silent. This is the best reply to Rocky.

She pulled Gungnier and put it in Thor‘s hands, then said to him with a smile.

“Are you clear, don’t you? We can’t have any sacrifice at this time, so, pick it up, you are the real king.”

Silently took the meteor gun, Thor was silent for a long time, until he finally sighed long.

“I hope that Odin can forgive me for my actions, this is no way.”

A brief negotiation made everything decided, and this has nothing to do with the Brunn Hill. She has given up everything about Asgard and turned her mind into her plan.

Unlike Zhou Yi, she has served as a captive for a while, but she knows exactly what her enemies are and what their relationship is.

If Surter is just a high-level thug, then Hella, Queen of Hades, is a special existence. For the ultimate enemy behind the scenes, her status is very different, and it can even be said to occupy a very important position.

That’s why she came here.

Anyone who has seen Zhou Yi and Niederhogg ’s powerful power will not think that his little strength can play a key role in the wrestling between them. Therefore, if you want to get involved between them, you must adopt some special methods.

And at this point, Bren Hill, who is the Valkyrie, naturally understands that those invisible methods can play the best role. Although she always looked down on these dirty methods, but at this time, she could not take so much into account.

Grab Hella and use her to threaten Niederhog and let him cast a mouse. This is the idea she now thinks of. And the most crucial point that this idea lacks is to take the hostage in your own hands.

So without any hesitation, she came to Hella’s palace by herself.

At this time, although Hella was also worried about Niederhog beyond the hundreds of millions of stars, it did not mean that she did not even have the most basic awareness of prevention. When reality distortions appeared in her palace, she already reacted.

“It looks like a little bug with mischief has come to my palace. Do n’t you know, death, especially easy here?”

As soon as her voice fell, the shadowy darkness sprang up in the corner of the palace. They were one after another, with dying crying and wailing, just a few breaths filled the hall. A corner.

However, I haven’t waited for these shadows to do anything. The scarlet light spread like a sunset in the whole hall.

The ghosts in the shadows have n’t poked their heads out, and the power from the infinite gems has wiped them out completely. The direct division of the existing things into the things that should not exist is really simple for the magic of the infinite gem.

The hall became quiet in an instant. In a large palace, apart from Queen Hella who was still sitting high above, there were only dozens of cursed warriors on either side.

Without command from Hella, these soldiers stood in front of Queen Hella very consciously, blocking her strictly. At this time, the figure of Bren Hill also emerged from the distorted reality.

“Hella, if you are smart, just walk with me honestly. Otherwise, I ’m not sure if Niederhogg can see you alive again.”

“Who do I think it is, it turns out to be you. Ms. German, the captured Valkyrie Bron Hill. Why, what do you want to do when you come to my hall, just like your man? I have a one-on-one, fair duel? “

Having the queen ’s position, Hella is unlikely to be a fool anyway. And at the moment when Bren Hill appeared with scarlet light of infinite gems, she had already thought about the reason why she appeared here.

This is nothing more than threatening others with hostages. Although he disdains such small means, Hella has to admit that sometimes such small influxes can indeed play a huge role. And how could she be so loving to Niederhogger that she could allow herself to be taken hostage, threatening his safety.

So she immediately put on a serious look, hoping to use this way to arouse the Asgard Valkyrie’s heart of honor.

However, she has made up her mind and how determined she can be provoked by this language.

Step by step to the middle of the hall, the light of justice overflowing with the sun’s rays almost visible the shimmering light of the hall. The Valkyrie was wearing this set of significant armor, holding the real gem in one hand, and pulled towards the sea.

“I don’t have time to delay you. If you don’t want to, then I can only force you to do it.”

“Hah, it’s ridiculous. With you alone, you think you can treat me!” With a sneer, I stood up from the throne, and Hella’s hand showed a bone-like scepter. “I have a lot of dead souls and taboo warriors here. None of them are opponents you can overcome. Threatening me, you have too few chips.”

“Really? Take a look.”

Looking at the taboo cursed warriors approaching step by step, watching the dead palaces appear as bubbles on the palace built by bones. Bren Hill held his infinite gem in his hand and stretched his fist in front of him.

In an instant, the scarlet light roared across the hall like an illusory tide, and rushed away. The palace wall began to collapse and the foundation began to tremble. After a little careful observation, you can see that the ghosts of pain and wailing continue to rise under the wall and floor like a cloud of smoke, and disappear into the cold air of the dark earth.

At the same time, the cursed warriors approaching up also began to twist and change under the scarlet light. They were originally monsters created by dark gnomes using the power of reality gems to force the reality against the order of reality ~ ~. So, when reality gems began to recover their warping power from these warriors, they were immediately beaten back to their original form.

Even even more miserable. Realistic gems twisted his flesh, making them huge and powerful. However, when this distorted power disappeared, all their previous changes were brought closer to reality.

The deformed bodies can no longer withstand their current structure, so that the bones in their bodies collapse like dominoes one after another. At the same time, the empty bodies also began to overdraw their energy frantically. Without the foundation of reality, they must provide tremendous energy to this twisted body. But that was obviously impossible, so soon, they received the most painful treatment under this kind of backlash.

The body and even the cells begin to engulf each other in hopes of being satisfied. But all they can get is destruction. Becoming ashes is only instantaneous.

Under the power of infinite gems, all of Hella’s reliance is lost. Faced with this reality, Bren Hill immediately said coldly.

“Now, what is your answer?” (To be continued.)

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