Sun God Marvel Chapter 560: Guessing the puzzles and getting lost

“Answer me, mortal. What is the answer to the question. What is no matter whether it is expensive or not, whether it is old or young. It is neither visible nor touchable, but everyone wants to have it?”

Zhou Yi is not willing to take care of this riddled giant, but it does not mean that the giant is unwilling to pull on Zhou Yi. Seeing Zhou Yi silently, the giant immediately repeated to him thunderously, and this time Zhou Yi answered him.

“Listen, big man. I do n’t have time to play any guessing game with you. I ’m rushing to save people, so you ’d better let me go!”

“Only those who have answered the question can be allowed to pass this road to the top of the mountain, so answer the question, mortal. This is your only way.”

Facing Zhou Yi who did n’t want to stop at all, the one-eyed flame giant stepped directly on the front of Zhou Yi, blocking the Zhou Yi‘s progress with the raging fire rising under his feet. At the same time, he also slammed down his body, and stared at his Zhou Yi with his one-eyed almost lava ball.

“No one can leave Quinte Gould’s question without answering his eyes, so mortals, don’t do any unnecessary disputes!”

“Ha, haha!” Sneered twice, and Zhou Yi raised his head and said that to his huge eyes. “Is Quint Gould? Really? I want to know who allowed you to ask others about riddles on this road, and who gave you the right to stop others from passing here? What you did, after Asgard Is King Odin’s permission? “

“Quint Goulder does not need Odin’s permission, and the King of Asgard is not qualified to order Qunt Goulder. Only the King of Fire Giants has this right. Now, mortals, you can answer questions. Quickly, what is your answer! “

The one-eyed fire giant shook his head, letting the lava-like flames fly through the sky with his movements. And just when he started to shake his head, Zhou Yi had already stepped forward, directly holding the arm pressed on the ground.

“Mortal, what do you want to do? Is this how you answer questions?”

“No, this is just my way of solving problems. I only believe in one thing now, that is, things that can be solved with fists must not be solved with your mouth!”

Speaking of this, Zhou Yi has firmly grasped the giant ’s arm, and then swiped back suddenly, suddenly the giant who laid the entire body on the ground directly turned into a huge semicircle, and then ruthlessly Slammed down the mountain road behind him.

The one-eyed giant Kunt Gould immediately felt dazed. Without waiting for him to slow down, Zhou Yi has rounded him up again and smashed it **** the mountain road. Hitting seven or eight times in a row violently, even the strong cyclops couldn’t hold on.

In a burst of fire, the Cyclops ’body suddenly split into dozens of boulders burning flames and magma, and the entire mountain road in front of Zhou Yi was chaotically scattered. Seeing his masterpiece, Zhou Yi clapped his hands easily and was ready to come out to the top of the mountain again.

While not waiting for him to take a step, the voice of the cyclops Kunt Gould came from behind him again.

“Mortal, there is no use for you to do this. After all, you will come back to me to answer my questions. This is the rule, mortal. You cannot violate the rule.”

Looking around, Zhou Yi can only see a chattering head lying on the ground, saying this to himself. Hearing his words, Zhou Yi went directly to the giant’s head and asked him this.

“I said, Quinter Gund. Do you know football?”

“Football? Haven’t you heard it, is it a sport?” Blinking his eyes, the dazed and knowledge-seeking **** appeared on the giant’s face. He smacked his lips and pleaded with Zhou Yi without hesitation. “If you don’t mind, can you explain to me, what kind of sport is this football you are talking about?”

“It’s very simple, I think it’s good to see it for yourself.” Zhou Yi said as he looked at him a few times around his head. “When it comes to football, the key is a ball that is as round as the head and good legs. Then it’s like this!”

After finding a suitable position, Zhou Yi immediately flashed a lightning volley and kicked the giant’s chin fiercely. Suddenly, the giant’s entire head turned into a bright red, burning meteor, and instantly disappeared into the sky under this volley.

“Ha, fly so far.”

Looking at the head kicked out by himself, Zhou Yi stretched out a long lazy waist, and then headed towards the top of the mountain again. For him, kicking off the annoying guy is a very popular thing. And because of the psychological ease, Zhou Yi is also a bit faster in the speed of progress.

But no matter how fast he is, he finds that the way up the mountain has been swaying in front of his eyes. Obviously, he has chosen a direction, but no matter how he moves forward, he can never reach the top of the mountain. In front of him has always been a fork in the road, has always been a headache and annoying choice.

After the twenty-seventh fork appeared in front of him, Zhou Yi had to stand still. He knew that he had no use for going up this way, so he could only choose to give up and try other methods.

What is the solution? Recalling the journey up the mountain, Zhou Yi had to sigh and walked down the mountain road again.

And when he came to the place where he had just encountered the Cyclops, he found that the giant who had been torn apart by himself became a whole again, squatting there, as if waiting for something. Of course, compared with the situation just now, he still lacks a head.

“Oops, it’s done. This guy’s head …, shall I get his head back first?” Looking at the way the Cyclops looks, Zhou Yi immediately patted his head, A headache appeared. At this time, the giant’s chest sounded a thick bass.

“Is that football? Is it okay to just kick with a foot? Seriously, I think there should be more rules. Otherwise, like what you just did, easy makes the sport lose its continuity. And the possibility of maintaining! “

“You are still concerned about football at this time!” Zhou Yi sighed, patting the knee of the giant sitting there. “If there is a chance, I will tell you the detailed rules. But before that, you will tell me how to reach the top of the mountain.”

“Really? That’s really great. In addition, haven’t I already mentioned the method of going to the top of the mountain? Only when you tell the correct answer to the riddle can you understand the correct way to go to the top of the mountain!”

The giant ’s voice came again, and the stubborn and inflexible answer made Zhou Yi more headache and helpless.

“I said, can’t you work around? It’s better to tell you the rules of football and attach the rules of a basketball that can only be shot by hand. As for you, tell me the way to the top of the mountain . Just when we made a exchange between us, what do you think! “

He shook his head, Zhou Yi suggested that. While listening to his suggestion, the giant reached out and shook in front of him.

“Although I would like to know what you said. But the task is the task, I must arrange the riddle to allow the person who solved the riddle to enter the right path. So please answer my initial question, powerful Mortal! “

“Really, is it necessary to do this? Guessing this kind of thing is really not good at me. And, I do n’t understand, it is princess Asgard that is clearly imprisoned. What do you think of the fire giants in Musselberg Hilarious! “

This is just a simple complaint from Zhou Yi, but he did not expect that the flame giant actually answered him very seriously.

“This is the king’s order. Wang saw the figure of the Valkyrie from the dream. And confused by her posture, he wanted to marry this Valkyrie, but Odin absolutely does not allow such things. So He sent me to create the final riddle as the last barrier to prevent the Valkyrie from awakening. “

“People who do n’t say the answer ca n’t find the place where the Valkyrie slept. And if this riddle can be persisted to the end, until the dusk of the gods. Then at that time, the dead Odin will Can no longer stop my king ’s intentions. At the same time, without Odin ’s existence, the Valkyrie will also wake up from a deep sleep! “

“It ’s a good idea, but I still do n’t understand what this has to do with riddles. If your king does n’t want people to wake up the Valkyrie. Shoot a strong guard or simply replace it with a wave of troops, It ’s much more useful than keeping you here. “

Giant’s explanation does not satisfy Zhou Yi. In his view, any flame giant who can hit a little is more useful than this guy who can only tell riddles. Let him stay here, you are sure that you did not deliberately rush to this place because you are too bored by your king ~ ~ Your view is wrong, mortal. Wang sent me here to make a wise decision. I am an avatar of wisdom, an embodiment of curiosity. If it were me, I could stop anyone from advancing. Because as long as no one answers my question, it is impossible to find a real path from the wisdom lost by me. Moreover, if it is me, I will not be disturbed by any external force. I will not be killed, nor will I be destroyed, and naturally it will be less likely to be coerced. Therefore, I am the best choice! “

“Then if someone can answer your question? Kunt Gould?”

“You can give it a try, mortal. If you can answer it, I will be very happy.” Then, the headless giant slammed the part above his neck out of thin air Stretching action. With his movements, his head began to show up in the flame little by little. It’s still the look of knowledge, or the look of hope for answers. Quinter Gund looked at Zhou Yi and asked again.

“Now tell me what the answer is. What can meet the requirements I said!” To be continued.

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