Sun God Marvel Chapter 522: The beginning of turning over.

Zola’s sneer made Nick Fury silently close his eyes.

“Why, all of your men have been exhausted by me. You yourself can only be trapped in the pile of outdated antiques in front of me. In this case, do you think you have any hope of a comeback Right?”

“Do you think so? It’s a pity, Director Fury. I have nothing to expect from you. But now it seems that you are also an idiot who can’t see the situation clearly.”

The characters on the computer screen suddenly stopped, and then a bunch of green mosquito-like characters suddenly appeared like a broken water bottle. At the same time, the shrill voice became more urgent.

“I want to correct you two points, Director Fury. The first point is that my men have not been wiped out by you.”

As soon as these words were said, several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents standing behind Nick Fury suddenly turned their injured gun heads, aimed them at their former colleagues, and squeezed the trigger in their hands.

This sudden action was naturally unexpected to many people, so it was just a few shots and a fresh **** smell. Calm was restored in the entire underground command room. The only difference is that the number of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who just happened to stand behind Nick Fury has been reduced by more than half. As for the rest, it was like treating a prisoner, aiming the weapon in his hand at his former chief. It seemed that as long as he had any changes, he would immediately kill him mercilessly.

The sudden change behind him did not touch the hard nerves of Nick Fury. He just allowed a S.H.I.E.L.D. traitor to walk behind him and lock himself to a chair with handcuffs. At the same time, he asked the computer in front of him.

“Are these all your people, Zola. Seriously, I’m very curious, in what way did you infiltrate my SHIELD.”

“Why. At this time, do you still want to find out my secrets?” Zola’s voice was a little uplifted, and this was reflected in the broken speakers. It’s just that the noise is more harsh. “However, since you want to know. It’s okay to tell you, it’s good to let you know a little bit more clearly.”

“S.H.I.E.L.D. has people infiltrated by us. This sentence is not accurate. To be precise, you chose to accept the power of our Hydra.”

“After World War II, although Hydra was defeated, the strength is still there. In order to develop and grow, you S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau swallowed the power of Hydra directly regardless of whether you have that ability. You think you can digest Hydra‘s power. Strength. But you don’t understand the real strength of Hydra. Cut off one head and two will grow out. It’s impossible to completely eliminate Hydra from everything you do. You just put it in a greenhouse. Inside, just waiting for it to resurrect.”

“I worked for Hydra for the first 30 years of my life, and for the last 30 years of my life for S.H.I.E.L.D.. For the past 30 years, although you have been monitoring me, you don’t even know. , How many seeds have I planted. Now. The seeds have taken root and sprouted, and it’s too late for you to know!”

Every time Zola said a word, the muscles on Nick Fury‘s face twitched. This is naturally a bizarre thing for his dead face, and it also proves how much Zola’s words impacted his heart.

The Nick Fury was not an outsider, he was also involved. Although not as good as Howard’s group of people, understand all the situation. However, he has also handled part of the task of gathering Hydra forces.

At that time, he had the same thoughts as all the senior officials of S.H.I.E.L.D. That is, the defeated general is not to be feared. Since Hydra has been defeated in their hands, it is almost a matter of course to gather captives and spoils. But now it seems. They think too simple, and too simple.

Hydra is not an ordinary enemy, even if his head is cut off, the rest is not something that can be swallowed casually. It is like a poison wrapped in sugar. The sweetness at the beginning may be pleasant, but the subsequent poisonousness is fatal. And now is the time for the poison to go viral.

Tasting the bitter fruit that they have produced, Nick Fury is naturally full of flavours. But he was not discouraged, because he knew that he had not yet reached the point of despair. He still has a hole card in his hand, this hole card is not revealed, who can say that everything is over!

So he just twitched the corner of his mouth and put on a stiff smile. He said to Dr. Zola in front of him.

“It’s a good calculation. But there is one thing I need to tell you. That is that these people killed by your men are not mine. To be precise, they are like you, lurking in the Aegis The cancer in the bureau. Although I still don’t know who they serve, I still want to thank you and help me get rid of them.”

“Useless struggling, you are just delaying your own death.” Although this is the case, Zola’s voice has become a little more hasty. And after several of his subordinates lifted the corpses on the ground and saw some special tattoos from above. They immediately changed their faces and reported the news to Dr. Zola at the same time.

After listening to their report, Zola’s voice also became gloomy.

“Are you trying to provoke our infighting, Chief Fury?”

“Of course, otherwise, why do you think I would do this kind of thing?” On this question, Director Fury answered simply and thoroughly. “I have so many ghost-born guys under me. Now that I know their identities, wouldn’t it be too wasteful to make good use of them?”

This sentence is straightforward, but it also makes Dr. Zola start to feel dilemma. If these people are Pierce’s people, he doesn’t care much. After all, he still had Pierce almost torn apart, and there was no need to leave any face to each other.

But it is not just him and Pierce who have penetrated S.H.I.E.L.D. The baron and even the other Hydra leaders used the energy of Hydra to more or less put some chess pieces into it to achieve some ulterior plans. Some of these plans are known to Zola. Others he has never heard of. Some may be irrelevant, but some are related to the overall situation in the minds of those leaders.

And this time. Nick Fury used Zola’s hand to clear a group of key spies. How could this prevent Zola from being taken aback and turned into anger from embarrassment.

Once those people’s plans fall short because of the death of these spies, they will inevitably count this responsibility on him and Nick Fury. And Nick Fury is now inevitable. Then he will naturally become their main target for venting their anger in the future.

Think about the methods used by my colleagues to retaliate. Even Zola, who has become an electronic ghost, feels a little bit chilly. But even though it feels like this, if you really want to say that he is scared, he is still not that way. After all, he is already an existence beyond the human form, and it is naturally impossible for him to be affected by threats such as death. So soon, he recovered his composure and said coldly to Nick Fury.

“They won’t know what’s going on here. Even saying, they just count everything on your head.”

“Then you have to make sure that your subordinates are tight-lipped!” The same sneered expression. Nick Fury‘s look suddenly became weird. “I think you should not be the biggest head of Hydra. Think about it, if that guy knows that his own person is dead in your hands, what will you end up doing. Even your ghostly appearance can make you? Don’t be afraid of him. What about your subordinates, can they have any way to protect themselves?”

Nick Fury made those Hydra spies become suspicious in just a few words. In Hydra, there may be people who commit stupid deeds for the sake of ideals, but they are definitely not smart people. The real smart people know how to protect themselves.

People who can do high-tech work like spies are naturally smart people. So these smart people listened to what Nick Fury said, and immediately began to move their muzzles with a calm expression. At the same time, he began to look at the surrounding companions with a guarded look.

Everyone wants to live, and no one wants to be killed by his own cold gun. In this kind of situation where it is basically dying once exposed, in this kind of situation where the whistleblower may still leave a small life. Many people are starting to calculate for their own future.

Seeing the actions of his subordinates through the camera in the command room, Zola immediately sneered.

Nick Fury. Do you think your way of instigating discord will allow you to live from here? Don’t forget, even if they start fighting each other, you won’t be able to leave here alive. Your ending is doomed. That is death!”

“This is not necessarily true!”

At this time. Nick Fury suddenly raised an eyebrow and smiled. And following his voice, a silver lightning broke through the door. In an instant, I ran back and forth in this small command room.

The human sight can’t capture the true content of this silver lightning. Even with Dr. Zola’s old camera, he can only see a vague outline. And before he could distinguish clearly, everything was settled.

Quicksilver suddenly appeared and stood frivolously behind Nick Fury. When Nick Fury rubbed his wrist and stood up, there was no more Hydra member in the entire command room who could continue to stand.

“General! Dr. Zola. You have lost. If you don’t want me to ruin your stupid existence. You’d better cooperate with us honestly and answer my questions.”

“Is this your hole card? It is wonderful, but not necessarily useful.”

“Why, do you have any chance to come back?”

The same question, but a similar answer came.

“Remember what I told you you need to correct? The second point, who told you that I can only live in this place. My world is endless, you never want to arrest me!”

Zola’s voice has not yet fallen, and a huge roar has been heard from the entire base. Immediately afterwards, a ruthless flame erupted with the rumbling blasting sound, and instantly drowned everything in a sea of ​​flames. (To be continued~^~)

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